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What’s about – week of June 30th


Sainfoin flowering in meadow outside Howe Park Wood (HA)

Wood Vetch plentiful in woodland ridge, Campbell Park (MK)

Pyramidal Orchids at Howe Park Wood, Lodge Lake, Elfield Park, Blue Lagoon (HA/MK)

Bee Orchids everywhere! Especially plentiful at Stonepit, Great Linford.




Small Skipper, Marbled White, Meadow Brown and Ringlet now on the wing throughout MK.

Purple Hairstreak, North Bucks Way (24th June – MK. Earliest ever record)

White Letter Hairstreak – New Bradwell (25th June – Adrian Cadman)

Chimney Sweeper moths at Shenley Wood (24th – MK)

Six belted clearwing moths came to pheromone lures at Howe Park Wood (27th June – Darren Seaman/MK)



Water Stick Insect Ranatra linearis in pond at Tattenhoe (25th – HA, who took the pic below)

Water Stick Insect, Ranatra linearis

Water Stick Insect, Ranatra linearis







ODONATA (all these records HA)

Emperor Dragonfly – Oakhill Wood

Common Darters – Howe Park Wood and Tattenhoe Park

Brown Hawker – Howe Park Wood

Black-tailed Skimmer – Hazeley Wood

Beautiful Demoiselle (?) – Hazeley Wood



Peregrine pair with one well grown chick at Stadium:MK (28th June – Mike Wallen)

Goosander with 2 young – Olney (28th – Mike Wallen)

Cuckoo still calling & 2 Hobbies – Linford Lakes Nature Reserve (24th – MK)

Several pairs of Common Tern nesting on Willen Island (27th – MK)

Siskin – Tattenhoe (HA)

Red Kite – Tattenhoe (HA)

MK = Martin Kincaid (HA)

HA = Harry Appleyard (HA)


Ouse Valley Amble 23rd June

The weather was wonderful – one of those still balmy summers evenings that are rare indeed!

We set off at a leisurely pace past Olney church and the Mill house and along the beautiful river Ouse.  My one slight reservation about the walk was that the fields beside the river are full of rather large bullocks, but they are placid beasts and I wasnt particularly concerned. However what I didn’t count on was the presence of the farmer in his truck who had really stirred them up and at one point we had 50 plus huge beasts gambolling merrily around us  – not an experience for the faint-hearted!! But society members are a sturdy breed and no-one seemed unduly worried.

The river bank was alive with banded demoiselles, red eyed damselflies and other assorted damselflies and we even saw a signal crayfish lurking in the water (not such a welcome sighting). The evening really stepped up however when we spotted three hares in the field on the opposite bank, followed by a bevy of 30-40 twittering house martins collecting mud from the river’s edge and then a sparrowhawk flying over hoping to catch out an unwary martin. Common terns patrolled up and down the river occasionally plunging down into the water for minnows and we saw one male goosander and a few of the resident barnacle geese.

We ambled on to the bridge over the river to Clifton Reynes and managed to locate Roy’s slender tufted sedge down by the water’s edge. The river is lovely on this stretch as the opposite bank is wooded and was alive with birdsong (thrushes, chaffinches, black caps etc ) as the evening drew in. The reflections of the reeds and trees in the river were perfect as there was not a breath of wind.

Eventually we turned for home having had a truly magical evening.

Julie Lane

RSPB walk College Lake near Tring

On Sunday 5 July 2015 there will be a walk led by the local RSPB Group:

College Lake near Tring

Location: Meet at the reserve car park. SP936138.

A marvellous reserve, chalk pits, scrub and meadows with lots of wildflowers and butterflies as well as birds, plus a café for refreshments. Leader: Brian Lloyd.

Time: 10 am

Price: Small charge for parking

Telephone: 01908 502116


Link to the events page of the local RSPB group

MKNHS is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. You should check details of any events listed on external sites with the organisers.

Trip report Linford Lakes 16th June 2015

Members met at Linford Lakes, formerly known as Hanson Environmental Study Centre and a former location for indoor Society meetings, on a warm and sunny evening.
A number of routes lead to the three hides. The Near Hide offers viewing of nesting Sand Martins at a site intended for Kingfishers. The Woodland Hide offers viewing of bird feeders and a log pile for small mammals. There is more bird activity at this hide earlier in the day.
People chose their own routes, stopping at the hides as long as they wanted and no-one got lost. Things of most interest to me were damselflies, my first Marbled White butterfly of the year, a nymph of Roesel’s bush cricket, a red and black froghopper Cercopis vulnerata and a stinging nettle, unusual in having three, rather than two, leaves at each node on the stem.
A Blood vein moth was seen and some members who walked back along the access road were rewarded with a sighting of a Barn Owl.

Paul Lund (who took the photos below)

Froghopper Cercopis vulnerata

Froghopper Cercopis vulnerata

Aberrant Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica

Aberrant Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica

Nymph of Roesel's Bush Cricket Metrioptera roeselii

Nymph of Roesel’s Bush Cricket Metrioptera roeselii

Azure Damselfly Coenagrion puella

Azure Damselfly Coenagrion puella

Banded Demoiselle Calopteryx splendens

Banded Demoiselle Calopteryx splendens

Marbled White Melanargea galathea

Marbled White Melanargea galathea

What’s About – week of 23rd June




Wood Whites (55+) at Salcey Forest

Large Skipper at Linford Wood

Red Admiral at Linford Wood

Marbled White at Linford Lakes NR

Click on any of the pictures for a larger image.

Seen in Brian and Val Ellis’s garden at Morton’s Fork:

15/06/22    Painted Lady and Brimstone

22/06/15    2 Small tortoises, Red Admiral, 2 Small Coppers, 3 Holly blues
A pair of Wood Whites mating in Salcey Forest, by Peter Hassett 16Jun15

A pair of Wood Whites mating in Salcey Forest, by Peter Hassett 16Jun15

Red Admiral at Linford Wood

Red Admiral at Linford Wood by Peter Hassett 16Jun15

Large Skipper at Linford Wood

Large Skipper at Linford Wood by Peter Hassett 16Jun15

Updated Trip Report to Atterbury/Broughton Brook 09Jun15

About 25 Milton Keynes Natural History Society members assembled in the Coachway car-park for a visit to Atterbury and a small section of the Broughton Brook on 9th June 2015. It was a cool and windy evening which did not favour invertebrates but we saw 33 species of bird, a wide range of tree and plant species, a few mammals, an amphibian, and some insects. Both Buckinghamshire County Botanical Recorders were on the walk so they compiled a significant plant list of 117 vascular plants, aside from the 20 tree and shrub species identified by the tree group. We also had experienced birders with us who noted 230 birds of 33 bird species. Many joined one or other of the recording groups for the evening, covering: trees & shrubs (Gordon Redford), flowering plants (Andy McVeigh & Roy Maycock); invertebrates & mammals (Jo Handford & Julie Lane), birds (Harry Appleyard & Ian Saunders). Each of the recording groups compiled a species list and these are being forwarded to the Bucks County Records Office (BMERC) and to The Parks Trust. All the areas we walked are managed by The Parks Trust, which took ownership of the site from the Homes & Communities Agency in 2012.

