Category Archives: Field Visit Reports

Reports from the Society’s field visits.

TRIP REPORT: Summer Leys Nature Reserve Saturday 4th January 2025 – Joe Clinch


This visit was the Society’s first outdoor event of its 2025 Spring Programme. The reserve was planned and developed in the latter 1980s and early 1990s and is managed by BCN Wildlife Trust. It covers 47 hectares of former gravel workings in the Nene Valley and is designated a SSSI and SPA. The site consists of several habitats: a large reed-, tree- and grass-edged lake with a scrape inlet and several islands (the water level is managed); rough grazing adjacent to the lake; a small area of preserved meadow; two other managed meadow areas; two ponds; hedges; and strips of woodland.  There is a BCN leaflet with fuller information (

Sixteen members and two visitors participated. The weather was cold with a light wind, reasonable visibility, and some sunshine: water levels were still high and mostly icebound after three days of below freezing temperatures. The main focus of the event was wetland and woodland birds. This report consists of a brief description of the habitats and birds observed. An annex provides a checklist of all species listed during our visit.

Species observed

Lake habitat

The open water was mainly on the opposite side from the three water-facing hides but we were able to view most of the commoner ducks: Mallard, Gadwall, Shoveller, Teal, Wigeon, Tufted Duck, Pochard, plus a single male Goldeneye. Cormorant, Mute Swan, Coot, Moorhen, Great Crested Grebe, Grey Heron, Great White Egret, and Little Egret could be seen at distance as could five species of gull: Greater Black-backed, Lesser Black-backed, Herring Commom and Black-headed. Not surprisingly only two wader species were seen: a large flock of Lapwings (well over 100) and six Snipe in flight put up from the rough grass at the edge of the ice as we entered the screen hide where we could also watch a Green Woodpecker looking for food on the frozen ground and which we had heard earlier.

Snipe in flight (Photo©Julian Lambley)

Wooded edges and open area habitat

The perimeter path goes through a covered area of semi mature deciduous trees. Among less common birds seen or heard here were Tree Creeper, Redwing and Siskin. Looking northward outside the Reserve, Buzzard and Kestrel were identified on a distant electricity pylon.  The feeder hide is a feature of the reserve. Various seed grains and animal fat balls are put out daily and attract a wide range of birds: three common tit species (Great, Blue and Long-tailed); three common finch species (Chaffinch, Goldfinch and Greenfinch), Reed Bunting, and Grey Wagtail. Bullfinch was added to the list further along the path.

The group divided at this point some opting to return to the car park using the outward route while others walked on to complete the circuit. The bird of the moment at Summer Leys was a single Glossy Ibis which had been around since October and had been seen before our arrival on the far side on the water meadows at the edge of the Nene and outside the reserve boundary.  This smaller Society group did not find it but did benefit from being nearer the area of the lake that was not frozen. This added Pintail and Goosander to the duck sightings. It also confirmed the complete absence of both Canada Goose and Greylag from our list!

Pintail on ice (Photo©Julian Lambley)

Overall, it was a very satisfactory visit with many of the hoped-for winter birds present – certainly a case of 38 eyes being better than 2!


The species check list attached as an annex is the product of several participants: Martin Ferns, Peter Barnes, and Tim Arnold. Thank you to them and Justin Lambley for the photographs. Thanks too to all the attendees for their active involvement and contribution making this a rewarding and enjoyable visit.

Joe Clinch, Leader
January 2025

ANNEX: MKNHS Summer Leys Checklist of Birds and Mammals observed 4th January 2025

Birds Lesser Black-backed Gull Great Tit
Mute Swan Herring Gull Blue Tit
Mallard Black-headed Gull Long-tailed Tit
Gadwall Common Gull Tree Creeper
Shoveller Great Crested Grebe Wren
Wigeon Little Grebe Bullfinch (H)
Teal Buzzard Chaffinch
Pintail Kestrel Greenfinch
Goosander Carrion Crow Goldfinch
Golden Eye Magpie Siskin (H)
Tufted Duck Jay (H) Dunnock
Pochard Green Woodpecker Grey Wagtail
Great White Egret Wood Pigeon Pied Wagtail
Little Egret Collared Dove Reed Bunting
Cormorant Blackbird  
Coot Redwing  
Moorhen Fieldfare Mammals
Lapwing Song Thrush Rabbit
Snipe Robin Muntjac
Greater Black-backed Gull  Starling Fox (faeces)


MKNHS Plant Group – Great Ouse Riverside Stony Stratford – 11 August 2024 TRIP REPORT

View across the river Great Ouse to Passenham church with Common Club-rush prominent on the opposite bank and Tussock Grass dominating the meadow behind (Photo: Jenny Mercer)


What’s that plant – and why?

On Sunday 11th August, 13 members of the MKNHS Plant Group gathered in and around the car park on Calverton Road on the edge of Stony Stratford for the third field visit of the group, this time a riverside setting along the Great Ouse. The Plant Group has been established this year to provide opportunities for Society’s members to become more confident about identifying plants, with good attendance at all three events. Previous visits to Shenley Wood and Stonepit Field had focused on woodland plants (on a very wet day in April) and a wildflower meadow on chalky soil (on a bright June day). This was the first visit to a riverine habitat.

Sunday 11th was a very warm summer’s morning, and the car park and river were full of runners, picnickers, wild swimmers and paddleboarders – and naturalists.   There was also a family group by the riverside emptying their crayfish trap, transferring about 100 Red Signal Crayfish (a non-native, invasive species) to a large bucket for their lunch.

We were ably led by Charles Kessler and Di Parsons along on the riverbank, to see a profusion of reeds and rushes on both sides of the river, and other plants along the path and riverbank. It is a rich area botanically, and beautiful on a sunny morning, with views across the fields over the river to Passenham church.

So, what did we learn?

Waterside Plants

Improving identification of waterside plants was one of the key objectives of the Event. With this in mind, Plant Group members were provided in advance with a briefing note prepared by Charles Kessler on some riverside plants likely to be observed to highlight their key distinguishing features in recognition that very few flower identification guides include them. This, with a commentary from Charles in the field, was invaluable in identifying them. Six key species were observed, four being widely distributed along the water’s edge of the area we visited: Common Reed (Phragmites australis), a grass; Reed Sweet-grass (Glyceria maxima); Reedmace (Typha latifolia), a grass, which is nevertheless sometimes called Bulrush; and the tall dark green Common Club-rush (Schoenoplectus locustris), also sometimes called Bulrush, in this case, more correctly.  The remaining two were more scattered: Reed Canary-grass (Phalris arundinacea) and Branched Bur-reed (Sparganium erectum), another grass. As the above shows, the categorization is complex, and not always reflected in the common names.  We were reminded of our President’s very useful ditty in using the stem to differentiate grasses, sedges and rushes: ‘Sedges have edges, Rushes are round, Grasses have joints right down to the ground!’

Only two plants growing in open water were observed:  Yellow Water Lily (Nuphar lutea) (no longer in flower) in the river and Common Water-star (Callitriche stagnalis) in the slow-moving mill stream and inlets.

Reed Sweet-grass (l) and Common Reed (r) compared; Branched Bur-reed

Riverbank Plants

The riverbanks vary in their height and profile so that the plant life is a mix of water-loving plants, and water-tolerant not limited to this habitat. Examples of the former include Water-forget-me-not (Myosotis scorpiodes), Water Mint (Mentha aquatica), Wild Angelica (Angelica sylvestris) and Marsh Woundwort (Stachys palustris). Wild Angelica is a tall stout plant with a hairless stem, unusual sheafs at the base of its stalks, and with a typical umbellifer (umbrella-shaped) florescence.

Wild Angelica

The latter category (water-tolerant, but not limited to this habitat), included Great Willow Herb (Epilobium hirsutum); Greater Burdock (Arctium lappa), where we learnt how to identify it from Lesser Burdock through the lower leaf stalks, the Greater being solid and the Lesser hollow; Water Dock (Rumex hydrolapathum); Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus), a yellow cruciform flower of the poppy family quite unrelated to the better-known Lesser Celandine of early Spring; Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis), non-native, probably a garden escape; and Common (Stinging) Nettle (Urtica dioica).  We spent some time examining the Common Nettle with a hand lens to distinguish the male and female flowers, each on separate plants.

Greater Celandine

There was not time to do full justice to the trees of the riverbank but Alder, and Poplar and Willow species dominate.

Want to know more?

If you want to know more, there is a Consolidated List of Plants Observed and Photo Album on the Plant Group website page, or link here . The photographs are linked to the species observed and several of them demonstrate identification features which are useful in the field when trying to differentiate between similar but different species.


Thanks to Charles and Di for their co-leadership, to Charles for his waterside plants briefing note, to Bob Phillips for his excellent photographs, Jenny Mercer for her help with the production of the Consolidated List, and Martin Ferns for his editorial input and for helping to draft this Trip Report.

Joe Clinch
September 2024

Visit to Broughton Brook Magna Park 06.08.2024 – report

Photo above: Magna Park lake, seen from the west on a sunny afternoon, mid-July (photo © Martin Ferns)

On a warm sunny evening, 13 members enjoyed visiting one of the least well-known of Milton Keynes parks – the small lake in Magna Park. 10 of us met at Brooklands Community Sports Pavilion car park, and walked from there through the parkland alongside Broughton Brook, meeting the others by the bridge where Fen Street crosses the brook.

First by the Pavilion, we saw a box hedge, in the final stages of defoliation by the Box-tree moth[1] caterpillar, of which several were still in evidence. The path to the lake is between the brook and drainage ponds with abundant Bulrush (also known as Common Club-rush Scirpus lacustris, Greater Reedmace Typha latifolia and other water plants which we did not get near enough to identify. Near the bridge, White Melilot was seen, as well as a white flowering plant in the pea family, identified as Goat’s Rue – a first for most of the group.  Goat’s Rue was also seen later, with mauve flowers: it can be either colour, or both.

The lake itself is situated somewhat improbably alongside the brook, surrounded on 3 sides by some of the largest distribution warehouses in the country. Despite this environment, it is a tranquil place, rich in wildlife – with a good variety of wildflowers, flowering shrubs and trees.

Five herons were seen from the bridge, including adults and young, in the field that is fenced off as a wilderness area. This ‘wilderness’ area is used earlier in the year by breeding Skylark, and Chinese water-deer are often seen in this area, but not while we were there.) The lake is often obscured as you walk round it, but in places there is a good view across from either side. We had a very good view of two Little Grebes, with resplendent rufous heads, and a small chick learning to dive.  Otherwise there were coot and a number of mallard.

The area around the lake is full of wildflowers, with a preponderance of Wild Carrot, Teasel, Great Willowherb, Field Scabious, Self-heal as well as some Betony.  Common and Greater Knapweed was plentiful but no longer in flower. Rowan, Guelder Rose and Wayfaring Tree provided a good display of red and black berries. A persicaria was seen, but a precise identification elusive – most likely Amphibious Bistort.

There were dragonflies flitting around but – when they move so fast – difficult to identify, especially as the sun began to sink, as well as damselflies (Common Blue and Blue-Tailed, maybe others). A (probable) Common Shrew was seen skipping quickly over the path, but otherwise no mammals, other than other walkers. Carla spotted a small Common Frog hopping by the path, otherwise no reptiles or amphibians showed themselves.

We headed back to the car parks as the sun began to set, with some making a very brief detour led by Gary along the left bank of the brook in the direction of Kingston. This area has not yet been transferred to The Parks Trust, partly because it has no safe access from its west end.  This path is less used, and has become overgrown, giving it good potential for a more detailed inspection, another time.

An extended species list can be found here, which includes plants identified on a recce by Martin Ferns and Mike LeRoy in mid-July, as well as others identified during the visit.

All in all, it was a very enjoyable evening stroll in an area new to several of the group.

Martin Ferns and Gary Fowler
Aug 2024

[1] The Box-tree moth is an example of how devastating introduced species can be where they have no natural controls. It originated in Kent in 2007 and comes from south-east Asia. As it spreads across the UK it is devastating Box and associated shrubs. Butterfly Conservation provides advice about it, but we may well lose much of our Box shrubs, perhaps also the rare Box wood in Buckinghamshire, not far from Chequers.

