Online Membership Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.To become a member of the Society the annual subscription is £25.00 for each adult. For those under 18 or aged 18-21 in f/t education membership is free, but please use this form to provide us with your details. If under 16 this will be on the form of the adult joining the Society. Subscriptions are renewable annually on 1st April. If you are joining during the course of the year and would like to find out about reduced membership rates, please indicate below. Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone NumberName (2nd Person)FirstLastEmailPhone NumberAddress Including Postcode *Children (first and last names and ages).Any Particular Wildlife Interests.Preferred Payment Method *Bank TransferChequeStanding OrderThe Society holds a membership list for administration and circulating programmes and newsletters. This list is circulated to members of the committee and at the discretion of the committee, to other members of the society, on a need to know basis. The list is not available to anyone outside the society. To enable us to conform with the Data Protection Act, please complete as applicable below............................................................................................................. Email Address Circulation *I/we do wish our email address to be shared with other society members.I/we do not wish our email address to be shared with other society members.Telephone Number Circulation *I /we do wish our telephone number to be shared with other society members.I /we do not wish our telephone number to be shared with other society members.Postal Address Circulation *I/we do wish our postal address to be shared with other society members.I/we do not wish our postal address to be shared with other society members.Communication *I/we wish to receive the Programme and other communications from the Society by Email.I/we do not wish to receive the Programme and other communications from the Society by Email.Thank You - Once we receive your form we will contact you to arrange payment method. Please use the space below for any additional queries.Submit