Our route took us on a Leisure path across a bridge over the Broughton Brook, then alongside the Brook under the A5130 Wavendon to Northfield roundabout road. Here we saw a pair of Grey Wagtail (which were still there when we returned). We took a path from the bridge, behind the Regis office building which faces H6 and alongside a meadow. Here there were unusual tree species planted alongside the path, including: Quince Cydonia oblonga and Medlar Mespilus germanica. As we walked around the far end of this a Fox was sighted but it soon slipped through the fence into woodland. Our route was then a series of circuitous grass paths through the Atterbury site which is a complex mosaic of wet woodland, dense scrub, ponds and Willow carr. There were plenty of birds singing and calling. Bird highlights were a Little Egret perched high on a large Willow, clearly visible from the long boardwalk over a drying-out pond by Bressingham Gate. Another Little Egret was circling it above. Then our attention turned to a Kingfisher perched on a low branch, just visible through the reeds. In the pond in front of that there was a quantity of Yellow Iris (Flag) Iris pseudacorus and egg-yolk yellow Great Yellow-cress Rorippa amphibia. From the boardwalk we walked around the outside edges of the Atterbury site, which had occasional wooden posts along it with discs indicating that this is the proposed route of the Bedford to Milton Keynes Canal. We left this route when we reached the Broughton allotments and diverted into a recently-managed area of dried-out pond where Willows, that had grown out of the middle of the pond leaning at low angles, had been cut back to grow again. Here was our sighting of a single Common Frog Rania temporaria.

Our route was then in the more open areas alongside the Broughton Brook. On the west side of the Brook by a footbridge we spotted a large cluster of Giant Hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum. As this is an invasive plant on Schedule 9 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 list of species to be controlled, its presence was reported to The Parks Trust. They have been aware of these plants and have been carrying out control measures each year, but it can take years to eliminate these plants from a site. They have reduced the number by about half over the last couple of years. Advice of the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat is that “Contact with any part of this plant must be avoided as even minute amounts of sap can cause blistering of the skin following exposure to sunlight”. We followed the Brook, first southward, then across a footbridge to the old Broughton village, then northwards, back to the bridge over the A5130, under it, returning to the Coachway to finish a very satisfactory evening visit.

The following links will take you to the records submitted to BMERC:

Plant List
Bird List
Invertebrates, mammals and reptiles list

Click on any of the pictures for a larger image.

Photos by Peter Hassett unless captioned otherwise



Frog with ear infection

Frog with ear infection by Julian Lambley

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What’s About – week of 16th June


Red Kite – Tattenhoe

Hobby – Tattenhoe Park

Peregrine – Granby (all Harry Appleyard)

Common Terns with 3 chicks at Stony Stratford N.R. (15h, MK)

2 Black Terns, 1 Mediterranean Gull at Summerleys Nature Reserve (14th)

Barn Owl reported from Bury Field, Newport Pagnell (9th June)

Kingfisher Broughton Brook 9th June (Julian Lambley)



Fox Broughton Brook 9th June – Julian Lambley




Emperor Dragonflies – Tattenhoe – Harry Appleyard


Large Skippers – Tattenhoe

Painted Lady – Tattenhoe

Dingy Skipper – Tattenhoe Park

Brown Argus – Tattenhoe Park

Small Coppers – Tattenhoe (all Harry Appleyard)

Hummingbird Hawk-moth in Wolverton Garden – 10th June, Eddie Edwards

Green Hairstreak, Common Blue, Small Heath and Dingy Skipper butterflies – Sandhouse Quarry – 10th June, MK/Helen Wilson

Painted Lady – Stony Stratford Nature Reserve – 15th June, MK.

Small Blues out at Stonepit, Great Linford – 11th June, Janice Robertson



Wasp Beetle Clytus arietus – in conservatory in Oldbrook – 11th June, MK




Bee Orchids out at Elfield Park, Stonepit and Linford Lakes Nature Reserve.

Wild Thyme coming into flower at Stonepit (15th June)

What’s About 09Jun15

As Steve is on holiday, I have produced a summary of sightings since his last report on 26May15. It would be nice to receive more reports from members of the Society.


01Jun15 Turnstone – Willen Lake South, Willen Lakes Robert Norris (BBC)
02Jun15 Blackcap feeding a fledgling in Sherwood drive in Bletchley Dave Essame  (NBBR)


29May15 Humming bird hawk moth – Olney Julie Lane
07Jun15 A full survey of Salcey Forest by D.Goddard and D.James produced 94 Wood Whites. Most of the activity around the Piddington crossroads – (BNBC)
07Jun15 Red Admiral was seen egg laying in Salcey Forest – (BNBC)

BBC – Buckinghampshire Bird Club
BNBC – Bedfordshire & Northamptonshire branch of Butterfly Conservation
NBBR – North Bucks Birding

Birds Recorded at Stony Stratford Nature Reserve walk 26May15


Great Crested Grebe                                                                     Long Tailed Tit

Grey Heron                                                                                     Willow Warbler

Cormorant                                                                                      Garden Warbler

Mute Swan                                                                                      Blackcap

Canada Goose (with young)                                                        Common Whitethroat

Mallard (with young)                                                                    Chiffchaff

Tufted Duck                                                                                   Reed Warbler

Coot (on nest)                                                                                Sedge Warbler

Moorhen                                                                                         Chaffinch

Oystercatcher (on nest)                                                                Goldfinch

Lapwing                                                                                           Greenfinch

Common Tern (on nest)                                                               Bullfinch

Pheasant                                                                                         House Sparrow

Woodpigeon                                                                                   Reed Bunting

Great Spotted Woodpecker





Song Thrush



Blue Tit

Great Tit

Many thanks to Martin Kincaid for supplying the list of birds identified at the Society’s recent trip to Stony Stratford Nature Reserve

RSPB walk Stony Stratford Nature Reserve

On Sunday 14 June 2015 there will be a walk led by the local RSPB Group:

Stony Stratford Nature Reserve

Location: Meet at the car park off Queen Eleanor Street, opposite Ryeland. SP787412.