MKNHS visit to Emberton Country Park – 25 June 2024

Members of the society visited Emberton Country Park in the evening of 25 June, thanks to Alan Nelson, who had arranged for entrance to the park. In exchange for the waiving of admission fees, MKNHS agreed to provide the park rangers with a list of all species which members noted

The following is the final plant species list, with a couple of additional species at the end, prepared by MKNHS members: Jenny Mercer, Richard Schmidt and Anne Champion

Flowering plants

Common Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza fushsii)
Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)
Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
Bladder Campion (Silene vulgaris)
Red Campion (Silene dioica)
White Campion (Silene latifolia)
Bramble (Rubus fruticosus agg)
Water Dock (Rumex hydrolapathum)
Common Sorrel (Rumex acetosa)
Hedge Woundwort (Stachys sylvatica)
Spear Thistle (Cirsium vulgare)
Welted Thistle (Carduus crispus)
Bush Vetch (Vicia sepium)
Greater Willowherb (Epilobium parviflorum)
Hedge Bindweed (Calystegia sepium)
Cut-leaved Cranesbill (Geranium dissectum)
Cleavers (Galium aparine)
Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)
Nipplewort (Lapsana communis)
Black Medick (Medicago lupulina)
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) white/deep purple
Common Knapweed (Centaurea nigra)
Bird’s foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)
St. John’s Wort (Perforate) (Hypericum maculatum)
Selfheal (Prunella vulgaris)
Common mouse ear (Cerastium fontanum)
Ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea)
Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens)
Meadow Buttercup (Ranunculus acris)
Dewberry (Rubus caesius)
Gypsywort (Lycopus europaeus)
Marsh Bedstraw (Galium palustre)
Field Rose (Rosa arvensis)
Wild Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum)
Smooth Sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus)
Forget-me-not sp (Myosotis)
Colt’s Foot (Tussilago farfara)
Pyramid orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis)
Bristly Oxtongue (Helminthotheca echioides)
Goat’s Beard (Tragopogon pratensis)
Common Daisy (Bellis perennis)


Timothy (Phleum pratense)
Yorkshire Fog (Holcus lanatus)
Cock’s Foot (Dactylis glomerata)


Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum lantana)
Elder (Sambucus nigra)
Aspen (Populus tremula)
Goat Willow (Salix caprea)
Black Popular (Populus nigra) or maybe a hybrid


Chicken of the Woods Fungi (Laetiporus sulphureus)
Horsetail sp (Equisetum)





North Loughton Valley Park 11 June 2024 – Trip report

Above: Loughton Brook (Photo: Joe Clinch)


North Loughton Valley Park is managed by the Parks Trust and forms one of many parks along the Loughton Brook valley which provides a green corridor that stretches from Tattenhoe in the south west of the city to New Bradwell in the north where it joins the Great Ouse.

This section of the valley consists of four main habitats all heavily influenced by the development of Milton Keynes: the Brook itself and its surrounding wetlands; thickets of Blackthorn, Wild Plum, Hawthorn, and Elder; mown grass and managed meadows lined by trees and bushes; and an area of rough grass, and scrub  which makes up the wet/dry balancing lakes that control the risk of flooding in New Bradwell and beyond. There is no evidence of habitats that predate the development of Milton Keynes other than the Brook itself. A fifth habitat is outside the Park on the east bank of Grafton Street where it cuts through the Boulder Clay and Jurassic Cornbrash (limestone) sub strata and is an important habitat for wildlife in its own right.

The focus of the walk was the observation, identification, and recording of flowering plants, birds, and invertebrate species. A handout listed species seen at this location on previous visits and distributed to the 23 participants. The evening was dry with a mix of sunshine and cloud.

The Habitats

The route started from the Bancroft Park car park. Our first stop was to add Yellow Vetchling to the plant list. The dense area of trees and shrubs offered cover to birds in song and also a good view of an adult Great Spotted Woodpecker and juvenile. The boggy area near the edge of the Brook included Meadowsweet, Water Mint, and Great Willowherb. Crossing the Brook took us to the mown and managed meadow grass of the eastern slope of the valley with its backing of trees and bushes. The managed meadows of grasses, Meadow Buttercup, Red Clover, semi parasitic Yellow Rattle, and Ox-eye Daisy were in flower interspersed by occasional Ribwort Plantain, Goats-beard and Pyramidal Orchid. The route moves uphill away from the brook through a copse where somewhat to our surprise Water Figwort was coming into flower.

On this visit we by-passed the wet/dry balancing lake with its substantial broad earth dam since it had recently been rough mown but on our return journey we had a good view of a Buzzard launching off from one of the metal and concrete structures. Along the path edges at the foot of shrubs and hedges, Hedge Bedstraw, Black Medick, Imperforate St. John’s-wort, Common Vetch, Yarrow, Herb Robert, and Bristly Ox-tongue were amongst the plants identified.

Meadows and trees, N Loughton Valley, 11.06.24 (Photo: Joe Clinch)

A Redway bridge took us over Grafton Street with good views of the Grand Union Canal aqueduct to one side and looking down on the west facing bank that we were to visit on the other. The Redway below the bank was our longest stop. A stretch of about 150 metres has been planted as a flower-rich habitat to attract pollinators including Birdsfoot Trefoil, Common Vetch, Germander Speedwell, Cut-leaved Cranesbill, Goats-beard, Ribwort Plantain, and Bee Orchid. Unfortunately, the Bee Orchids and Fox and Cubs on the land between the Redway and Grafton Street seen on the recce for the visit some 5 days earlier had been mown in the interim.

Common Bird’s foot trefoil (Photo © Joe Clinch)

Our return route followed that of the outward one. It concluded with a short stop at the stone outline of the Bancroft Roman Villa. This was built in the late Third Century replacing an earlier Iron Age farm settlement and demolished in the Fifth Century AD. Interpretation Boards explain the history of the site.

A full Species list for the visit can be found here.
Unsurprisingly for an evening event there were few invertebrates seen but there was one Common Frog.


North Loughton Valley Park is yet another location where we have to thank the early planners of Milton Keynes for creating habitats for wildlife that have grown in biodiversity over the past 50 years, and the Parks Trust for its management of them.

My personal thanks to Paul Lund for accompanying me on the recce, acting as co-leader, and for the Invertebrate List; Anne Champion for the Plant List; and Harry Appleyard for the Bird List.

Joe Clinch, Leader
June 2024

MKNHS Visit to How Hill, Norfolk – 24-27 May 2024

Above: MKNHS members in the field, How Hill (Photo © Paul Manchester) 

Twelve members made their way to this delightful bit of Norfolk. The society has been to How Hill in the past and was Paul’s 5th visit, having also been with the Wildlife Sound Recording Society. All rooms are now ensuite – and the food was excellent, with no problem catering for vegetarians and gluten free.

How Hill is ‘The Environmental Study Centre for the Broads’ with accommodation, large formal gardens, woodland, a secret garden, reed beds and a boat to explore the river Ant, the reeds and a nearby broad. It is a special place, being an Arts and Crafts house designed and built by an architect for his family in the early 1900s.  It has extensive formal gardens and access on foot and by boat to wetlands and waters managed by the Broads Authority.  The Ordnance Survey map shows the Broads area outlined like a leaf in the surrounding landscape, following the waterways as boundaries, unlike most conservation areas.

The weekend may well be remembered for the rain nearly all day on the Saturday, which did not dampen enthusiasm in the slightest. Members made the most of the opportunities to appreciate the local habitat and observe the wildlife. We used the centre’s Robinson moth trap each night and had a respectable catch, considering the weather. Evenings were spent sociably, enjoying the wonderful view from the conservatory window of How Hill, or walking in the grounds or in the vicinity.

Barn Owl (photo © Julian Lambley)

On Saturday morning we took the boat along the river to Barton Broad. We enjoyed the trip, despite the almost constant rain. The weather was a bit better for the rest of our time there and we explored the surrounding nature reserve in small groups. A first for Paul was hearing a Bittern booming. Some claimed to be able to hear it indoors, but Paul’s hearing aids are not that good!


Swallowtail (Photo©Paul Lund)

After breakfast on the bank holiday Monday some of us some of us stopped to walk and observe at Lakenheath Fen, including a bittern in flight and a stonechat, the first Alison had knowingly seen, while others went to Hickling Broad where they saw Swallowtail butterflies and Marsh harriers, before heading home.

The group were very grateful to the staff at How Hill who saw that we were made comfortable, and to Paul for all the work he put in organising and enabling the weekend to happen. The general consensus was that another weekend in the same place would be well attended.

A list of the 26 moth species trapped during the weekend can be found here

Paul Lund and Alison Peace
June 2024



NORTH BUCKS WAY & HAZELEY WOOD – Report of Site visit: Tues 14th May 2024

About twenty MKNHS members met on Tuesday evening 14th May at Oakhill next to  Hazeley Academy for exploration of a section of North Bucks Way and Hazeley Wood.


North Bucks Way is a long-distance walking route, 34 miles from Pulpit Hill on the Chilterns to the Great Ouse at Old Wolverton. It reaches MK from Whaddon and joins the Oakhill Lane section just south of Oxley Mead. From there it heads north to Calverton Lane, passing Hazeley Wood just south of Whitehouse.

Wildlife Corridors of Milton Keynes
In 1994 a report was published of a survey initiated by Milton Keynes Council, supported by: The Parks Trust, Buckinghamshire County Council, The New Towns Commission and English Nature: it was The Wildlife Corridors of Milton Keynes. This was the basis for an MK Council Planning policy for protection of the biodiversity of a designated network of wildlife corridors throughout the MK urban area. This remains in force in 2024. Wildlife Corridors in MK have the same status as designated Local Wildlife Sites. Unfortunately, when outline plans for Whitehouse were approved 20 years ago, the planning policies at that time did not stop development cutting across North Bucks Way. Until the last decade only one road crossed it, the Shenley Road to Whaddon. There are now five roads crossing it. The last of these to be constructed was a northwards extension of V2 Snelshall Street from Oakhill roundabout, by Hazeley Academy, across the North Bucks Way to join Barrosa Way; but this road was anticipated in the original 1970 Plan for Milton Keynes. North Bucks Way remains an important wildlife corridor, running from the south of MK for much of the way up its west side.

Hedges as nature reserves
Hedges ‘are our biggest nature reserve’ says Robert Wolton in a very readable new book published in March 2024: Hedges (British Wildlife Collection / Bloomsbury, 2024). In one 85-metre long farm hedge in Devon he found 2,070 species:125 plants, mosses & liverworts; 80 fungi and lichens; 50 vertebrate animals (amphibians, reptiles, birds & mammals);1,718 insects; and 97 other invertebrates.

North Bucks Way has substantial hedges on both sides for long sections of its route through MK, so it was interesting to find what wildlife could be heard and seen on a Tuesday evening. This route has added wildlife interest because much of it is beyond the western edge of MK’s housing and other development, until Whitehouse.

Wildlife of this section of North Bucks Way
Harry Appleyard kept ahead of the group to hear what birds were about. One that was particularly pleasing to hear was a Willow Warbler with its sweet descending song. On our return journey Harry saw a Tawny Owl take off from trees in the outer hedge, but most of the group missed this. There were field signs of mammal movement across North Bucks Way, possibly Badger or Fox, maybe Muntjac deer.

On the east side of the path several parts of the hedge were covered in webs containing numerous caterpillars. Janice Robertson instantly recognised the shrub they were on as Spindle Euonymus europaeus and that the caterpillars were of the Spindle Ermine micro-moth Yponomeuta cagnagella. Spindle is a relatively unobtrusive shrub except late in the year when its pink flowers with orange seeds are on show. Its slender, green and rectangular twigs are distinctive at any time but its oval-lanceolate leaves do not stand out. Spindle is a foodplant of other moths such as the: Magpie, Small Eggar, Ruby Tiger, and others, and of the Holly Blue butterfly (which also uses Holly and Ivy).

