MKNHS Plant Group 2025 Events

A printable pdf file of this programme can be downloaded here.

Date and Time:

Sunday,  23 February 2025; 10.30am – 12.30pm


Howe Park Wood – Ancient Semi-natural  woodland

Leader & Co-leader:

Joe Clinch and Richard Schmidt

Car Parking: 

Meet in main car park for the Howe Park Wood Centre, off Chaffron Way, MK4 3GG. 

Car Park Grid reference SP 83040 34493.

Information about the location:

Howe Park Wood is site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) managed by The Parks Trust. Starting the 2025 plant group programme with a Winter ID of trees and plants beginning to bud and flower.

The site is very wet and muddy in winter, wellies are advised.  

For more information visit Howe Park Wood | The Parks Trust

Date and Time:

Sunday, 11th May 2025; 10.30am – 12.30pm


Rammamere Heath – Lowland heathland with sandy acid soils

Leader & Co-leader:

Di Parsons and Charles Kessler

Car Parking: 

Rammamere Heath Car park – Brickhill Rd, Heath and Reach, Leighton Buzzard LU7 0BA

Grid reference – SP 91736 29896
What 3 words:

Information about the location:

Site Location Grid reference SP 920 294

Plants Species to focus on heather, bilberry, acid grasses, town hall clock, lily of the valley.

For more information visit King’s Wood and Rammamere Heath | Wildlife Trust for Beds Cambs & Northants and

Heathland Trail | The Greensand Trust

Date and Time:

Sunday, 13 July 2025; 10.30am – 12.30pm


Pilch Field – Wet wildflower meadows

Leader & Co-leader:

Jenny Mercer and Charles Kessler

Car Parking: 

Parking along the road verges of Pilch Lane.
Grid ref: SP 749 321
What 3 words: more information visit Pilch Field | Berks Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust

Information about the location:

A 12 Ha site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) owned and managed by BBOWT with over 200 plants. It is grazed by cattle at relatively low density from 1st June to the end of November. 

Grasses and sedges, as well as wildflowers, will be examined on our visit, so hand lenses will be very useful (some spares are available and can be borrowed).  The aim of this mid-summer visit is to make a comparison between the Stonepit Field habitats studied last mid- summer.

Date and Time:

Sunday, 12 October 2025; 10.30am – 12.30pm


Shenley Wood – Ancient semi-natural woodland

Leader & Co-leader:

Carla Boswell and Jenny Mercer and/or Joe Clinch

Car Parking: 

Park and meet at Parks Trust Car Park, Off Merlewood Drive, Shenley Church End, MK5 6GG.

Information about the location:

A return visit to this ancient woodland in the Autumn to cover fruiting trees, nuts and seeds with a focus on ferns.
For more information visit Shenley Wood | The Parks Trust


Date all 10.30 to 12.30LocationHabitatLeader & Co-leaderCar ParkingInformation about the location
Sunday 23 February 2025Howe Park WoodAncient Semi-natural  Woodland

Joe Clinch

Richard Schmidt

Meet in main car park for the Howe Park Wood Centre, off Chaffron Way, MK4 3GG. 

Car Park Grid reference SP 83040 34493.

Howe Park Wood is site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) managed by The Parks Trust. Starting the 2025 plant group programme with a Winter ID of trees and plants beginning to bud and flower.

The site is very wet and muddy in winter, wellies are advised.  

For more information visit Howe Park Wood | The Parks Trust

11th May
Rammamere HeathLowland Heathland with sandy acid soils

Di Parsons

Charles Kessler

Rammamere Heath Car park – Brickhill Rd, Heath and Reach, Leighton Buzzard LU7 0BA

Grid reference – SP 91736 29896
What 3 words:

Site Location Grid reference SP 920 294

Plants Species to focus on heather, bilberry, acid grasses, town hall clock, lily of the valley.

For more information visit King’s Wood and Rammamere Heath | Wildlife Trust for Beds Cambs & Northants and

Heathland Trail | The Greensand Trust

Sunday 13 July Pilch FieldWet wildflower meadows

Jenny Mercer

Charles Kessler

Parking along the road verges of Pilch Lane.
Grid ref: SP 749 321
What 3 words:
For more information visit Pilch Field | Berks Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust

A 12 Ha site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) owned and managed by BBOWT with over 200 plants. It is grazed by cattle at relatively low density from 1st June to the end of November. 

Grasses and sedges, as well as wildflowers, will be examined on our visit, so hand lenses will be very useful (some spares are available and can be borrowed).  The aim of this mid-summer visit is to make a comparison between the Stonepit Field habitats studied last mid- summer.

Sunday 12th OctoberShenley WoodAncient Semi-Natural Woodland

Carla Boswell

Jenny Mercer and/or Joe Clinch

Park and meet at Parks Trust Car Park, Off Merlewood Drive, Shenley Church End, MK5 6GG.

A return visit to this ancient woodland in the Autumn to cover fruiting trees, nuts and seeds with a focus on ferns.
For more information visit Shenley Wood | The Parks Trust

Please note that Clause 7 of the Society’s constitution reads: ‘The Society will exercise due care when arranging its meetings and activities for the benefit of members. Members taking part in any meeting or activity do so at their own risk.’