A Parks Trust reserve for water birds and possible kingfisher. Leader: Chris Ward.

Time: 10 am

Price: Free

Telephone: 01908 502116


Link to the events page of the local RSPB group

MKNHS is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. You should check details of any events listed on external sites with the organisers.

RSPB Walk Calvert Jubilee

On Wednesday 03 June 2015 there will be a walk led by the local RSPB Group:

Calvert Jubilee

Location: Meet at the reserve car park. SP682251.

Summer visitors, red kites, and a chance of butterflies, snakes and lizards. Leader: Brian Pratt

Time: 10 am

Price: Free

Telephone: 01908 502116


Link to the events page of the local RSPB group

MKNHS is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. You should check details of any events listed on external sites with the organisers.

What’s About – week of 26 May 2015


Horseshoe Vetch, Kidney Vetch, Common Broomrape, Globularia vulgaris in flower at Stonepit Field. Fine display of Ramsons in Stonepit Copse (24th). (Martin Kincaid)




Broad-Bodied Chasers – Tattenhoe Park


Four-Spotted Chasers – Tattenhoe Park (both Harry Appleyard)



Burnet Companion, Mother Shipton and Small White Wave at Stonepit Field (24th).

Common Heath, Clouded Border at Sandhouse Lane Quarry (also 14 spot Ladybird) (25th)

6 x Wood Whites at Salcey Forest 22nd (Julie Lane)

Common Blue Butterflies – Tattenhoe Park (Harry Appleyard)


Small Heath – Kingsmead Wood (Harry Appleyard)



2 Tawny Owl fledglings at Howe Park Wood.

Pair of Garganey, pair of Little Ringed Plover, 3 Barn Owls, Cuckoo at Linford Lakes (24th) Osprey through on 25th.

Little Ringed Plovers observed mating and preparing nest scrapes at Manor Farm Quarry (23rd)

Oystercatcher and Common Terns nesting at Stony Stratford Nature Reserve.

(above all Martin Kincaid)

Marsh Tit – Oakhill Wood (Harry Appleyard)


Cuckoo – Oakhill Wood (24th May) (Harry Appleyard)


Hobby – Oakhill Wood (24th) (Harry Appleyard)

A great white egret at Summer Leys 21/5/2015 (Julie Lane)

21/5 : 2 Grey Partridge : Little Linford Wood (Rob Hill, Bucks Birders)

20/5 : 2 Garganey : Linford Reserve, Linford GPs.Long staying pair. (Rob Hill, Bucks Birders)

19/5 : Goosander : Manor Farm Quarry. Female over east. Presume one of the Olney birds.
(Rob Hill, Bucks Birders)


Permits for Linford Lakes NR

The Parks Trust have advised that permit renewals and new permits can now be purchased online at the Parks Trust website. The link for this can be found here:-

The old key locks have been removed on the hides. They have been replaced by new combination keypads which should make the hides more secure and will also ensure that only current fully paid up members are able to access them.

Permit holders will also be asked in future to carry proof of their permit when visiting the hides. This will enable Parks Trust staff to quickly ascertain who should and should not be on the reserve.

Any questions relating to this please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards

James Walsh
Education Ranger
T: 01908 255362

Lost and Found

Found after the Society Walk on 19th May at Little Linford Wood


1 pair small black trainers. Please contact the Society at if you are, or know, the owner.

Trip Report to Little Linford Wood 19 May 2015

The day had been cold, breezy with some heavy downpours so it was nice to see 23 members turn up for the walk at our nearest BBOWT reserve.

Our walk leaders Joe Clinch and Phil Sarre gave an introductory talk on the history of the woods and an outline of what we were likely to see. You can find more details about the woods on our Little Linford Wood and Dormouse pages.

Phil explained that a timber contractor bought the wood and brought in heavy machinery to fell the old oak trees. “Luckily” the contractor felled a tree that was owned by a local farmer who went to court and gained an injunction to stop any more felling.

The farmer was a keen naturalist and suggested to Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Naturalists Trust (now called Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust) that they acquire the site. Money was raised to buy the wood and BBOWT set about the task of replanting.

It was also the **th birthday of our President, Roy Maycock and he was presented with a pile of birthday cards much to his surprise and delight.

There was a lot of Dog’s Mercury growing in the wood and Roy was able to point out the differences between the male and female flowers. This link will provide more detail. Roy has also provided a list of plants in flower at the time of our visit.

Simon Bunker managed to find first instars of Roesel’s bush-cricket (Metrioptera roeselii) and striped bush cricket (Leptophyes albovittata).

Towards the end of the walk, in the ploughed fields bordering the wood we were able to see a pair of hares.

If you would like to read more information about the wood, please visit our Little Linford Wood and Dormouse Project pages.

Click on any of the pictures for a larger image.

Pictures from top to bottom:
Little Linford Wood Nature Reserve map
The pre-walk briefing
Roy receiving his birthday cards
The group sets off down one of the rides
Female Dog’s Mercury
Herb Paris
Ragged Robin
Saint George’s mushroom>
First instar Roesel’s bush cricket
White Bugle
Our secretary on a Deer shooting platform (gamekeeper turner poacher??)

Photos by Peter Hassett

15052575 Saint George’s mushroom

Butterfly Walk – Stonepit Field 24 May 2015

Our very own Martin Kincaid will be leading a butterfly walk for Butterfly Conservation Upper Thames Branch (BCUTB) on Sunday 24th May 2015, 11.00am-2.00pm at Stonepit Field, Great Linford, Milton Keynes, Bucks.

Stonepit Field is an area of open grassland including a limestone scrape. It is a good site for the Small Blue and other grassland butterflies. Meet in Stonepit car park.

(BCUTB) have said that non-members are welcome to attend our events. If you do so, please make yourself known to the event organiser/leader.

Location: Nearest postcode: MK14 5AL; ; grid reference SP845423; Google Maps

Leader and Contact: Martin Kincaid tel: 01908 235362

MKNHS is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. You should check details of any events listed on external sites with the organisers.