Spindle Ermine micro-moth caterpillars in their web
Yponomeuta cagnagella (Photo © Martin Ferns)

Evening is not the best time of day to see a full range of butterflies, but North Bucks Way has habitats of benefit to a good range of them and is one of the areas where Wood White Leptidea sinapis butterfly was last seen in MK. There are also likely to be a good range of beetles, bees and other invertebrates to be found here, including grasshoppers and bush-crickets along some sections.

There are plenty of other trees and shrubs within the hedgerows, but mainly smaller ones of: Field Maple, Silver Birch, Hazel, Hawthorn, Dogwood, Elder and Blackthorn. There were a few Oak and other larger trees such as diseased Ash. There were also groups of Elm, but climbing only to the height at which it succumbs to the fungus Ophiostoma novo-ulmi or its relative Ophiostoma ulmi, which are spread by elm bark beetles, with the main vector the Large Elm Bark beetle Scolytus scolytus. There are some larger Elms elsewhere in Milton Keynes that have so far survived to grow tall, such as a group at the southern edge of Stanton Wood and a clump alongside the access roadway to Manor Farm, Old Wolverton. Elm is a foodplant for more than sixty Lepidoptera, mainly moths but including White-lettered Hairstreak Satyrium w-album.

Path-side flora was extensive but unexceptional and what we saw is in the North Bucks Way plant list here. There will be more to be found: we had limited time to linger and later in summer other flora will emerge.


On this evening visit we spent much time exploring North Bucks Way before we reached the new Hazeley Wood roundabout. Here, efforts have been made to provide for Great-crested Newt with new ponds and a connecting tunnel under the new road to sustain movement along North Bucks Way. But Pipistrelle bats, that had used the continuity of hedges along this route, now have too large a gap without hedgerows. The new roundabout stands on what was once the broadest grassland of Hazeley Wood, a good site for butterflies. Beyond, the rest of Hazeley Wood remains largely untouched except for newt barriers remaining for the time being. Much of the Wood has been less accessible during road construction and now seems much less visited.

Hazeley Wood is 33 years old. It was planted by Milton Keynes Development Corporation in 1991 on a former arable field. The field had been permanent pasture, converted in the 1970s to growing wheat and barley. This had led to a poorer soil structure on this characteristically wet and slow-draining heavy neutral clay soil. In April 1992 The Parks Trust was formed and inherited responsibility for Hazeley Wood, with some of the staff who had been involved in planning and planting of Hazeley Wood.

Tree species planting and management
The woodland was planted in seven compartments, only two of which are large (a plan of the wood can be found here). Just three main tree species were planted. Half of these were Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur, the others were Hornbeam Carpinus betula and Silver Birch Betula pendula in equal proportions. Hornbeam was to be a ‘nurse’ tree that would reduce the formation of ‘epicormic’ side shoots on the Oaks, and as a sacrificial species to take most of the damage from Grey Squirrel – which was evident from the stripped bark of many Hornbeam and the good condition of the Oak. Since 1991 planned tree thinning has left most of the Oak, with numbers of Hornbeam reduced over time, others coppiced. Silver Birch is relatively short-lived; so tall straight Oaks are the main tree, ultimately as useable timber. The original plan was to carry out a 5-year thinning cycle of the trees, with the first thinning in 2007. The second thinning was delayed until around 2016, after which it will be on approximately a 10-year cycle.

Original woodland field layer flora
The original aim was to establish a woodland field layer of native shade-tolerant flora which would not otherwise reach there from surrounding areas. Seeding was done in 2000, but only in Compartment 1, the most northerly. The woodland seed-mix was of 11 wildflower species, only four of which were found a year later: Garlic Mustard Allaria petiolata, Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Primrose Primula vulgaris, Upright Hedge Parsley Torilis japonica, which can still be seen there. The open rides and grassed areas were seeded with five species of wildflowers and seven grasses. It was expected that many other plants would arrive by natural colonisation, but native shrubs were planted along the south-east ride: Blackthorn Prunus spinosa, Hazel Corylus avellana, Guelder-rose Viburnum opulus, Dogwood Cornus sanguinea, and Wild Privet Ligustrum vulgare.

Wildlife of Hazeley Wood
We strode up the pipeline ride between Compartments 3 and 2 to find a tall straight Silver Birch beside a gap leading to a muddy path through Compartment 2. Here we could see slender trees with squirrel-damaged Hornbeam and relatively straight Silver Birch, among which were numerous Pedunculate Oak. But other trees and shrubs not planted within the Wood had found their way there: Field Maple, Hazel and Ash, with some Bramble and Rose.

Dronefly Eristalis tenax (Photo©Julian Lambley)

We emerged from Compartment 2 onto the other main ride through the Wood that is divided by an old hedge that predates the creation of this Wood. This has a few substantial, older trees, mainly Pedunculate Oak and Ash, with thick stems of ancient Hawthorn between them. A few of us had a brief sighting of a deer quietly getting out of sight as we walked up this ride to the north-western edge of the Wood. Through the outer hedge we could see houses close by, in Whitehouse.

Wolf’s milk slime mould Lycogala epidendrum          Nursery web spider Pisaura Mirabilis
(Photo ©Julian Lambley)                                                 (Photo ©Julian Lambley)

Our route then took us right around Compartment 1 to the small car-park off H4 Dansteed Way. On our way we could see how dense the Wood had become at its edges, which is just as well because this Compartment is used as a training area by MK Field Archery Club. The vigorous shrubs and trees included a few cultivar species that seem to have found their own way there, including ornamental Cherry identified as Prunus serrula Tibetan Cherry tree. These woodland edges were overlooked by a substantial and magnificent old Quercus Robur in the outer hedgerow.

Botanical survey 2001
In 2001 The Parks Trust commissioned Dr Joanna Francis to carry out a Botanical Survey of all vascular plants in Hazeley Wood. This was to study flora including grasses that had naturally colonised the Wood and its grasslands, and to review establishment of the seeds that had been spread. The study found 144 vascular plants, which were: 4 tree species,18 shrubs, 90 forbs, 32 grasses, sedges & rushes. Of the 32 species originally introduced 26 had established in the open areas and only four in the woodland field layers, although Bluebell seedlings were found in more than half of the survey quadrants.

MKNHS Hazeley Wood Study Group (HWSG 1992-2015)
In 1992 The Parks Trust’s ecologist, Mike Street, invited MK Natural History Society to set up the Hazeley Wood Study Group (HWSG) to carry out surveys of this new woodland’s development, its flora and other wildlife. More than 30 MKNHS members got involved in these surveys in 1993, 1994 & 1995. The Society carried out a more substantial survey in 2006/7 and a report of this was published in 2008. Over 30 members contributed to 20 study groups, covering everything from flora to mosses and fungi; more than a dozen different orders of insects; birds, mammals & bats; and measurements of tree height and girth. Attempts were made to study changes over time. The 2006 survey found that substantial changes had taken place in the flora since 1993. Species that had arrived included Ash Fraxinus excelsior and Field Maple Acer campestre. Tree height and girth had grown considerably. A few of those on Tuesday’s visit had taken part in the 2006 surveys, as had Colin Docketty.

Further information about Hazeley Wood
The 2006 survey of Hazeley Wood by MKNHS is available on the MKNHS website here. This contains full information on survey methods, maps and lists and tables of species found, ranging from mosses and fungi to flora, birds, bats and other mammals, and a range of insects and other invertebrates.

Mike LeRoy

The Plant Species List for the walk can be found and downloaded here.

MKNHS Plant Group 2nd June 2024 Stonepit Field Trip Report

One of the plentiful Ox-eye daisies in Stonepit Field (Photo © Bob Phillips)

MKNHS Plant Group: ‘What’s that plant – and why?

This Plant Group Trip Report has been prepared for the wider Society membership. There is more information about the Group on the Society website here or a downloadable information sheet here.  Members can register an interest by sending an email to or contacting Jenny Mercer on 07772437930 or The date and location of the next field event in the July/August period will be announced soon.


The Plant Group’s second event took place in warm sunshine – a real contrast to the damp cold first event at Shenley Wood. Some 15 members participated each of whom had received a Briefing Note in advance. We split into two teams for our field work one led by Jenny and the other by Joe. Each team kept its own list of species observed and later merged into a Consolidated List.

The location and its habitats

Stonepit Field is well known to many Society members but first a brief history for those who may be new. It is managed by the Parks Trust. It was farmland until 1993 when it was sown with wild flower seed, and the planting of sapling shrubs and trees all appropriate to the underlying Cornbrash (a Jurassic limestone), and lime rich soil. It is an excellent example of how much biodiversity can be created with human intervention in just 30 years. Flower rich meadows in turn attract a wide range of invertebrate species some of which are monitored by Parks Trust volunteers among them Society members (and few of us were lucky enough to see a single Small Blue butterfly one the Parks’ Trust target species for this location).

There are five main habitats: flower rich meadow grassland; limestone scrape and its banks; shrub and small tree managed open strips that divide the meadow into smaller areas; two ponds added in 2007 as part of the Oakridge Park housing development over-flow drainage system, and their banks where the earth was disturbed; and a narrow band of woodland along the eastern boundary planted in the late 1960s by the Milton Keynes Development Corporation.

We concentrated mainly on the first three of these habitats each team covering much the same ground but in a different order to maximise the sharing of knowledge within the team, and at a practical level to minimise the risk of damage to the plant sensitive areas under-foot.

The flowering plants of the area

An impressive 80 species were listed during the morning including trees, shrubs and grasses but with the main focus being on those that require close examination for correct identification. In this category fell two families in particular:

Asteraceae (Daisies often called Composites in the past): Thistle, Cat’s Ear, Sow-thistle, Hawkbit, Hawk’s-beard, and Hawkweed species

Fabaceae (called Peas in the past): Vetches, Vetchlings, Tares, Medicks, and Clovers

The Habitats and their species

Even with the aid of photographs we were unable to verify the abundant Hawk’s-beard species in the meadow area – Beaked, Rough or Smooth? This is the most plant diverse of the three habitats with Ox-eye Daisy, Salad Burnet, the semi parasitic Yellow Rattle, Ribwort Plantain, Meadow and Bulbous Buttercup, and Red Clover being widely distributed. More scattered were Common Vetch, Grass Vetchling, Black Medick, Goat’s-beard, Meadow and Cut-leaved Cranesbill, Common Mouse-ear, Pyramidal and Bee Orchid, and the symbiotic Common Broomrape. Less time was available for examination of Grasses but Quaking, Meadow Brome, and Crested Dog’s-tail were listed.

Bee Orchid Ophrys apifera (Photo © Bob Phillips)

The species diversity on the scrape is more limited but includes some which are less common in Milton Keynes: Common Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Horseshoe Vetch, Common Rock-rose, Bee Orchid, Cat’s Ear, Mouse-eared Hawkweed, a Thyme species, Globularia (a non-native plant and located by Martin Kincaid), and remarkably for the habitat Pendulous Sedge perhaps thriving over a spring?

Common Bird’s-foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus (Photo © Bob Phillips)

The tree and shrub edges comprise the third of the habitats often on bare ground and well shaded.  Hedge Bedstraw, Lady’s Bedstraw, Kidney Vetch, Bush Vetch, Wild Liquorice (a vetch), Perforate St. John’s Wort, Marjoram, Wild Carrot, Red Campion, Cleavers, and Bladder Campion were identified here. Above the disturbed ground over the southern pond were Creeping Thistle, Teasel, Hogweed, Prickly Sow-thistle, and Gorse.

Want to know more?

If you want to know more there is a Consolidated List of Plants Observed and Photo Album on the Plant Group website page here. The photographs are linked to the species observed and several of them demonstrate identification features which are useful in the field when trying to differentiate between similar but different species.


Our thanks to Bob Phillips for the photographs, to Anne Champion and Richard Schmidt for compiling the team listings, to Martin Ferns for handling the web presence of the Group, and to all the other participants for what proved to be a rewarding and enjoyable morning  at this very special location.

