Contact Us



Please use the following links to contact us:

Enquiries: – For general enquiries about the society please contact the secretary at or use this link:  General Enquiries

Note that we are not an animal welfare charity and so do not have the facilities or expertise to deal with or provide advice about wildlife health or wildlife rescues.  Please contact the RSPCA or a local wildlife rescue centre and they will be able to give the best advice. The wildlife rescue centre nearest to Milton Keynes is Tiggywinkles, Aston Road, Haddenham, HP17 8AF.
For advice/information about foxes, please contact the Fox Project

Membership: – For enquiries about new or existing membership please contact the membership secretary at

Sightings: Members – please submit your sightings with date, location and if possible a photograph to  or use this link:   Sightings

News and Articles: We welcome members’ contributions to the website, whether news, notes, articles, discussion pieces etc. Please submit them to the Web Editors at  or use this link:  Articles 

Photo Gallery: Members – please submit your photos to the Web Editors at for inclusion in the Website Gallery or use this link:  Photo Gallery

Website Management – For any issues with the website or how it is working, please contact the Webmaster at or use this link:  Website