Trip to Pilch Field 12May15

Pilch Field is a SSSI managed by BBOWT with a rich mosaic of habitats, including 200+ plants. 27 members of the Society gathered on a lovely warm evening for our walk was led by Ann Biggins, Roy Maycock & Jenny Mercer.

Jenny has kindly provided this overview of Pilch Field:

Plants with specific requirements for calcareous/basic conditions or acidic conditions or neutral conditions have found their niches.

Care needs to be taken in waterlogged and damp areas as it’s all too easy to sink deeply into the  very soft silts .

On the well drained ridge and furrow areas there were fine displays of Green Winged Orchids which need neutral and well drained conditions, and many cowslips.

Early Marsh Orchids in small numbers have appeared recently in damper areas.

The atypical fern Adders Tongue is locally abundant especially in the furrows and other damp areas.

Other plants of note in mid May are the Marsh Valerian, Purple Moor-grass, cuckoo flower, marsh-marigold, ladies bedstraw, meadow vetchling,  salad burnet,  birds foot trefoil, green winged  orchid and common Milkwort (Milkwort only in Little Pilch – through gate in smaller field).

Later in the year the fields are very colourful – highlights being rest harrow, scabious and daisy.

Please note cattle are used to manage the fields from June to November.  do not take  dogs into the fields  as cows and their calves are usually present.

Roy has kindly provided a list of plants which were seen in flower during the walk:

Ajuga reptans Bugle
Anacamptis morio Green-winged Orchid
Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal-grass
Anthriscus sylvestris Cow Parsley
Avenula pratensis Meadow Oat-grass
Caltha palustris Marsh-marigold
Cardamine pratensis Cuckooflower
Carex flacca Glaucous Sedge
Car ex panicea Carnation Sedge
Conopodium majus Pignut
Crataegus monogya Hawthorn
Dactylorhiza incarnata Early Marsh-orchid
Luzula campestris Field Wood-rush
Polygala vulgaris Common Milkwort
Poterium sanguisorba Salad Burnet
Primula veris Cowslip
Ranunculus acris Meadow Buttercup
Rumex acetosa Common Sorrel
Taraxacum agg. Dandelion(s)
Valeriana dioica Marsh Valerian

Click on any of the pictures for a larger image.

Pictures from top to bottom:
Discrete sign for Pilch Field Nature Reserve
Jenny leading the group around one of the two fields
A group of Green Winged Orchids
Close up of a Green Winged Orchid
Salad Burnet
Drinker Moth Caterpillar
One of the many clumps of cowslips

Photos by Peter Hassett

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What’s About – week of 12 May 2015

BIRDS (any information about anything else most welcome!)

The Peregrine pair are sitting on eggs at Stadium:MK!
Curlew Sandpiper and Wood Sandpiper among the many waders at Manor Farm Quarry.
Tawny Owl on eggs at Howe Park Wood (seen by several members on recent Society trip)
Nightingale still present at Blue Lagoon Nature Reserve as of 9th May. Singing well between car park and edge of lake.
Swifts now arriving in huge flocks. Well over 100 present at Willen Lake North on 9th May.
Arctic Terns on passage at Willen and Linford Lakes.
Spotted Flycatchers seen at Stony Stratford NR and Linford Lakes in past week.

Thanks to Martin Kincaid for this information.

RSPB walk Summer Leys, Northants

On Sunday 17 May 2015 there will be a walk led by the local RSPB Group:

Location: Meet at the reserve car park, off the A509 opposite Wollaston. SP 885634.

One of the best small reserves in the region. Always plenty of birds, we expect 40+ species. Last year, two great egrets and a long-tailed duck were seen. Not to be missed! Leader: Chris Coppock.

Time: 10 am

Price: Free

Telephone: 01908 502116


Link to the events page of the local RSPB group

MKNHS is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. You should check details of any events listed on external sites with the organisers.

Trip to Howe Park Wood 05 May 2015

On 15May15, 20 members of the Society gathered on a blustery evening for the first outdoor event of our 2015 summer season. A walk around Howe Park Wood led by Gordon Redford.

Gordon decided to give the walk a botanic theme. We were split into three groups. Each group had a notepad and a clicker to record the number of different plant species identified. There was a competition to see which group identified the most plants.

Martin Kincaid had arranged for the group to visit the Milton Keynes Parks Trust impressive new Education and Visitor Centre at the end of the walk for tea and biscuits.

Roy has kindly provided a list of plants seen during the walk:

Acer campestre Field Maple
Ajuga reptans Bugle
Alopecurus pratensis Meadow Foxtail
Anemone nemorosa Wood Anemone
Angelica sylvestris Wild Angelica
Anthriscus sylvestris Cow Parsley
Arctium minus Lesser Burdock
Arum maculatum Lords-and-Ladies
Brachypodium sylvaticum False Brome
Cardamine pratensis Cockooflower
Carexpendula Pendulous Sedge
Carey, remota Remote Sedge
Car ex sylvatica Wood Sedge
Carpinus betula Hornbeam
Chamerion angustifolium Rosebay Willowherb
Circaea lutetiana Enchanter’s Nightshade
Cirsium arvense Creeping Thistle
Cirsium palustre Marsh Thistle
Clematis vitalba Traveller’s-joy
Cornus sanguinea Dogwood
Corylus avellana Hazle
Crataegus monogyna Hawthorn
Dactylis glomerata Cock’s-foot
Dactylorhiza fuchsii Common Spotted-orchid
Deschampsia cespitosa Tufted Hair-grass
Dryopteris dilatata Broad Buckler-fern
Dryopteris fllix-mas Male Fern
Epilobium hirsutum Great Willowherb
Ficaria verna Lesser Celandine
Filipendula ulmaria Meadowsweet
Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry
Fraxinus excelsior Ash
Galium aparine Cleavers
Geranium robertianum Herb-Robert
Geum urbanum Wood Avens
Hedera helix Ivy
Heracleum sphondylium Hogweed
Hyancinthoides non-scripta Bluebell
Juncus effusus Soft Rush
Lapsana communis Nipplewort
Lonicera periclymenum Honeysuckle
Lysimachia nummularia Creeping-Jenny
Malus sylvestris Crab Apple
Mercurialis perennis Dog’s Mercury
Milium effusum Wood Millet
Orchis mascula Early Purple-orchid
Plantago major Greater Plantain
Poa annua Annual Meadow-grass
Poa nemoralis Wood Meadow-grass
Populus tremula Aspen
Potentilla anserina Silverweed
Primula vulgaris Primrose
Prunus spinosa Blackthorn
Quercus robur Pedunculate Oak
Ranunculus auricomus Goldilocks Buttercup
Ranunculus repens Creeping Buttercup
Ribes rubrum Red Currant
Rosa arvensis Field Rose
Rosa canina agg. Dog Rose(s)
Rubus fruticosus agg. Bramble(s)
Rubus idaeus Raspberry
Rumex sanguineus Wood Dock
Salix caprea Goat Willow
Sambucus nigra Elder
Senecio jacobaea Common Ragwort
Silene flos-cuculi Ragged-Robin
Stachys sylvatica Hedge Woundwort
Stellaria holostea Geater Stitchwort
Tamus communis Black Bryony
Taraxacum agg. Dandelion(s)
Urtica dioica Stinging Nettle
Viburnum opulus Guelder Rose
Vicia septum Bush Vetch
Viola riviniana Common Dog-violet
Fagus sylvatica* Beech
Rhamnus cathartica* Buckthorn
Symphoricarpos albus* Snowberry