Co-leaders for the Event: Joe Clinch and Jenny Mercer (with apologies from Carla Boswell)
June 2024





Led by Charles Kessler & Mike LeRoy

On Saturday 18th May eight of us met at Stockgrove car-park to explore areas north of Brickhill Road, away from the crowds in Rushmere Country Park. The group included keen plant explorers and a bird expert. Before we crossed the road from the car-park we heard a Cuckoo calling from King’s Wood. As soon as we had crossed the road we were in a very shallow grassy valley (Jenny Mercer explained  it is indicative of glaciation) we noticed surprisingly fresh-looking – for mid-May – Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta in an open area of Bracken Pteridium aquilinum with woodland beyond them. Those we saw later under woodland tree canopy were largely over, but those in more open ground were still looking good; but will these ones be gradually engulfed by bracken?

May was a good time to be visiting King’s Wood, because one of this woodland’s specialities was coming into flower. We may be used to seeing Lily-of-the-valley Convallaria majalis in gardens but not in woods. It is a rare plant in Buckinghamshire but is found in King’s Wood on the Bucks/Beds County border and in the south of the county at Black Park, because these sites have the right soil and growing conditions. Some of King’s Wood is on the sandy soils of the county border beyond the Brickhills. These are part of a substantial National Nature Reserve, protected for its distinctive and historic habitats of heathland and Semi-Natural Ancient Woodland.

Lily-of-the-valley Convallaria majalis (Photo © Charles Kessler)

Charles Kessler had planned a varied figure-of-eight route that took us first to the hilltop heathland of Rammamere Heath. The heath had many clumps of ‘Ling’ which is a colloquial name for Heather – although it is also the name of a species of fish, so this is another reason for using its scientific name Calluna vulgaris. The core area of Rammamere Heath is managed by a stylish flock of Manx Loaghtan sheep, which have elegant, curved horns and their rams have impressive double horns.

From the heathland we passed the edge of Bragenham Wood, then alongside a massive boundary wood bank and ditch at the edge of King’s Wood. This is unlike other woodlands in the MK area because its lower parts are on well-drained sands and upper areas are on boulder clay. The range of trees we saw lower down is different from those in our wet, clay, hilltop Ancient Woodlands of MK. In King’s Wood we saw Small-leaved Lime Tilia cordata which is thought to have been one of the earlier trees to spread in Britain following the last ice-age but declined after 3000 BC largely from human activity. It is native to much of Europe but is now uncommon in British woods. Another lime is widely planted in parklands and as avenues in Britain: this is the hybrid of Small and Large-leaved Lime Tilia x europaea.

In some parts of King’s Wood, we saw Sessile Oak Quercus petraea (which has almost stalkless acorns but leaves with long stalks, petioles) and in other parts of the wood the oak we are more used to, the Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur (which has acorns on long stalks and leaves almost stalkless). The form of these trees tends to differ, with the Sessile Oak having more ascending branches and narrower crown. There were also Hornbeam Carpinus betulus, and numerous Silver Birch Betula pendula some of which were exceptionally large; Downy Birch Betula pubescens is also present but we didn’t notice any. Mature Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris are also scattered through the wood and several other conifer species. There were signs of Grey Squirrel damage to oak tree flowers, but few were in view.

The handout included over 40 plant species that Charles Kessler had seen a couple of days before, most of which we found. Richard Schmidt provided a further list of flora we saw as a group on Saturday that were not on the list attached to our handout, so there are 55 species in the attached Plant Species List, which doesn’t include very common species such as Nettles.

Yellow Archangel Lamiastrum galeobdolon (Photo © Charles Kessler)

Some time was spent checking the difference between Common Sorrel Rumex acetosa and Sheep’s Sorrel Rumex acetosella. Another plant of interest, added by Richard Schmidt, was Wood Sage Teucrium scorodonia and is said to be ‘characteristic of dry open woods & grassy places on heathy soils and scarce in Buckinghamshire’ according to Roy Maycock & Aaron Woods in A Checklist of the Plants of Buckinghamshire published by MKNHS in 2005.

Wood Sage Teucrium scorodonia (Photo © Richard Schmidt)

There was much debate about some young tree suckers at the west edge of King’s Wood, which were of the Poplar Populus genus (of the Willow Salix family). Were they the Aspen Populus tremula species or were they Grey Poplar Populus x canescens, a hybrid between Aspen and White Poplar Populus alba? The leaf shape was Aspen-like, with their more rounded (orbicular) leaves with undulating (undulate) edges compared to the more jagged toothed (serrate) edges and more heart-shaped (cordate) leaves of White Poplar or Grey Poplar. But the petioles (the stalk of a leaf) were only slightly flattened: this flatness makes leaves of Aspen unstable, so they flutter from side to side in the wind in a distinctive way. There are other features to compare such as the dense, matted hairiness (tomentose) of the underside of young Grey Poplar leaves and un-hairy (glabrous) or sparsely-hairy underside of Aspen leaves. But Grey Poplar leaf undersides become much less hairy later on and hybrids tend to be variable. Perhaps these young trees require closer examination on our next visit?’

Although trees and other flowering plants were a main focus of interest, we also saw a huge European Hornet Vespa crabro fly past us and later a queen Hornet dropped to the ground close to us (definitely not an invasive Asian Hornet Vespa velutina). Birds heard and seen included: Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Great Spotted Woodpecker and the delightful descending song of a Willow Warbler, but most of the group seemed to be looking rather than listening. There are many other areas of these woodlands and heath that are well worth exploring when we next make a return visit here.

Mike LeRoy & Charles Kessler

The Plant Species List can be found and downloaded here.


What’s that plant – and why?

Twelve Society members (and one Parks Trust volunteer) braved a decidedly cold, damp, and sunless morning for two hours at Shenley Wood for the inaugural event of the newly formed Plant Group. Because of the wet and boggy conditions all our observations and identifications were made from the triangular route hard-core path in the east of the Wood or off the route into the Wood from the car park.

Shenley Wood is designated as Ancient Woodland and also as a ‘County Wildlife Site’. It is owned and managed by the Parks Trust. The surface geology is mostly glacial boulder clay and drainage is poor despite some ditches. Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur) and Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) were the dominant mature tree species observed with an understory of Hazel (Corylus avellana), Dogwood (Cornus sanguinea), Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), Bramble (Rubus ‘fruiticosus’) and Rose (Rosa species). Bluebell (Hyacynthoides non-scripta) was the dominant ground species of the wooded areas but the path edges and small clearings offered more light and here we were able to identify many more species:

Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa), Bugle (Ajuga reptans), Greater Stitchwort (Stellaria holostea), Primrose (Primula vulgaris), and Lesser Celandine (Ficaria verna) as might have been expected but also Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) in profusion (not yet in flower), Pendulous Sedge (Carex pendula), Wood Sedge (Carex sylvatica) , Bush Vetch (Vica sepium), Common Figwort not yet in flower(Scrophularia nodosa) – or was it Water Figwort (Scrophularia auriculata)? , Lords and Ladies (Arum maculatum) , and more.

Bugle Ajuga reptans (left)  Bush Vetch Vica sepium (right) (Photos © Bob Phillips)

We had hoped to find Early Purple Orchid in flower (Orchis mascula) but the orchid leaves that we did find could have been either Common Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii) or Early Purple Orchid.  One of the key indicators of Ancient Woodland is Dog’s Mercury (Mercurialis perennis) but none was identified in this section of the Wood (though it had been seen in other parts, on the recce). There was a plentiful supply of specimens on the ground of canopy-emerging leaves and flowers of the Pedunculate Oak – perhaps the combined work of grey squirrels and strong winds the previous night. With the benefit of a hand lens we were able to identify the small dark female flowers as well as the more familiar male yellow catkins.

Along the short walk between the car park and entry to the Wood we identified several shrubs, bushes, and plants on the route. Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), Dogwood (Cornus sanguinea), and Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus) were close together and Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum lantana) nearby with all but the Dogwood showing their white blossom. This offered the opportunity for examination of the essential differences of leaf form, florescence, and stem colour. At the edge of the car park, Sticky Mouse-ear (Cerastium glomeratum) was new to many of us:  a hand lens allowed us to view the glandular hairs on the stem and leaves.

Close-up of Sticky Mouse-ear to show glandular hairs on a stem (Photo © Bob Phillips)

A full list of species observed and identified is being prepared with comments and notes where necessary. This list including some of its queries will be input to a more formal Record of Listings which aims to be compatible with the requirements of BMERC in most respects although it is not anticipated that Group members will be able to acquire the skills necessary to submit formal records without further external training support.

In what way was this event different to the evening walks of the Society’s Summer Programme? Certainly, there was much more time for detailed examination of the plants we saw, checking field guides for distinguishing features, and sharing this knowledge with each other. Planning Team members were on hand to guide participants to planned stopping places and in practice we broke into a number of smaller groups in order to follow up particular interests. We also found that for some plants identification proved uncertain especially when not yet in flower and in these instances, we decided to list them as such. We also decided to list only those species that we observed either at the recce or the event itself, and to rely on our own identification skills. This was to avoid the temptation of assuming that because a plant had been seen before in Shenley Wood that was what it must be (e.g. the Figwort and Orchid species). We concluded with a welcome offer of tea or coffee.

To read more about the Plant Group go to the website under Programmes then Plant Group in the drop-down box to find an Information Sheet. The next event is from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm on Sunday 2nd June when the habitat will be the grassland, hedges, and limestone scrape of Stonepit Field.

Report prepared by the Planning Team (Charles Kesser, Jenny Mercer, Di Parsons, Carla Boswell, and Joe Clinch), with special thanks to Janice Robertson for her local knowledge and joining us on the recce, Bob Philips for his photographs, and Richard Schmidt for sharing his field notes with us.

07 May 2024

MKNHS Pilch Field visit – Tuesday 30 April 2024 – Report

A group of about 20 visited Pilch Field SSSI on a cool but dry evening – not entirely dry underfoot, but dry enough once we navigated our way past the ponds near the entrance.  Jenny and Di were well prepared and carrying bundles of sticks to mark areas where less common plants were found. Pilch Field is an amazing Site of Special Scientific Interest, well-managed these days by BBOWT, comprising old ploughland left as pasturage about 200 years ago after the Enclosure of the open field agriculture of ‘Ridge and furrow’, in the Parish of Singleborough.  Its damp areas of fen vegetation are treacherous and we avoided them – though the wonderful show of Marsh marigolds was in the middle of the western swampy part of the big field.

There was plenty to see in the larger field, with only a couple of members venturing into Little Pilch. Cowslips and Green-winged orchids are in profusion on the ridges; bugle too. The furrows are much damper and full of Hard rush with some sedges seen. The cool April weather has delayed grass growth this year, and Adder’s tongue fern was easily spotted. Often 1 square metre of this atypical fern was seen (Jenny noted at least 10 areas of 1m2) and one of 2m2 as we walked back. No sign of Moonwort so far this year though.

Adder’s tongue fern (Photo ©Bob Phillips)

Hoary plantain Plantago media, distinguished by its ‘crinkly’ pleated leaves,
with Yellow rattle Rhinanthus minor (Photo © Janice Robertson)

Yellow rattle was plentiful, and beginning to flower, but much of it stunted. Meadowsweet was much in evidence, but will not be in flower for another few weeks; likewise Marsh thistle.

Towards the end of the visit we had a great treat finding 2 Twayblade orchids …in bud… just before we turned back towards dusk, having had to abandon going into Little Pilch. Jenny had never seen twayblade orchid in Pilch in 30 years of visiting. They were near the site where Early Marsh orchids are sometimes found in June-July, though none seen last year…

Twayblade (Photo ©Bob Phillips)

A list of plants and birds observed can be found here .


Report prepared by Jenny Mercer and others

MKNHS Group Visit to Spurn National Nature Reserve – Report by Harry Appleyard

This residential trip saw a small descent of MK Natural History Society members on Spurn, a 3.5 mile long peninsula sat at the mouth of the Humber on the East Yorkshire coast from 27th to 30th October. It is an SSSI and a National Nature Reserve, owned by Yorkshire Wildlife Trust since 1960. The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust closely monitor and manage the meadows, wetlands and intertidal habitats across the reserve alongside Spurn Bird Observatory (established in 1946).

