Peregrines mating at Stadium:MK
Blackbird chicks well developed in nest at Blakelands (Steve Brady)
Kestrels nesting in box at Passenham
Linnets – Tattenhoe Park
Yellowhammers – Kingsmead
First Swallow of the year at Linford Lakes (Harry Appleyard, 27th)
Many waders at Manor Farm quarry including 1 Ruff, 2 Ringed Plovers, Little Ringed Plover, 2 Green Sandpipers. Also a Wheatear (29th)
2 Female Goosanders and 1 Male Goosander seen on Great Ouse, and flitting along the bank nearby a Grey Wagtail just 500 metres from Wolverton Mill. Further up, a Little Egret and happily a good number of Mallards. Brian & Val Ellis 24th
Water Shrew and American Mink at Linford Lakes (Harry/Martin 27th)
Otter reported from Stony Stratford (26th)
(technically Lepidosauria – “Reptilia” is no longer generally accepted by zoologists as a valid taxon)
Grass snakes seen at Tattenhoe, Walton Lake and Linford Lakes.
2 Adders at Rammamere Heath (Di Parsons)
Common Dog Violet in flower throughout Milton Keynes
Wood Anemone in Linford Wood
First Bluebell in flower at Howe Park Wood! (Harry Appleyard, 26th)
Lots of Celandine on the banks of the Great Ouse at Wolverton Mill and WhiteViolets alongside the canal. Brian & Val Ellis 24th