*indicates an unconfirmed record

Click on any of the pictures for a larger image.

Pictures from top to bottom:
Start of the walk at the new Education and Visitors centre
Insect Hotel in the wall of the visitor centre
New pond dipping platform by the visitor centre
Map of Howe Park Wood
Bluebells and Greater Stitchwort
Dogs Mercury
Photos by Peter Hassett

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RSPB Farming & Wildlife at Hope Farm

On Thursday 14 May 2015 there will be a presentation hosted by the local RSPB Group:

‘Farming and Wildlife at Hope Farm’ – Darren Moorcroft

Location: The Cruck Barn, City Discovery Centre, Bradwell Abbey, Milton Keynes
Postcode: MK13 9AP (Google map)

Darren is Head of Species and Habitats Conservation, RSPB. In 1999, the RSPB bought Hope Farm – since then they have used it to show that increasing crop yields and increasing species can be combined. As Natural England said recently ‘Farmlands birds are returning, the local environment is in great shape and field margins are buzzing’. AGM.

Time: Doors open 7.15 pm for a prompt 7.45 pm start

Price: Group Members £2.50, Non-Members £3.50, Children £1

Telephone: 01908 669448


 Link to the events page of the local RSPB group

MKNHS is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. You should check details of any events listed on external sites with the organisers.

Moths found at Linford Lakes NR April 2015

Gordon Redford has kindly supplied pictures of some of the moths found at Linford Lakes Nature Reserve (formerly known as Hanson Environmental Study Centre).

Click on any picture for a larger view. Click on the back button in your browser to return to this page.

Why not send in your photos so that we can all enjoy them on this site.

Twin-spotted Quaker moth

Twin-spotted Quaker by Gordon Redford taken at Linford Lakes NR 03Apr15

Pine Beauty moth

Pine Beauty by Gordon Redford taken at Linford Lakes NR 14Apr15

Purple Thorn moth

Purple Thorn by Gordon Redford taken at Linford Lakes NR 16Apr15

Streamer moth

Streamer moth by Gordon Redford taken at Linford Lakes NR 25Apr15

Swallow Prominent moth

Swallow Prominent by Gordon Redford at Linford Lakes NR

Guess the goose updated

photographed in Emberton Park by Julie Lane.

Hybrid goose

Above is a photo of a goose taken by Julie Lane on 4th May. I think it may be a cross between a Canada and a domestic goose as both are in the park but maybe its just a melanistic Canada goose. He/she was all alone so obviously not accepted as a partner by any other self respecting goose!

Ian Saunders has has emailed that in his opinion “Guess the Goose” in News – despite its slim build, I don’t think that Julie’s bird is a Canada hybrid, as all the ones I have ever seen have been dark, and look more like Canadas “gone off” than this mainly white bird (which would be albinistic, rather than melanistic).

Judging by its leg and bill colouration (which are both dark in Canadas), I would guess that it’s more likely simply an “ugly” domestic goose, or a hybrid between two (or more) domestic breeds.”

Ian invites other members to submit their opinions on the bird in Julie’s photo.

10May15 Julie’s response:
“In reply to Ian’s interesting and welcome contribution  I would just add that the reason I thought it might be a hybrid between Canadas and domestic geese is that historically those two hang around together in mixed flocks in the park and have done for many years. I thought that this might be the result of so much hanging around together!! He/she seems to be a slimline version of the domestic white geese (the ribbed affect on the neck is also a domestic goose attribute) with some dark feathers thrown in. I should have checked my terminology re the use of the word ‘melanistic’ which I was a bit worried about at the time, but when you think about it this goose could also be a very slim melanistic domestic goose or a albinistic canada goose!! Haha!!”

BTO Ringing Scheme

BTOIMG_0486Whilst on holiday this Easter walking the south coast path I came across this kittiwake in trouble. Whilst I couldn’t really do anything to help the poor bird other than move it off the path away from marauding dogs, I noticed it was ringed and sent the details in to the BTO. A few days ago I received this information (see below) about the bird which was really interesting. Kittiwakes spend their winters out in the Atlantic often as far away as the Grand Banks so maybe this bird was on its way back to breed on Scilly and got into trouble. It was easy to go on the BTO’s website and complete the form and good to get the information back from them. At least they can use this information and the bird’s life was not entirely wasted.

Ringing Scheme: London Ring Number: ET70368 Species of bird: Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)

This bird was ringed by RSPB as age at least 3 years, sex unknown on 16-Jul-2010 time unknown at St Martins, Isles of Scilly, UK

OS Map reference SV9416 accuracy 0, co-ordinates 49deg 58min N 6deg 16min W accuracy 1.

It was found on 28-Mar-2015 time unknown at Branscombe, Sidmouth, Devon, UK

OS Map reference SY2088 accuracy 0, co-ordinates 50deg 41min N 3deg 8min W accuracy 0.

Finding condition: Sick or injured: fate unknown

Finding circumstances: Found Sick

Extra Information: Unable to fly


Some interesting facts discovered from BTO ringing data….

Oldest bird – Manx shearwater, 50 yrs 11 months

Furthest travelled – Arctic Tern from Wales to Australia 18,000 km

Strangest recovery – Osprey ring found in stomach of a crocodile in The Gambia!