The Spurn area is widely considered one of the UK’s best birding destinations, boasting a huge variety of migrants common, scarce and rare annually. There are several watch points and hides which are manned daily in varying capacities but usually for hours on end during the peaks of migration when there can be near non-stop “vismig” of passerines flying overhead and the possibility of rare seabirds passing the shoreline. Its neighbouring reserve Kilnsea Wetlands also holds the only breeding colony of Little Terns in Yorkshire, breeding alongside other shorebirds including Ringed Plovers, Oystercatchers and Black-headed Gulls.

Waders over the Humber, 29th October 2023 © Harry Appleyard

To date just over 400 species have been recorded here and over 250 this year alone. With persistent westerly winds earlier in the autumn, local birders and visitors were treated to several American vagrants including a Pectoral Sandpiper, American Wigeon, a Red-eyed Vireo which was ringed at The Warren near the north end of the reserve and a flypast from Yorkshire’s 1st Upland Sandpiper. More recently the winds have turned more easterly, bringing deluges of wintering thrushes, finches, Goldcrests, Woodcocks and other annual migrants from mainland Europe, plus a handful of passerines from the far east including Red-flanked Bluetails, Siberian Chiffchaff, Yellow-browed Warblers and a Dusky Warbler.

This trip was originally suggested by Colin Docketty, who very sadly passed away just a few weeks ago. He was very much looking forward to it when I had last spoken to him over the phone just over a month ago and I know he would have thoroughly enjoyed this weekend here, as we were incredibly lucky with both birds and the weather.

Naturally with a few of us split up across the area on arrival and some coming from further afield, the species seen were not shared by everybody but in the end it was a great first visit for new-comers to the area with some of Spurn’s scarcer species gracing the skies, hedgerows and wetlands throughout the weekend. The species list wasted no time in getting off to an exciting start with a Dusky Warbler ringed at The Warren on Friday morning, which was subsequently heard calling by a few of us in the same area on Sunday. These “little brown jobs” are more likely to be found wintering in southeast Asia but are one of the more regularly-occurring vagrants in the UK at this time of year.

Dusky Warbler ringed at The Warren, 27th October 2023 © Harry Appleyard

Early risers were treated to a Rough-legged Buzzard on both Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th. On Saturday morning it was mobbed by Crows before landing near Spurn Bird Observatory and on Sunday it flew south across the reserve in superb morning light, showing off its striking white rump, very pale underwings and a distinctive solid brown patch on the belly, separating it nicely from the more familiar but still quite variable Common Buzzards of North Bucks. A ringtail Hen Harrier also flew south past the Warren a little while earlier on Sunday, offering a short view as it flew low along the Humber. Common Crossbills also put in a few appearances. On Saturday a pair fed on a small conifer near Kilnsea Church before heading south with a flock of 4 and on Sunday a pair were seen flying over the Spurn Discovery Centre.

Rough-legged Buzzard, Spurn, 29th October 2023 © Harry Appleyard

We spent much of Saturday walking across the Spurn peninsula, scanning the dunes, the Humber and the north sea. We didn’t quite make it to the very tip of the reserve but still managed to cover a very good amount of ground with plenty of species found along the way, not limited to birds. A single Red Admiral flew south under a gloomy sky and Dog Vomit Slime Mould was spotted next to our path. As we made our way to the peninsula a flock of 4 Whooper Swans flew low to the south along the shoreline, accompanied by a single Cormorant. A flock of 30 Mealy Redpolls showed very well as they fed close to ground level around the Chalk Bank/Potato Field areas and a trio of new-in Siskins near the lighthouse also provided excellent views. Sadly the bird of the day, a Hoopoe was only seen by one of us as it flew over the dunes near the southern tip of the reserve but later showed very well for other birders in the area. A couple of newly-arrived Woodcocks made brief appearances and an adult Grey Seal passed by the shoreline as we headed back north later on in the afternoon. The edge of the Humber estuary provided a few common Spurn species which would otherwise be a rare treat in Milton Keynes including a flock of dark-bellied Brent Geese from Siberia, 6 Turnstones and a Grey Plover.

Cormorant and Whooper Swans, 28th October 2023 © Harry Appleyard

Mealy Redpoll at Potato Field, Spurn, 28th October 2023 © Harry Appleyard

Sunday was a very productive day from start to finish. Movement on the sea was very minimal but there was lots to see in the sky above with plenty of migrants trickling through to the south. Between 8.10 and 9.30 over 160 Siskins flew south past the Warren Watch Point, followed by small numbers of Bramblings, Reed Buntings, Mistle Thrushes and a few Redwings and Fieldfares “in-off” the north sea. A Lapland Bunting also gave itself away with calls as it flew north past The Warren. During some continued exploration of the shoreline, a Merlin gave an incredible display of its aerodynamics as it pursued a Skylark which narrowly escaped its talons, minus a few feathers! A vibrant Greenland-type Wheatear showed very well around the small cliffs and another new-in Woodcock came straight in from the sea, flying very low over the shoreline before ascending above the cliffs at the last second right in front of us.

Woodcock, 28th October 2023 © Julian Lambley

After lunch we made a quick dash to Beacon Lane at the northern edge of the reserve to see a small flock of Waxwings. 8 had been reported a little while earlier but we only saw 4, which eventually flew south. A single individual flew north from Canal Scrape by the Spurn Discovery Centre around sunset also. For the rest of the afternoon we headed to Kilnsea Wetlands and Beacon Ponds, also owned by Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and part of the Spurn Bird Observatory’s recording area. On the way we passed by a Sound Mirror, built to detect zeppelins during WW1. This is one of the many wartime structures still standing across the Spurn area, with more being excavated and maintained by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust’s Military History volunteers further south on the Spurn peninsula.

There was no shortage of wintering waterfowl to see with large numbers of Wigeon, Shoveler and Teal across the lagoons. A Long-tailed Duck which had arrived on the wetlands earlier in the week had also kindly stuck around, though being very mobile and frequently diving under the surface as it fed adjacent to the Kilnsea Wetlands hide. 4 Avocets, including a colour-ringed individual and a single Mediterranean Gull were also present. Perhaps the highlight of the afternoon for most of us was an incredible murmuration of waders spotted in the distance over the Humber, caused by an unidentified raptor. A couple of Red Admirals and 10 Common Darters were also still on the wing across the area.

For those that ventured out onto Monday morning, there were a few last minute additions to the species list. The sea was once again surprisingly quiet but a flock of 14 Common Scoter, a regular species for Spurn sea watching, flew south past the Warren. There was also another flyby from a ringtail Hen Harrier. A little while later a Purple Sandpiper called as it flew in from the beach and went north and a Great Spotted Woodpecker, a much less frequent find here than in Milton Keynes was calling near the Kew Villa area by the northern edge of the reserve.

In the end, over 80 species of bird were observed through the duration of the trip. I think it was safe to say we were spoilt with good weather and good birds all through the weekend, which is exactly what Colin would have wanted. I’d personally like to thank Yorkshire Wildlife Trust’s Spurn team and Spurn Bird Observatory for their assistance and hospitality over the course of this weekend and of course all the attendees that managed to make the journey up here.

To view the list of species seen during the visit click here

Willen Lake North walk – 22 August report – Martine Harvey

Photo of moon © Peter Barnes

Willen Lake North was the focus for this MKNHS walk and we started at the Willen Pavilion car park. Walking anti-clockwise, in the direction of the Peace Pagoda, we stayed close to the lake to look out for Dragonflies and Water Rail. A Common Gull was spotted on the water as we approached. We were then lucky to spot a juvenile and adult Common Tern perched on the poles by the water’s edge, along with some Black Headed Gulls. A young frog was spotted further on, in the grass.

Black-headed Gull and Common Tern (Photo © Martine Harvey)

Walking towards the bird hide, we heard the call of a Water Rail as a Jay flew above into a tree. From the bird hide, several Migrant Hawkers were seen, and a roost of Cormorants were up high in trees across on the island. We then spent some time by the small bridge looking for Dragonflies but unfortunately did not see any. As the sun dropped low in the sky, we saw a Great Crested Grebe in silhouette and further in the distance a family of Tufted Duck.

Near the weir, an unidentified Dragonfly was seen and noted in case it could have been a Lesser Emperor, but unfortunately no ID was made. House Martins and Swallows were seen in the distance, up high as the light levels dropped. On returning to the car park a Noctule Bat was seen and heard with a bat detector.

Many plants were noted on the walk including grassy tall phragmites which grows profusely at the water’s edge. There were good flower heads on the tall stalks; they are large, ranging from near black to a glorious deep purple-red at this time of year, and becoming beige to a creamy bleached white by the spring.

Many people enjoyed the walk, and the evening sun was especially beautiful as the crescent Moon started to appear.

A Plant list is being prepared, and will be added in due course.

Martine Harvey
August 2023

Society walk at Olney Riverside – 15th August 2023

Olney Church across the meadow (Photo © Derek Taylor)

In previous years, this walk along the Ouse has been very popular when undertaken in May or June, usually co-led by Julie Lane and Martin Kincaid. A late summer visit still proved rewarding though.

A short walk from Olney market square brought us to Church Street. At one of the mill-side houses, Martin pointed out a large quantity of bat droppings on the white window ledges of the house. Some of these were the pellets of pipistrelle bats but there were also the larger, twisted pellets of brown long-eared bats. Little did we know the grand finale these bats had planned for us!

At the river, we soon saw Banded Demoiselles and Common Emerald damselflies and also spotted Minnows and Rudd in the clear water. One of our newest members, Rob Andrews, spotted some Yellow Wagtails flying over and a single juvenile Goosander was fishing in the river. In previous years we have seen family groups of this species, which has nested at Olney Mill for the past decade. Rob later found a male Redstart in one of the hedgerows crossing the fields. Although distant, most of the birders managed a glimpse of this lovely bird.

Juvenile Goosander (Photo © Julie Cuthbert)

Our attention soon turned to riparian plants. We found some nice stands of Flowering Rush in the ditches and along the river. Further along, we found the naturalised Orange Balsam, Marsh Woundwort and the bright deep flowers of Skullcap. Mid-stream, the white flowers of a Water Crowfoot could be observed, although we were unable to identify this to species from such a distance. Kingfishers were active, calling regularly, and eventually two appeared and gave brief views to the group.

We walked back towards the church across the fields, picking up Speckled Bush-cricket and Roesel’s Bush-cricket with bat detectors. Jenny Mercer identified Musk Thistle in the fading light.

Musk Thistle (Photo © Jenny Mercer)

On reaching Olney Mill at dusk, the bat detectors were overwhelmed with the sounds of echo-locating bats. We all stood and watched in amazement as dozens of bats emerged from the house and began their evening flights. These were mostly common pipistrelles although a few larger bats seen may have been brown long-eareds. We returned to the market place at around 9pm having enjoyed a memorable walk – in August sunshine!

Martin Kincaid
August 2023

Elfield Nature Park – Tuesday 8th August 2023 report

A visit to Elfield Nature Park – Tuesday 8th August 2023 – Carla Boswell
All photos © Sue Lafferty Hayward

Elfield Nature Park is around 4 hectares of mixed woodland, mature scrub, open grassland and a series of ponds. The site is rich in wildlife, with its range of habitats supporting dragonflies, bees, butterflies, birds, amphibians and bats. It is a secure nature reserve which is not open to the general public.

Thank you and well done for those of us that braved the weather; it was drizzling somewhat as we navigated through the Bowl access roads, whilst the Event organisers were packing up the Reggae Festival from the previous weekend.

A hardy bunch of 10 of us met up, including members of the Elfield Bushcraft Group to assist with gate access, for a good hour’s walk round the site.  Wellies felt essential but it soon stopped raining and the skies cleared. As were we leaving the sun was setting and the bird song re-appeared.  Since it was a bit damp, we thought it would be a perfect opportunity to check the artificial covers objects (ACOs) for amphibians and newts rather than focusing on Plant ID, as we were missing many of our botanists.

