What’s About – Week of July 26th 2016

Pair of Ravens circling above Whaddon (23rd)

Ravens over Whaddon (23rd July) Corvus corax

Ravens over Whaddon (23rd July)








Red Kites over Tattenhoe and Bletchley
House Sparrows with young, Tattenhoe

Silver-washed Fritillaries around the North Bucks Way
Small Copper in Tattenhoe Park (23rd)

Small Copper, Tattenhoe Park (23rd July) Lycaena phlaeas

Small Copper, Tattenhoe Park (23rd July)








Red Admirals around Tattenhoe and the North Bucks Way
Essex and Small Skippers in Tattenhoe Park

2 immature male Migrant Hawkers in Tattenhoe (25th)
Southern Hawkers in Howe Park Wood and Kingsmead Wood

Mature male Southern Hawker, Kingsmead Wood (25th July) Aeshna cyanea

Mature male Southern Hawker, Kingsmead Wood (25th July)








Black-tailed Skimmers in Tattenhoe Park

All sightings and pics from Harry Appleyard