Horseshoe Vetch, Kidney Vetch, Common Broomrape, Globularia vulgaris in flower at Stonepit Field. Fine display of Ramsons in Stonepit Copse (24th). (Martin Kincaid)
Broad-Bodied Chasers – Tattenhoe Park
Four-Spotted Chasers – Tattenhoe Park (both Harry Appleyard)
Burnet Companion, Mother Shipton and Small White Wave at Stonepit Field (24th).
Common Heath, Clouded Border at Sandhouse Lane Quarry (also 14 spot Ladybird) (25th)
6 x Wood Whites at Salcey Forest 22nd (Julie Lane)
Common Blue Butterflies – Tattenhoe Park (Harry Appleyard)
Small Heath – Kingsmead Wood (Harry Appleyard)
2 Tawny Owl fledglings at Howe Park Wood.
Pair of Garganey, pair of Little Ringed Plover, 3 Barn Owls, Cuckoo at Linford Lakes (24th) Osprey through on 25th.
Little Ringed Plovers observed mating and preparing nest scrapes at Manor Farm Quarry (23rd)
Oystercatcher and Common Terns nesting at Stony Stratford Nature Reserve.
(above all Martin Kincaid)
Marsh Tit – Oakhill Wood (Harry Appleyard)
Cuckoo – Oakhill Wood (24th May) (Harry Appleyard)
Hobby – Oakhill Wood (24th) (Harry Appleyard)
A great white egret at Summer Leys 21/5/2015 (Julie Lane)
21/5 : 2 Grey Partridge : Little Linford Wood (Rob Hill, Bucks Birders)
20/5 : 2 Garganey : Linford Reserve, Linford GPs.Long staying pair. (Rob Hill, Bucks Birders)
19/5 : Goosander : Manor Farm Quarry. Female over east. Presume one of the Olney birds.
(Rob Hill, Bucks Birders)