With Great Crested Newts being a protected species, licence holder Carla Boswell was able to check the ACOs, which are a combination of metal, carpet and bitumen squares, and record our findings.  Sadly, there were no reptiles due to the wet and low temperature. Nevertheless, although we are just outside the survey season, through checking 13 ACOs we uncovered a total of 10 Great Crested Newts.  5 adults and 5 juveniles.

Great Crested Newts (Photo © Sue Lafferty Hayward)

We also uncovered some Great Crested Newts in other locations: one of the tree stumps in the car park and a big stone along the track.  Elfield Nature Park has recently been a receptor site for amphibians trapped from the development site opposite.  Let’s hope they don’t move back!

Elfield Park looks completely different to last year’s dry parched visit and is looking very lush and green, with lots of interesting fungi too.  The main walking track, up the middle hill, is a carpet of bird’s foot trefoil, a sight to behold!  We discovered some Red Bartsia on site, something we’re not sure if we have seen before in Milton Keynes  (identification confirmed subsequently). We were too late in the year for the orchids but perhaps we can revisit earlier in the 2024 programme.

Unidentified fungus, left; Red bartsia, right  (Photo © Sue Lafferty Hayward)

The finale for the visit was a peek into the honeybee hives, hosted by James Chew and Colin Bowker from the Elfield Bushcraft group. James and Colin took on the initial couple of hives at the site and have since grown their broods and collected swarms from across MK to have 12 active hives this year.  They also sell their honey and perhaps there’s a potential winter talk on their beekeeping activities for the society?  This year’s honey is darker and fruity from bramble flowers, and James has sent his honey off for pollen DNA analysis!

Honeybees  (Photo © Sue Lafferty Hayward)

Elfield Bushcraft group of friendly independent volunteers is open to new members, to help maintain and improve the site.  The main activities include sharing bushcraft skills; such as fire-building, shelter-making, knot practice and wood-whittling. They use basic tools to improve the natural environment and carry out tasks for The Parks Trust, such as mending fences, observing wildlife and tending plants. They meet every Tuesday from 11am to 2pm finding time for a chat over food and hot drinks too.  They hold taster sessions before joining and group members pay a small fee each month into the kitty to finance supplies.

For more information please contact:

Carla Boswell
August 2023


Flitwick Moor Site Visit: Tuesday 4th July 2023 – Joe Clinch

Flitwick Moor in heavy rain is not the place to be for a site visit; alas, the Society’s first since 2019 was on such a day and this was reflected in the very low turnout for the occasion. It is an unusual and special location. Its SSSI status is based on the very uncommon habitat for southern England of an alkaline peat mire of the flood plain of the River Flit (a tributary of the Ivel which in turn flows into the Great Ouse) being acidified by Greensand springs. It is managed by the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust. The peat was extracted commercially until 1960 resulting in large areas below the level of the water table and some just above the former being dominated by Alder and the latter by Silver Birch and Pedunculate Oak with open areas of sphagnum moss, reeds, sedges, and ferns. The Reserve also includes a rough grass meadow area on slightly higher ground. This report describes the various habitats visited and some of the species observed and the annex provides a cumulative checklist of the Society’s sightings at this location, including additions from the recce and visit this year.


Wet woodland

The recently replaced board walk takes the visitor along the dividing line of the two woodland habitats. We accessed one of the boggy clearings which had been recently cleared of the dominant Common Reed (a grass) and experienced the squashy feel of sphagnum moss under our feet. We had hoped to find Cotton Grass (a sedge) an important indicator species of acid peat here but to no avail; the Marsh Thistles stood high and erect here being excluded from the clearing work.

The next stop was to look at the ferns. Bracken grows mainly on the slightly higher ground whereas the elegant Broad Buckler Ferns were mainly at the edge of the lower ground. Wood Dock was a new sighting for this area. A rusty coloured stream is crossed, one of several that are fed by the iron rich acid springs (called Chalybeate which was bottled and sold as cure-all in the 19th century). Honeysuckle fights for light where the canopy is thinner and Raspberry has established itself in this unlikely habitat.

(Wood Dock © Phil Sarre)

Rough Grass Meadow

Trees line this large area on all sides. It is a mix of coarse and soft grasses, and flowering plants with a few scattered bushes. Some parts are well-drained; others not.  Meadow Vetchling, Tufted Vetch, Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Greater Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Hedge Bedstraw, and Lesser Stitchwort were identified here along with patches of Yarrow, Common Knapweed, a Hawks-beard (probably Smooth Hawks-beard), Lady’s Bedstraw, and Hogweed. Nest mounds of the Common Yellow Ant – a metre or more in diameter with an underground chamber of at least the same size – are scattered across the area.

(A Hawks-beard, probably Smooth Hawks-beard © Phil Sarre)

The wetter areas along the boundary of the wet woodland included Meadowsweet, Water Pepper, Scented Mayweed, Yellow Iris (no longer in flower), Purple Loosestrife, and Field Horsetail. Insects which normally thrive here were not to be seen but we did disturb a Common Frog in two different locations. A small detour at the far end of the meadow took us to the banks of the alkaline River Flit. Hemlock so dominant in 2019 has been cleared and a species new to our list, the Himalayan ( Indian) Balsam, may be next for removal. Russian Comfrey continues to thrive here.


Flitwick Moor has a special ‘primaeval’ charm of its own and to walk through the wet woodland is to observe a different natural world so I hope that members will be encouraged to visit over the coming years. Its habitats are reflected in the diversity of wildlife that can be seen. But do try to pick a dry day for it!


My thanks to Phil Sarre for accompanying me on the recce, and to him and to Charles Kessler for taking part in the species identification. My first Society visit to the site was on a recce in 2016 with Roy Maycock as my mentor and he did the same for me again in 2019. Most of the plant species identified on the checklist date back to these visits so a special thanks to him also.

Joe Clinch, Visit Leader
July 2023


Stonepit Field Site Visit, Tuesday 6th June 2023

Above: Birdsfoot trefoil at Stonepit Field (Photo © Joe Clinch)

The evening of the visit was decidedly cool and dull with a fresh breeze – not ideal conditions for flowering plants and invertebrates which were the main focus of the planned evening. There was a surprisingly good turnout given the conditions with over 20 members and visitors, and once again we were able to enjoy the remarkable biodiversity of this site. In a brief introduction, Joe reminded the group of its history.  The tree-lined south-eastern border had been planted by the Milton Keynes Development Corporation in c. 1970. The main meadow areas including the limestone scrape were developed from 1993 onwards by the Parks Trust on previous farmland thus providing a habitat for calcareous loving meadow flowers, grasses, trees and shrubs: an exemplar of how an uncommon biodiverse habitat can be created. The balancing ponds were added in 2007, associated with Oakridge Park housing development.

Based on three separate recce visits to the site (thank you Mike LeRoy and Jenny Mercer for accompanying me) and listings from previous visits, a Checklist of species that might be observed that evening was distributed to members. The aim was to identify as many as possible of the species listed and to add to it any new sightings for the draft cumulative list for the site which Mike had initiated in 2019. To manage the number of participants in this underfoot plant sensitive area, the group was split into two with one led by Linda Murphy and the other by Joe. The species list from the evening can found through the link below, and highlights are summarised in this short report.

Stonepit Field MKNHS Species list 06.06.2023

Meadow areas

These cover much of the site interspersed with paths, ‘hedges’, and clumps of trees and shrubs. There is a rich mix of grasses and flowering plants which included the semi-parasitic Yellow Rattle; Salad Burnet; Common Vetch; Meadow Buttercup; Bulbous Buttercup; Ox-eye Daisy; Beaked Hawksbeard; Goats beard; Meadow Cranesbill; and Red Clover. Common Broomrape, a parasitic species which was abundant and widely distributed in 2022, had virtually disappeared with only a few specimens found in just one area.  Pyramidal Orchid was a welcome addition to the meadow species list. Charles Kessler was able to identify eight species of grass on the checklist for us including the delicate Quaking Grass.

Pyramidal Orchid and Quaking Grass (Photo © Joe Clinch)

Limestone scrape area and its edges

The species of the scrape area proper had clearly suffered from the dry weather of last summer and the cool spring particularly the Bee Orchids which were few in number and stunted with yellow- brown deformed leaves. Scrape edges have fared better and here the Bee Orchids were healthy although fewer in number. Birds-foot Trefoil (see main photo, taken several days after the visit), Horseshoe Vetch, Kidney Vetch, and Common Rockrose were also doing well here.  Amongst species new to the area this year are Selfheal; a Thyme species; and Common Blue Daisy (globularia vulgaris) commonly called Globularia (see photo below). The latter is not a native British wildflower. It is found in continental Europe in rocky calcareous habitats. How it arrived is a mystery.

Common Blue Daisy Globularia vulgaris (Photo © Julian Lambley)

Tree/shrub margins, rough ground and pond areas

Six spring white-flowered trees above the scrape were seen in close proximity, albeit for the first two named the flowering season was already over: Whitebeam; Wayfaring Tree; Guelder Rose; Dogwood; Hawthorn; and Common Elder. Flowers at the edge of the tree/shrub areas included Hedge Bedstraw; Red Campion; Marjoram; and new to the list Wild Liquorice (see photo below, taken several days after the visit); Bush Vetch; and Bladder Campion. The Yellow Irises in full flower made a splendid display at the pond edges. Much of the Gorse on the banks above the pond has died back; the reasons for this are unknown but may again be the drought of last summer.

Wild Liquorice Astragalus glycphyllos (Photo © Joe Clinch)

Birds, Mammals, Amphibians and Reptiles

Harry Appleyard again undertook the task of bird identification at the site. As he puts it, it was ‘a fairly drab and dreary evening for June, so unsurprisingly there weren’t as many birds as on previous visits but there were still several species keen to have their voices heard, the loudest of the bunch being a Song Thrush which seemed to be mimicking an Oyster Catcher…….Singles of Blackcap and Chiffchaff were heard singing, while overhead trios of House Martins, Swifts and Little Egrets were seen, the latter flying over the ponds throughout the evening.’  A Red Kite flying over is new to the list for the site which now stands at 40 species

A Muntjac (see photo) showed itself to Harry before disappearing into the woodland area. A Hedgehog carcass on the scrape was examined by Martin Kincaid – probably a Badger kill. Common Frog and a dead Grass Snake found by Julian Lambley completed our vertebrate sightings.

Muntjac (Photo © Harry Appleyard)


The cool dull conditions were not good for finding invertebrates, with no Butterflies, Damselflies, or Dragonflies seen. But two new moth species were identified: Drab Looper; and Shark Moth. There were also three insects at various stages of development new to the list: a Longhorn Beetle; Common Pill Woodlouse; and Field Grasshopper plus one spider – the Flower Crab Spider. These sightings were the result of active collection by Simon Bunker, Paul Lund and Martin Kincaid.


This is an important site for observing calcareous loving plants and the invertebrate species that depend on them. Our evening visits are a snapshot in time of its biodiversity and it is encouraging that we continue to add to our knowledge of how diverse it is.  Members will find yet more species to enjoy later into the summer.

My thanks to: Society members for turning out on such an inclement evening and for their active involvement in the evening’s activities; to all those who helped with identification already named plus Jenny Mercer and Linda Murphy for plant identification; and to Mike LeRoy for checking the nomenclature of the Species Listed annex and sharing his knowledge of the site with me.


Joe Clinch, Visit leader
June 2023

Society Walk at Sewell Railway Cutting, Beds – 23rd May 2023

Photo of Corn Bunting © Martine Harvey

This was a visit to the nearest area of chalk grassland to Milton Keynes, the Sewell Railway Cutting. A short-lived railway line operated here, between Leighton Buzzard and Dunstable. One of our late members, Wally Lancaster, had been a train driver here in the 1950s and he always enjoyed revisiting the site to enjoy its flora and fauna. Wally and his wife Joan, who passed away very recently, were stalwarts of the Society for many years so it was nice to remember them.

