Pineham, Opposite North Willen Lake, Dragonflies

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Leader: Alan Nelson

Meet in the BMX car park off V11 Tongwell street promptly for 7.00 departure.
Main objective of visit to look for and record odonata on this site especially Platycnemis pennipes (White Legged Damselfly ) which Alan has recorded in reasonably good numbers considering the decline of this species over recent years. Once this was abundant along the River Ouzel (Lovat) and River Great Ouse.

Click here to find out more about the White Legged Damselfly project.

Many other species of invertebrates can be recorded here and other species: various warblers, possibly kingfisher and water shrew

GR : SP 883410.   Postcode: MK15 9LZ– not particularly helpful. Travelling north on V11 cross H5-A509-Portway. Turn 2nd left towards Willen lake and go under V11 to car park, on the east of V11.