
The place to come for up-to-date news about the society, articles from members and other relevant news.

Please send all contributions to

Society News

This page contains news relating to the running of the society such as committee announcements, changes to the website, etc.

Members’ News

We hope that Society members will send in articles for publication to this page. These articles can be about any wildlife related topic that they would like to share with other members. For example, this page could contain articles about local wildlife you have seen whether in your garden or further afield; articles about specific species that you have some interest in; reviews of useful books or apps; requests to members for sightings or other info for particular research projects eg the swift project.

We hope that all members will be encouraged to send in their articles and not feel inhibited, this is your page and the more you contribute the more interesting it will become for us all.

Other News

This page is for other national or international news that is of interest and relevance to Society members. We welcome contributions to this page.