It was a clear, sunny night and a good number turned out. A short walk from French’s Avenue brought us to the start of the railway cutting and immediately we could see a variety of chalk grassland flora including Common Twayblade (abundant), Chalk Milkwort and Kidney Vetch. One plant which we had not seen in the past was Star-of-Bethlehem, but we found numerous clumps low down on the banks. It was interesting to note that those in shade were already closing whilst those flowers in full sun remained open. On previous visits, we had noted how scrubby the embankments were but happily, work has been undertaken to remove much of the scrub creating much more open, sunny areas for flora and insect life. However, it was probably a bird that stole the show. A male Corn Bunting was holding a territory in a hedge and gave great views as he sang his jingling song! Sadly, turtle doves, which we heard here in the past, were not heard and are now probably absent from this area but we were able to enjoy Swallows and Swifts soaring overhead. A female Kestrel perched up on our return leg.

Male Corn Bunting singing © Julian Lambley

We eventually made our way to the ‘bottom’ of the nature reserve where it intersects with part of the Icknield Way. Here we were able to look across to the chalk cliffs of Totternhoe Quarry. We watched rabbits enjoying the evening sunshine and a Roe Deer was spotted. Invertebrates were a little disappointing as the temperature dropped quickly, but Green Carpet moths were emerging and Tim Arnold captured a specimen of Agonopterix heracliana .  Towards the end of the walk, Martin Kincaid managed to pot a specimen of the iridescent ‘long-horned moth’ Adela reaumurella. This was a female – the antennae of the male are about two and half times its body length! The only other insect of note was a Greater Bloody-nosed Beetle. When handled, this beetle did indeed have a ‘nose bleed’, or to be more accurate, emitted reflex blood from its mouth, a defence strategy which provokes most predators to drop it. A single Red Admiral was the only butterfly.

We returned to our meeting point at around 9pm and a few of us then went on to The White Lion, Chalk Hill, just down the road from some refreshment.

Martin Kincaid

Society’s visit to Pilch Field 2.5.2023 – Jenny Mercer

Pilch Field (Photo © Jenny Mercer)

The photo above shows the ridge and furrow of these unimproved Pilch fields pastures. When Singleborough parish enclosed these fields the old pattern of ploughing remained as a “footprint” of the former landscape.

Plants which prefer the better drainage on ridges include Green-winged orchids and Cowslips, which are out just now.

Green-winged orchid (Photo © Martine Harvey)

Soon Pignut and Birds-foot trefoil, Salad burnet and a ton of other plants will appear. Hundreds of Common spotted orchids will appear too within the next few weeks, and in July the spiney restharrow with pink sweet pea-like flowers appear. August and September bring a profusion of blue scabious especially in Little Pilch – the smaller field to the north-east of the larger field, accessed through a big gate. In the damper furrows and on edges of ridges, the unusual Adder’s-tongue fern is showing well plus Lady’s smock/Cuckoo flower. It will soon dissapear.

Adder’s tongue (Photo © Bob Phillips)

In the significantly wet areas there are marshy areas where the quite tall Marsh valerian is beginning to show well, and there are Marsh marigolds too, with Bugle and Creeping jenny. Marsh valerian is unusual in having male and female flowers on separate plants. It is the original source of the drug Vallium.

It is also a good site for birds, such as Snipe, which overwinter in Little Pilch. I saw a Short-eared owl last autumn on the highest ridge of the bigger field. And in Little Pilch last Tuesday evening many of us were treated to several sightings of hares and 3 roe deer as we entered the field slowly, and watched carefully.

Butterflies and moths are in good numbers too.

Enjoy visiting this 30 acre BBOWT reserve, which needs volunteers to keep it free from the threatening scrub incursions of hawthorn, blackthorn and bramble. Aylesbury Vale Conservation Volunteers have done good work recently . If interested, offer your services, and there is a BBOWT contact – Leo Keedy. The old overgrown pond area is to be dug out in 2023. Superb news.

Remember, no dogs on this Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), is best as cattle graze from 1st June until 31st October.

Contact Jenny Mercer if you want to learn more about the plants on Pilch.

There are great satellite images on Google maps. Just input Pilch Field SSSI and then select ‘layers’ then satellite image. Amazingly, you can even see the superb ant hills, and some impression of the ridge and furrow areas.

Jenny Mercer

Society Walk at Linford Wood – Tuesday 25th April 2023

Blluebells (Photo © Harry Appleyard)

Over 30 members turned out for our first Tuesday evening walk of the season. In a cold spring week we were fortunate to enjoy a dry and sunny, if chilly, evening. Linford Wood, right in the centre of MK, is our largest ancient woodland site and always a delight at this time of year. Following a brief introduction, we entered the wood and were treated to the sight and sound of a Great Spotted Woodpecker calling from high up in an oak.

The usual spring flora of Bluebell, Wood Anemone, Primrose, Lesser Celandine and Greater Stitchwort were on display although it was clear that the cold spring had delayed the flowering of several species, whilst extending the flowering season of others including Early Dog Violet. Some of the ditch banks had fine patches of violets and anemones. We spent a little more time looking at the flowers of strawberry plants before we settled on Barren Strawberry.

A highlight for some of the group (i.e. those near the front!) was a Roe Deer buck, who crossed the central bridleway ride in front of us before leaping effortlessly over a dead hedge into the closed off ride. It was great to see this animal displaying the agility it is known for. Eagle-eyed Harry Appleyard managed to catch the moment. Roe are becoming more and more frequent in MK and although they are more welcome than the introduced Muntjac, we hope that their numbers do not grow so high that the woodland flora suffers.

Roe Buck leaping in Linford Wood (Photo © Harry Appleyard)

We also heard plenty of birdsong along the main ride, with Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs noticeable. A Jay flew overhead as we waited for the deer to re-emerge. A brief detour allowed us to see two Early Purple Orchid spikes half in flower. Ironically, these are rather late this year.

Martin led the group along the grassy ride known both for its wood carvings and for Herb-Paris. Eventually, we were able to find a good number of plants a few meters off the pathway with just one or two in flower. A first for some of our group and quite an achievement in view of the recent cold conditions.

Herb Paris (Photo © Bob Phillips)

We concluded the walk with a brief visit to the edge of Stanton Wood (on the opposite side of Saxon Street from Linford Wood). There is a nice stand of Wych Elms at the entrance of Stanton Wood and perhaps the best displays of bluebells and cowslips were to be seen on the steep banks either side of the redway here. As the light was fading rapidly, we quickly made our way back along V7 to the car park, where we were serenaded by a Song Thrush. A pleasant start to our outdoor season.

Martin Kincaid

Tongwell Lake walk report – 15 January 2023

Above photo: Reeds at Tongwell Lake  (Photo©Harry Appleyard)

Today’s weekend walk took place at the rather overlooked Tongwell Lake, a small lake a short distance north of Willen which can boast an impressive range of birds at this time of year including resident and migratory passerines as well as mixed congregations of waterfowl, sometimes hosting some of Buckinghamshire’s scarcer species. This was just one day shy of a year since the last Society weekend walk here, so it was an interesting opportunity to compare the variety.

Mallard, Male Goosander, Tufted Ducks and Black-headed Gulls (Photo©Harry Appleyard)

As with last year’s visit, birds took the spotlight for most of the walk but there were fleeting appearances from Grey Squirrels and one of the first Bumblebees of the year for a few of us! Many of the same species from last year were present across and around the lake with several species of wintering waterfowl including around 30 Tufted Ducks, 12 Pochard, 4 Shovelers and 4 Gadwall. Small groups of Mute Swans, Greylag, Canada Geese, Black-headed Gulls and Coots were also present on the water while a Grey Heron and 3 Cormorants were resting at the island.
Female Shoveller (Photo©Bob Phillips)

One of the target species, Goosander was on show right away. While last year there were 7 and this year there were 2, their numbers here can wax and wane throughout the autumn and winter, sometimes reaching double figures. A lone male was one of the first birds we saw among a lot of the other waterfowl on the lake but later on it was accompanied by a female, diving and showing well towards the end of the walk.

Male Goosander (Photo©Harry Appleyard)

A couple of birds which were not seen on last year’s visit included Lapwing and Raven. A lone Raven and a flock of around 150 Lapwings passed by shortly after me and Martin Kincaid arrived but later on, several small flocks of Lapwings were seen throughout the walk and a pair of Ravens also flew low over the conifers near the M1. While often on the move, the Ravens have become a much more familiar sight in North Bucks in recent years.

Raven (Photo©Harry Appleyard)

There was a good variety of passerines, some showing much more so than others. One of our autumn and winter visitors, the Lesser Redpoll stole the show on several occasions with small flocks of up to 7 birds seen feeding on birches around the area. We were treated to some excellent views of 3 here last year too, so it was good to see them again in a season that has so far not produced many locally. Surprisingly Siskins were absent this time but the views of the Redpolls definitely made up for their absence.

Lesser Redpolls (Photo©Bob Phillips)

Around some of the more densely vegetated areas there was a small flock of Long-tailed Tits, a Song Thrush heard calling and a pair of Goldcrests which showed very well, with one displaying to the other at close range. A Treecreeper was seen by the north side of the lake while a Great Spotted Woodpecker made a brief appearance in the treetops on the island. At least 2 Red Kites, a Sparrowhawk and 2 Common Gulls were also seen passing by.

Red Kite (Photo©Bob Phillips)

Some early signs of spring included a Dunnock singing, flowering Hazel buds and Purple Dead-nettles* by one of the footpaths.

Purple Dead-nettle (Photo©Harry Appleyard);  Hazel – female catkin (Photo©Bob Phillips)

Thanks again to Colin Docketty and Martin Kincaid for planning and leading this walk.

Harry Appleyard
16 January 2023

* NB Purple Dead-nettle is not shown in many wildflower books as it’s a naturalised plant, which flowers early and dies down in the summer.

MKNHS members beat the Pembrokeshire weather to enjoy their visit – Steve Brady

Eight members of the Society visited Pembrokeshire at the invitation of Pembrokeshire U3A Natural History Group. The group was set up by former MKNHS chair Steve Brady, now living in Pembrokeshire, to whom many thanks are due.

Steve has put together a report on the visit, reproduced here:

Despite appalling weather on their visit to Tŷ Canol Wood on the Friday morning, a group of eight visitors from Milton Keynes Natural History Society, of which our Group Organiser was Secretary and Chairman for many years, enjoyed a successful and interesting visit to Pembrokeshire from 29th September to 2nd October. The visit was part of the U3A’s national celebrations of its 30th Anniversary, involving local U3Aers hosting some of our visitors in their homes.

On the wet and windy morning of Friday 30th September, our visitors plus a few hardy local U3Aers explored Tŷ Canol Wood. Mostly we were sheltered by the ancient oak trees from the worst of the elements and the magic of this very special place shone through regardless.

Amongst the finds were splendid fly agaric mushrooms such as the one below.

After enjoying our unique Celtic Rain Forest our gallant band returned through torrential rain and gales to drive to the ancient Pentre Ifan dolmen. Thence over the top of the Preselis to the Tafarn Sinc inn at Rosebush.

Here we were all made most welcome, and wet apparel dried before the log burner whilst we warmed ourselves up with coffee and hot toddies. We stayed for an excellent meal of fine Pembrokeshire produce, at which we were joined by Geoff and Rowena Winterman.

Next day dawned bright and mostly sunny. In the morning we gathered at Dr Beynon’s Bug Farm near St. David’s, where we were treated to a fascinating introductory talk about the Farm, its history and its important role in local education and conservation by Sarah, the eponymous Dr Beynon. We then enjoyed the amazing range of exotic tropical arthropods kept in their zoo, after which the braver spirits got to handle a few choice specimens.

Lunch followed at the Grub Kitchen, the UK’s first full-time edible insect restaurant. Again, the bolder ones amongst us got to try said edible insects, such as the Crunchy Crickets in the photo above, which those who did enjoyed. There remained time to explore the plots of local wildflowers, Nature-friendly crops and species-rich grasslands on the site – which our Group will hopefully visit next summer (entomophagy optional!) –  before we headed a few miles up the coast to Abercastle.