Julie Lane


Hollington Wood Bluebell Day

Hollington Wood will be open all day (1000-1800) for our traditional ‘Bluebell Day’ on the early May Bank Holiday Monday, May 4th.

“We’d love to see you up in the wood this bank holiday, we’ve laid on some treats for you

The wood will be open 10am-6pm and we will be doing:

  • Guided walks at about 11.30am & 2.30pm
  • Bird-ringing (mostly in the morning but Nick may be persuaded to carry on into the afternoon);
  • Bee observation hive with Jeff around to talk bee-keeping in the afternoon;
  • Jess’s kids adventures at the bell tent all day;
  • Admire the new privacy screen to our composting loos(!!!);
  • Ro Bailey will be exhibiting his wonderful woodcraft;
  • Our beautiful Indian firebowls and accessories will be on display and available to purchase on the day;
  • Read/discuss/ comment on our new 10 year management plan;
  • and, of course, wander and explore when the bluebells are at their absolute peak…
  • Refreshments will include a wide variety of home-made/cooked fare (incl. nettle soup and primrose wine as long as it lasts) but more normal stuff like hot dogs and cakes will also be available;

Don’t rely on it but the weather even looks OK – mainly dry & bright they are saying – but it might be quite chilly and dodgy later in the afternoon.

Some Car Parking spaces still available but these need to be booked in advance (through Philip 07762 441275).
Absolutely no parking on the grass verge of the farm road please – it caused us a big problem last year!

We all look forward to seeing you up in the woods on Monday.

Hollington Wood, Olney, Bucks, MK46 5JH

Hollington Wood website


Nature Detectives Exhibition

Bucks County Museum in Aylesbury is holding a Nature Detectives Exhibition from 25th July to 31st October and have requested that the society and its members take part in the exhibition whose purpose is to explore Buckinghamshire’s wildlife and the people who help record, conserve and promote it. To find out more about this exhibition and how you can become involved, click on the link and download further information and a form to send back to Mike Palmer at the museum.

We have a lot of expertise and enthusiasm in the society so hopefully we can make a useful contribution as a group.

What’s About – Week of 28 April 2015


(all data from Harry Appleyard)

Garden Warblers – Tattenhoe Park

Red Kites – Tattenhoe

Lesser Whitethroat – Howe Park Wood

Sedge Warbler – Howe Park Wood

Wheatear – Whaddon

Raven – Oakhill Wood

House Martins – Manor Farm

Common Terns – Manor Farm

Red Kite – Manor Farm


(data from Harry Appleyard, Brian Ellis and Paul Lund)


Holly Blue – Oakhill Wood (Harry)

Red Admiral – Oakhill Wood (Harry)

Cinnabar moth Tyria jacobaeae – Bancroft (27th – Paul)

Eggs of Brimstone butterfly Gonepteryx rhamni and Orange tip Anthocharis cardamines are on their food plants in Paul’s garden.

Speckled Wood, Male and Female Holly Blue (Brian)


Large Red Damselflies – Tattenhoe Park and Howe Park Wood – Large Reds have been out for a couple of weeks now (Harry).


Hedgehog shenanigans!!

Having got home late from the MKNHS plant sale/Amphibians evening I heard a strange snuffly grunting noise in my garden. On closer inspection this turned out to be a large hedgehog circling strangely around some ornamental grasses next to my back door. It ignored a tasty meaty snack I put out for him and continued to mess around seemingly having more important things on its mind. Eventually I went out again with a torch and a camera only to find that there were indeed two large hedgehogs in my garden in the process of …………. well the photo speaks for itself!!! I am delighted, as I try to so hard to make my garden wildlife friendly and even scraped a hole under my fence last year for hedgehogs to access the garden. It seems to have worked!! Maybe there will be some little hoglets trotting around my garden later in the year. Julie

What’s About – week of 21 April 2015


1st Cuckoo heard by Di Parsons – Heath & Reach, 19th April

Peregrine x2 at Stadium:MK (just signed up for the Dons)

3 Lapwing nests at Stony Stratford Nature Reserve

Wader passage in full swing at Manor Farm, Old Wolverton. In the past week, Avocets, Curlew, Dunlin, Black Tailed Godwit, Ringed Plovers and 6 Redshank.

Most warblers now back including Whitethroats, Sedge Warblers and Willow Warblers.




Holly Blue, Speckled Wood and Orange Tip butterflies on wing.


Great Diving beetles Dytiscus marginalis common in ponds at Linford Lakes.


Sawfly (Possibly Abia lonicerae)




Roe Deer seen at Elfield Park and Shenley Wood (both 17th, Parks Trust staff)

Water Shrew found under tin – Linford Lakes (Martin K, 15th)



Grass Snakes – Tattenhoe

Images of the Eagle Nebula

Eagle Nebula

Eagle Nebula

In 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope captured an image of the towers of gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula that came to be known as the ‘Pillars of Creation’. In  January 2015 an updated version of that now-iconic image was released at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle, Washington. Click here for some amazing photos.

Linford Lakes Nature Reserve Slide Show 22 April 2015

Linford Lakes Nature Reserve (formerly known as Hanson Environmental Study Centre) will be hosting a presentation and slide show on Wednesday 22nd April. Doors Open 19:15hrs for 19:30 hrs start.

“South East Africa: some observations of extremes, three months in city, savannah and slum”

Carys Miller will talk about her Gap Year experiences in Africa.

She is now studying English at Oxford.

Friends and Family welcome,

£2:00 each, includes tea or coffee.

Trip report Kew Gardens 12 Apr 2015

On Sunday 12 April 2015, 20 members of the Society caught the 8:40 train to Harrow & Wealdstone, where we changed to the London Overground to Willesden Junction. There we caught our third and final train to Kew Gardens station. The gardens themselves were just a ten minute walk from the station.The day was dry and sunny. There was a cool breeze but things warmed up nicely during the day (too warm if you ventured into the Palm House – it was fun to see the stream of members exiting the Palm House and heading for the lake to cool down!)

Once we had paid our entrance fees (half price as we had travelled by train) we had a drink in the café and consulted the maps of the garden before setting off. Some of the group decided to do their own thing and other followed Martin Kincaid’s expert tour of the garden.

The first stop was at the gallery of botanic art, stopping to watch a Goldcrest on the way. Next we headed towards the Pagoda where we saw a couple of Green Woodpeckers in a hole in a tree. Plenty of rose-ringed parakeets were also evident.

