
Autumn Programme 2024

The Society’s Autumn events usually take place on Tuesdays in the Cruck Barn at the City Discovery Centre, Bradwell Abbey,  Alston Drive, Milton Keynes MK13 9AP. (See map below.) Some meetings take place only via Zoom, in which case this is indicated. Visitors are very welcome.

Please note that clause 7 of the Society’s constitution reads: “the Society will exercise due care when arranging its meetings and activities for the benefit of members. Members taking part in any meeting or activity do so at their own risk.”

Regular indoor talks can also usually be accessed via Zoom if for any reason you aren’t able to attend in person (e.g. you don’t feel well, are concerned about Covid or flu, or are unable to travel to the Cruck Barn). If you would like to attend a Cruck Barn meeting via Zoom, send a message to If you miss a meeting altogether, a recording is often available on the website so you can catch up later.

Tea/coffee and biscuits will be served free of charge. Cups are provided, but you are encouraged to bring your own if you can.

A full Risk Assessment can be found here .

Autumn Programme

The Autumn programme will comprise talks or other events every Tuesday evening in the Cruck Barn at the City Discovery Centre at Bradwell Abbey. We wil meet from 7.30 for an 8.00pm start. Details of each event can be found using the Event Calendar.

Printable Programme

Download a printable pdf of the Autumn programme (September to December).