This visit was the Society’s first outdoor event of its 2025 Spring Programme. The reserve was planned and developed in the latter 1980s and early 1990s and is managed by BCN Wildlife Trust. It covers 47 hectares of former gravel workings in the Nene Valley and is designated a SSSI and SPA. The site consists of several habitats: a large reed-, tree- and grass-edged lake with a scrape inlet and several islands (the water level is managed); rough grazing adjacent to the lake; a small area of preserved meadow; two other managed meadow areas; two ponds; hedges; and strips of woodland. There is a BCN leaflet with fuller information (
Sixteen members and two visitors participated. The weather was cold with a light wind, reasonable visibility, and some sunshine: water levels were still high and mostly icebound after three days of below freezing temperatures. The main focus of the event was wetland and woodland birds. This report consists of a brief description of the habitats and birds observed. An annex provides a checklist of all species listed during our visit.
Species observed
Lake habitat
The open water was mainly on the opposite side from the three water-facing hides but we were able to view most of the commoner ducks: Mallard, Gadwall, Shoveller, Teal, Wigeon, Tufted Duck, Pochard, plus a single male Goldeneye. Cormorant, Mute Swan, Coot, Moorhen, Great Crested Grebe, Grey Heron, Great White Egret, and Little Egret could be seen at distance as could five species of gull: Greater Black-backed, Lesser Black-backed, Herring Commom and Black-headed. Not surprisingly only two wader species were seen: a large flock of Lapwings (well over 100) and six Snipe in flight put up from the rough grass at the edge of the ice as we entered the screen hide where we could also watch a Green Woodpecker looking for food on the frozen ground and which we had heard earlier.
Snipe in flight (Photo©Julian Lambley)
Wooded edges and open area habitat
The perimeter path goes through a covered area of semi mature deciduous trees. Among less common birds seen or heard here were Tree Creeper, Redwing and Siskin. Looking northward outside the Reserve, Buzzard and Kestrel were identified on a distant electricity pylon. The feeder hide is a feature of the reserve. Various seed grains and animal fat balls are put out daily and attract a wide range of birds: three common tit species (Great, Blue and Long-tailed); three common finch species (Chaffinch, Goldfinch and Greenfinch), Reed Bunting, and Grey Wagtail. Bullfinch was added to the list further along the path.
The group divided at this point some opting to return to the car park using the outward route while others walked on to complete the circuit. The bird of the moment at Summer Leys was a single Glossy Ibis which had been around since October and had been seen before our arrival on the far side on the water meadows at the edge of the Nene and outside the reserve boundary. This smaller Society group did not find it but did benefit from being nearer the area of the lake that was not frozen. This added Pintail and Goosander to the duck sightings. It also confirmed the complete absence of both Canada Goose and Greylag from our list!
Overall, it was a very satisfactory visit with many of the hoped-for winter birds present – certainly a case of 38 eyes being better than 2!
The species check list attached as an annex is the product of several participants: Martin Ferns, Peter Barnes, and Tim Arnold. Thank you to them and Justin Lambley for the photographs. Thanks too to all the attendees for their active involvement and contribution making this a rewarding and enjoyable visit.
Joe Clinch, Leader
January 2025
ANNEX: MKNHS Summer Leys Checklist of Birds and Mammals observed 4th January 2025
Birds | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Great Tit |
Mute Swan | Herring Gull | Blue Tit |
Mallard | Black-headed Gull | Long-tailed Tit |
Gadwall | Common Gull | Tree Creeper |
Shoveller | Great Crested Grebe | Wren |
Wigeon | Little Grebe | Bullfinch (H) |
Teal | Buzzard | Chaffinch |
Pintail | Kestrel | Greenfinch |
Goosander | Carrion Crow | Goldfinch |
Golden Eye | Magpie | Siskin (H) |
Tufted Duck | Jay (H) | Dunnock |
Pochard | Green Woodpecker | Grey Wagtail |
Great White Egret | Wood Pigeon | Pied Wagtail |
Little Egret | Collared Dove | Reed Bunting |
Cormorant | Blackbird | |
Coot | Redwing | |
Moorhen | Fieldfare | Mammals |
Lapwing | Song Thrush | Rabbit |
Snipe | Robin | Muntjac |
Greater Black-backed Gull | Starling | Fox (faeces) |