We then headed west in the direction of the Thames in the hope of seeing Bluebells and Snake Head Fritillaries. There were some lovely Cherry trees in full bloom by the Japanese Gardens and a couple of empty benches so we stopped for lunch and enjoyed a picnic.

We decided to take in Queen Charlotte’s Cottage, which meant passing through one of the children’s play areas. The entrance was flanked with a willow sculpture of mushrooms (Magic Mushrooms?).

Kew has an interesting Badger sett, it is scaled up so that humans can explore the sett and see how the badgers live. A number of our group decided to explore the sett – poor Arthur managed to bang his head on the roof a couple of times.

We saw another Goldcrest at Queen Charlotte’s Cottage but we were too early for the Bluebells. When we reached the Thames there were great views of Syon House. We walked north and were rewarded with great views of Snake Head Fritillaries in bloom.

The next stop was the White Peaks Café. After tea/coffee members split up and wandered around the grounds. I decided to go on the Treetop Walkway. The walkway sways a lot in the strong breeze and, at times, I had to hold onto the handrail – this made me think of the Millennium Footbridge over the Thames. The climb to the top of the walkway is worth it with great views over the park and London. The structure of the walkway itself is interesting and the design of the supports has been chosen to blend in with the trees.

We saw Holly Blue, orange tip and Comma butterflies. In addition to the Goldcrests we were treated to the spectacle of two Sparrowhawks in flight chasing a duck. There were plenty of waders in evidence. These included a pair of Egyptian Geese with four goslings, a pair of Little Grebes, Long-tailed tits, Tufted Ducks and a Red-crested Pochard.

We all met up at 4:15pm at the entrance to return to Kew Gardens Station. This was an unfortunate choice of meeting place as there were shops nearby. Martin had to go and extract some members of the group from the shops so that we could make our 4:40pm train. We had a good journey back to Milton Keynes arriving at 6:40pm, very tired, but glad that we had such a great day out.

I would like to thank Martin Kincaid for organising the event and for keeping smiling whilst leading the group (the popular expression “herding cats” springs to mind). Paul Lund for providing timetables and everyone who attended for their company and shared knowledge on the day.

Please look at the gallery for more images taken on the day.

Peter (admin) Hassett


First stop for tea and cake.

First stop for tea and cake.

Pagoda at Kew Gardens



Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden

Lunch by the Japanese Garden at Kew

Lunch by the Japanese Garden

Arthur exiting the badger sett

Arthur exiting the badger sett

Snake's Head Fritillary

Snake’s Head Fritillary

What’s About 14 April 2015


Sand Martins investigating nesting bank at Linford Lakes.

Up to 4 Barn Owls hunting over Stanton Low fields at dusk.

Blackcaps, Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs and Swallows now throughout MK.

2 Redshank, nesting Oystercatcher – Stony Stratford Nature Reserve (13th)




Water Ladybird Anisosticta novemdecimpunctata found while clearing pond at Atterbury (1st April)


Large numbers of queen bumblebees investigating ditches in Howe Park Wood (13th April – M Kincaid/M LeRoy)



Orange Tips and Small Toprtoiseshells seen in Brian Ellis’ back garden, Blue Bridge (9-10th April)

Exactly 100 butterflies (mostly Peacocks) counted on transect at Little Linford Wood – Julian Lambley

Holly Blues out at Kew Gardens! (12th)


Bee Fly Bombylius major abundant in sunshine in Blakelands




3 Adders at Stockgrove Country Park (11th – Di Parsons)



Good displays of Wood Anemone out in local woods now. Bluebells emerging in Howe Park and Shenley Woods.

Cowslips out at Linford Lakes, North Willen, Blue Bridge etc.

Rosettes of Early Purple Orchid at Howe Park Wood (13th)

Linford Lakes Nature Reserve Open Day 19 April 2015

Linford Lakes Nature Reserve (formerly known as Hanson Environmental Study Centre) will be hosting an open day on SUnday 19 April 2015 from 10:00 – 16:00hrs:

The migrating birds are on their way back.
Come and spot some arrivals.
Many birds and bees are busy nest building also.
It’s a great time to enjoy the reserve.
Make use of the centre facilities enjoy the
Viewing gallery and static bird display.
Crafts for sale also bird seed and
Second hand books.
Refreshments and home-made cakes available.

Easter 2015 Monday Walk

As Milton Keynes Natural History Society had no weekly indoor meeting the day after Easter Monday, a group of members decided informally to conduct a nature ramble on Easter Monday. 

The sun was shining as a group of 8 members gathered in the car park of the Black Horse pub, Great Linford. They then crossed Wolverton Road to Stanton Low, walking past the ruins of St Peter’s Church to Haversham Mill, thence back via the Linford Lakes Nature Reserve (formerly called the Hanson Environmental Study Centre) and its lakeside hides. After three hours our intrepid walkers were happy to enjoy a bit of rest and refreshment in the Black Horse pub.

Notable sights in the Spring sunshine were a profusion of early butterflies: Peacocks, Commas (or Commae?), Small Tortoiseshells and Brimstones. Also a Buzzard, boldly seen out of its airspace by a Kestrel, Green Woodpeckers and nesting Herons. From the HESC hide numerous Cormorants, Mute Swans, Great-Crested Grebes, Coots, and the rather misnamed Common Gull were on view, as well as Tufted Ducks, a Lesser Black-Backed and several Black-Headed Gulls, and Herons.

Al in all a pleasant excursion into the springtime sunshine, whetting our appetites for the evening walks programme beginning on Tuesday May 5th.

The intrepid walkers go forth

The intrepid walkers go forth

The Heronry on an island in the HESC's lake

The Heronry on an island in the HESC’s lake

A Buzzard patrols the sky overhead

A Buzzard patrols the sky overhead

An interesting fungus

An interesting fungus

A colony of ants (probably Myrmica rubra), warm their overwintered larvae under a HESC  corrugated iron snake/lizard refuge

A colony of ants (probably Myrmica rubra), warm their overwintered larvae under a HESC corrugated iron snake/lizard refuge

Cormorants, one drying its wings, on the HESC Bund

Cormorants, one drying its wings, on the HESC Bund

Lesser Black-backed Gull, Cormorant, Common Gull, and Canada Goose

Lesser Black-backed Gull, Cormorant, Common Gull, and Canada Goose

One of many overwintered Peacocks basking in the sunshine

One of many overwintered Peacocks basking in the sunshine

A Toad poses for a Society photographer

A Toad poses for a Society photographer

The weary wanderers wend their way back to the pub

The weary wanderers wend their way back to the pub

(All pics by the Author of this Post – the Ron Arnold Society Photograph of the Year Shield is unlikely to await any of them!)

