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Welcome to the Milton Keynes Natural History Society
We are a friendly, diverse group with about 100 members at present. The Society has been active in Milton Keynes since 1968 and we welcome new members.
The aims of the Society are:
- To promote public interest in wildlife
- To provide a meeting place for people with natural history interests
- To encourage the study and preservation of our flora and fauna
- To provide a forum for natural history debate
We run a full programme of weekly events. In summer, we meet on a Tuesday evening for outdoor walks/nature rambles, and in the winter months for indoor talks in the Cruck Barn at Bradwell Abbey. These events are open to all members and you are very welcome to come along to a few events before joining.
Winter Header photos:
Redwing (Photo © Bob Phillips), Cornus mas (Photo © Jagoda Zajac), Hogweed and Teasel