First Dragonfly of 2015 spotted

Large Red Male Damselfly, taken at Cothill Fen on 14Jun14 by Peter Hassett

Large Red Male Damselfly, taken at Cothill Fen on 14Jun14 by Peter Hassett

The British Dragonfly Society have reported that a Large Red Damselfly has been spotted in Cornwall. You can keep up with all the latest dragonfly sighting here.

The Large Red Damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula is usually the first dragonfly or damselfly to be seen each year.  It can be found across the whole country including both Orkney and Shetland.  Larvae develop in the water for two years and reach the final stage of development, final instar, at the beginning of the winter to emerge as adults as soon as the water warms in spring.

A useful identification guide can be found here.

What’s about – 31 March 2015



Peregrines mating at Stadium:MK

Blackbird chicks well developed in nest at Blakelands (Steve Brady)

Kestrels nesting in box at Passenham

Linnets – Tattenhoe Park

Yellowhammers – Kingsmead

First Swallow of the year at Linford Lakes (Harry Appleyard, 27th)

Many waders at Manor Farm quarry including 1 Ruff, 2 Ringed Plovers, Little Ringed Plover, 2 Green Sandpipers. Also a Wheatear (29th)

2 Female  Goosanders and 1 Male Goosander seen on Great Ouse, and flitting along the bank nearby a Grey Wagtail just 500 metres from Wolverton Mill.  Further up,  a Little Egret and happily a good number of Mallards. Brian & Val Ellis 24th



Water Shrew and American Mink at Linford Lakes (Harry/Martin 27th)

Otter reported from Stony Stratford (26th)



(technically Lepidosauria – “Reptilia” is no longer generally accepted by zoologists as a valid taxon)

Grass snakes seen at Tattenhoe, Walton Lake and Linford Lakes.

2 Adders at Rammamere Heath (Di Parsons)



Common Dog Violet in flower throughout Milton Keynes

Wood Anemone in Linford Wood

First Bluebell in flower at Howe Park Wood! (Harry Appleyard, 26th)

Lots of Celandine on the banks of the Great Ouse at Wolverton Mill and WhiteViolets alongside the canal. Brian & Val Ellis 24th



Starling Murmuration

Please read this very descriptive account kindly provided by Paul Manchester of the amazing Starling murmurations in Wolverton:

“I have been watching the starling murmuration near to the V5, H2 roundabout on most evenings over the last 10 days,  it has become addictive. I would say they have been in equally large numbers every night,  I can’t say how many birds are flying, but it is a lot. I think they instinctively roost together in order to keep warm and there is safety in numbers.  Previously they have roosted in three different sets of conifer trees around the roundabout. Usually I have watched them from the area of grass opposite the Wolverton health centre, as it is away from the noise of the traffic. You can hear the noise of all the wings beating.  At times they appeared like a swarm of bees, other times like a truly massive swirling cloud. They turn and swoop, sometimes splitting into two or three groups. Then the separate groups come back together like colliding galaxies. Towards the end of their display as it comes close to roosting time the Starlings seem to fly faster and faster. As they all turn together they intermittently form dense ripples constantly changing within the cloud of birds.  They fly more and more franticly until it becomes too dark, then they suddenly they descend to roost in waves of tumbling birds.

One night I stood next to the conifer trees that they had all roosted in, and the noise of chirping was incredible. Then a few of them decided to leave that tree and fly back across the road to where they had roosted the previous night. Those few birds became a stream of birds leaving these trees for the conifer trees across the road. Then it became a river of birds that flowed for about five minutes until these trees had emptied of birds. Now all the starlings were all across the road in  the other set of conifer trees. I think they must have realised the first trees they roosted in were too exposed, so they went back to where they had roosted on the last night.

 What more can I say, you have to see it, it was awesome!”

The murmuration can be viewed from Woodland View off Gloucester Road and from open ground alongside Franklins Croft opposite Wolverton health centre. Sighting have been reported around 17:50-18:30.

A video of the Wolverton murmuration recorded by Paul can be viewed here

Starling Murmuration, Wolverton, 14Mar15 by Martin Kincaid

Starling Murmuration, Wolverton, 14Mar15 by Martin Kincaid

Starling Murmuration, Wolverton, 14Mar15 by Martin Kincaid

Starling Murmuration, Wolverton, 14Mar15 by Martin Kincaid

Starling Murmuration, Wolverton, 14Mar15 by Martin Kincaid

Starling Murmuration, Wolverton, 14Mar15 by Martin Kincaid

Starling Murmuration, Wolverton, 14Mar15 by Martin Kincaid

Starling Murmuration, Wolverton, 14Mar15 by Martin Kincaid

Some updates:

20Mar15 The number of startling is estimated as 20-30,000.
24Mar15 Paul Manchester advised that there are fewer starling now and they are spreading out more.

What’s About – week commencing 9 March 2015

Stonechats – Tattenhoe Park (Since 7th)
Red Kites – Tattenhoe and Westcroft
Siskin – Howe Park Wood (8th)

Common Frogs – Howe Park Wood and Westcroft
Smooth Newt – on Railway Walk, Great Linford (19-15hrs, 11th)

Brimstones, Peacocks, Small Tortoiseshells and Commas – Tattenhoe (7th)
Common Whitlow grass, Germander speedwell,Hairy bittercress – all in flower, March 7th

What’s About – 27th January 2015


Peacock butterfly – Tattenhoe Park (Friday)


First Smooth Newts and Great Crested Newts of the year found at Elfield Park (23rd Jan) Martin Kincaid


Yellowhammer – Tattenhoe Park ( Harry Appleyard Friday 23rd)

Red Kite – Emerson Valley (HA – Saturday 24th)

Marsh Tit – Tattenhoe Park (HA -Sunday 25th)

Fieldfares – Tattenhoe Park

Bittern at HESC (Mike LeRoy – 25th)

Pair of Stonechat still showing on fields approaching HESC (Michele Welborn)

9 Common Snipe, 2 Jack Snipe at Stony Stratford Nature Reserve (MK – 23rd)

Up to 3 Great White Egrets reported from Summerleys Nature Reserve.

1 Shelduck and 7 Goosander – Manor Farm (23rd)