Here our resident seal experts Pete and Carol Hall enthralled us with their knowledge of grey seal biology and natural history, based on their years of working as volunteers at a local seal rescue centre, before taking us round the coast to see the pups displayed before us on their birthing beaches. A slightly older pup came to see us in return.

A quick detour was made to see the Neolithic Carreg Samson dolmen, with a sighting of Pembrokeshire choughs thrown in to make our visitors’ natural history experience complete. After which what all concerned agreed had been a highly successful visit was rounded off with a splendid repast, none of which was insectile, at the Ship Inn in the lovely village of Solva.

Whilst staying with Jennifer Huggett in Castle Morris, one of our visitors, Linda Murphy, set up a moth trap. On the Friday night she recorded 16 Lunar Underwings and one each of the Beaded Chestnut and the Pinion-streaked Snout. On Saturday night she trapped no less than 42 Lunar Underwings, two each of the Yellow-line Quaker and the Beaded Chestnut plus one each of the Large Yellow Underwing and the Square-spot Rustic. A fine haul this late in the season, and one which may inspire local members to start moth-trapping and recording.

On behalf of the Natural History Group of Pembrokeshire U3A and at the request of Milton Keynes Natural History Society on their behalf too I should like to thank all local U3Aers who helped make this 30th Anniversary event the great success it proved to be, notably Pat Lewis and Jennifer Huggett for accommodating some of our visitors in their homes and Pete and Carol Hall, Geoff and Rowena Winterman and Mary Bartlett for turning out to welcome them. Our Chair, Jan Manning, had hoped to join us at the Ship but sadly was unwell.

Steve Brady
October 2022

College Wood 16 July report – Species list now available

Andy Harding has just submitted the moth list for the MKNHS George Higgs/Gordon Redford night at College Wood Nash on July 16th 2022. He says: ‘The blame for the  lateness of the report does not lie entirely in the south of the county!! I also commend Martin Albertini’s superb organisation of the data.”

A link to the Species list is now added to the end of Andy’s report, which can be found here:
If you want to go straight to the Species List, you can click here

The Excel file includes the all-time list for College Wood, as well as the moths identified on our 16th July 2022 moth night, including the 8 new species added on our latest visit.

A walk around Willen Lake North – 16 August 2022 – Martine Harvey

Flowering Rush (Photo © Martin Kincaid)

This walk focused on the North part of Willen Lake, which is managed by The Parks Trust to encourage wildlife.

Starting at the Willen Sports Pavilion car park we began by going through the churchyard. We did not have a sunny evening, with a storm forecasted and very dark clouds looming. This meant that visibility was not great. However we did not experience much rain, which was helpful for us but perhaps not for the low water level and dry soil.

On the lake, there were plenty of Great Crested Grebes visible, including one on a nest, a juvenile and two who were doing a rather late courtship dance. Three Common Tern were flying over the lake along with a Cormorant. Two Little Egrets were spotted and two Heron. A highlight of the walk were the two Tufted Duck families. One had very young chicks who were very difficult to count as they were diving underwater – we think there were around seven, which is a good count. A Migrant Hawker Dragonfly was spotted flying low over the reeds and there was also a low flying Sparrowhawk. As we moved around the lake towards the bird hide, we crossed over the bridge to see Flowering Rush Butomus umbellatus, which has umbrella-like clusters of flowers and twisted grass-like foliage.

From the bird hide, not much was visible due to high reeds and the heavy clouds. We were hoping to catch a glimpse of some waders as there had been plenty seen over the previous few days, but we were unlucky. As we moved around the lake the clouds loomed. Near the car park we were lucky to spot a Bat and shortly after, with the aid of a bat detector, we identified both a Common Pipistrelle and a Noctule.  It was a lovely walk and a great turnout of members.

Martine Harvey
August 2022

The elusive Fairy Flax walk from Holy Trinity Churchyard, Old Wolverton, 12.07.22 – Jenny Mercer

The MK Natural History Society group assembled at 7pm at Holy Trinity church, with its fine yews, cedar and black walnut trees and walked north towards the River Great Ouse, through the Ouse Valley Park, managed for cattle-grazing and hay-making by the Parks Trust.   As we walked downhill to the floodplain, we viewed the long-abandoned site of Old Wolverton village on the western side of the path, we crossed a dried-up ditch by the double-gated bridge.

From the bridge on our left, in the ditch just below the hedge, several of the group spotted a plant which no one was confident of its identification.  We used our Society members’ ideas on its potential “ID”, later checking a variety of guides to the British flora, and a variety of “Apps” were “zapped” to seek its possible ID though all of us are cautious about the generally American databases most Apps use.

On a visit about 10 days later Joe Clinch and I confirmed it to be Fools Watercress Apium nodiflorum. It is a member of the carrot family, Apiaceae, and in that damp habitat it might have been Lesser Water Parsnip or a poisonous dropwort, both of which are seriously poisonous.

In the next field we entered a fine area of meadow on the floodplain, now managed by the Parks Trust. (This is River Field East SP 80020 41474.)   A well-worn field path took us through the fine grasses and flowers of mid-July.

I am grateful to Charles Kessler for the grasses list and for his input on their identification, which seemed more possible in high summer when their “flowery heads” seemed to differentiate one from another.

At the bank of the Ouse we walked east towards the Iron Trunk aqueduct, an important historic spot where the Grand Union Canal crosses the river.   When we were right on the riverside below the Iron Trunk, we noted native water lily in the slow-flowing water, as well as Purple loosestrife and Agrimony, alongside “eggs and bacon”, Birds-foot trefoil, a member of the pea family, and Creeping cinquefoil, a member of the rose family.

Some members explored the dry canal embankment just by the brick-built pumping station adjacent or read the Canal and River Trust’s informative signage for the history of the construction of the Iron Trunk, after earlier attempts failed.   We walked through the foot tunnel for people and horses, and continued the walk along the east side of the canal, along the towpath, in a southerly direction towards the Galleon pub.

The canal bank and hedgerow/scrubby woodland on our left side rewarded us with a wealth of flowers, sedges and grasses before we concluded at sunset on the canal road bridge.  See attached Plant List.

Plants of note were checked out by Joe Clinch and myself, with Linda Murphy confirming that Black horehound was seen in the hedgerow.  This was a new find for me; if seen before I’d have thought it would be Marsh woundwort!  I found it really helpful to have many observers contributing information from childhood haunts and other locations in Britain.

Thank you to everyone who participated, and made leading the walk a very enjoyable experience, with the challenge remaining for next year – to find the elusive Fairy flax.

A plant list is attached demonstrating the enthusiasm with which my colleagues, Joe Clinch and Charles Kessler, tackled the major task of identifying such a wealth of botanical diversity. The list contains 69 plants, including 10 grasses.

Plant list – Fairy Flax walk Old Wolverton 12.07.22

Jenny Mercer
August 2022


MKNHS mothing at Howe Park Wood, Tuesday 2nd August  2022 – Andy Harding

Lead photo above © Julian Lambley)

Early MKNHS arrivals and a few by-passers were treated to a large ‘keep-net’ of moths caught the previous evening in my garden.  In addition there were 10 small pots containing some fairly easy to identify micro-moths and some macro-moths of similar size! This prompted the obvious question of what distinguishes macros from micros since size clearly doesn’t.  Short answer … convenience. Few took up the challenge with the identification guides provided!  However the information that one pot contained something that wasn’t a moth ignited greater interest.  The occupant was a Tree-Hopper resembling a small Hippopotamus!

During this daylight activity, Rachel and Martin K were assembling a Mercury Vapour (MV) Light above a large white sheet in the middle of the wood, with the generator also powering up another MV trap.

As it grew darker the group slowly drifted towards the lights.  Bats were showing before any moths appeared, but eventually a Brimstone Moth claimed first appearance prize.

Brimstone (Photo © Andy Harding)

Micro-moths such as Agriphila Straminella were largely ignored, presumably because of its narrow straw-like shape, while the somewhat larger and more ‘moth-shaped’ Udea Prunalis was considered  more acceptable fare, despite also being a micro.  Note the lack of vernacular names.

Agriphila tristella (Photo © Andy Harding)

Udea prunalis (Photo © Andy Harding)

July Highfliers, Drinkers and Black Arches mirrored our recent trip to College Wood, Nash.

Drinker (Photo © Andy Harding)

Several Small Phoenix appeared and nearly all with a solid central dark band with no narrow pale wavy vertical dividing line.  Despite this anomaly a different identity could not be found or even suspected.

Small Phoenix (Photo © Andy Harding)

The star moth though was undoubtedly Poplar Lutestring, an attractive species not previously seen by any save one of the group, so six individual moths were most welcome.

Poplar Lutestring (Photo © Andy Harding)

Some of the group had now drifted back towards their vehicles including Harry, who phoned back to say some lads had started a fire on a neighbouring crossroads.  Martin recruited Hassan and Simon to help him advise the miscreants of their folly.  The situation was righted in a friendly way. However A.N.Other had advised the fire service and three firepersons duly appeared clad in full garb reminiscent of astronauts. This was very appropriate since not long afterwards one of a number of individuals (and couples) walking in the wood at night approached and engaged with us, after initially thinking we were aliens.

The final highlight of an excellent evening was a couple of Bordered Beauties, but by 11.30 pm little else of note had appeared in the previous 30 minutes, so the failure of the generator, à la College Wood, was not a great inconvenience, and allowed slightly more sleep for the organisers than originally anticipated.

Bordered Beauty (Photo © Andy Harding)

Thanks to all for attending and the Parks Trust for allowing motor vehicle access to the centre of the wood.

Andy Harding
August 2022


2 days later a Poplar Lutestring appeared in our lit porch somewhat adjacent to the back of our car. The species had not appeared in Old Stratford in the previous 12 years of intensive trapping, so had clearly hitched a lift from Howe Park Wood, to which it was returned the following day.  AVH





Natural History Museum at Tring: MKNHS Behind the Scenes Tour, 25 July 2022 – Linda Murphy

Following a fascinating talk in the spring by Dr Alex Bond, Principal Curator and Curator in Charge of Birds at the Natural History Museum in Tring, a ‘Behind the Scenes’ tour was arranged for MKNHS which proved to be equally fascinating.

After an introduction by Senior Curator, Hein Van Grouw, we divided into two groups for the tour which covered the different collections. Each was introduced by a member of staff working in that area and we could not fail to be impressed by their enthusiasm and knowledge. Each collection includes bird species from all areas of the world and many thousands of specimens. Researchers from all over the world visit Tring every week to make use of these vast collections alongside the library containing all past and current publications on birds. We saw and heard about so many interesting aspects of the work and research carried out that it’s only possible to give a few personal highlights here!

In the area where bird skeletons are prepared for the skeleton collection, we saw how teams of beetles and larvae are deployed to clean up the bones in an environmentally friendly fashion. Some species prefer fresh meat, others are willing to clean up older, drier specimens. Large birds have to be put into the ‘beetle cabinets’ in sections as they can’t fit in whole. Apparently they aren’t put back together after they’ve been cleaned up. Researchers are generally interested in specific bones to examine adaptations or changes over time or in different habitats rather than whole skeletons, so the bones from each specimen go into an individual box, which also takes up a lot less space!

The spirit collection didn’t involve any ghosts, but a huge collection of jars of all sizes containing whole bird specimens preserved in alcohol/spirit (not the technical name!) We walked past shelves of waders and other water birds. The jar for a mute swan was quite a contrast to that for a Temminck’s Stint!  If researchers want to examine a specimen, it is taken out of the jar for a period, but mustn’t dry out. Many specimens in each of the collections were collected in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The bird skin collection contains thousands of specimens arranged by species/sub-species, by country and region, stored on trays in cabinets with magnetic seals. These days no chemical pest controls are used. They ensure strict cleanliness and check for pests in the area around the cabinets but there are no ‘moth balls’ or similar in these cabinets. The bird skins are basically stuffed birds and the majority were prepared in the field, often just using whatever was available as the stuffing, such as dry grass and leaves. You could only marvel at the skill of those who did this work. The most impressive aspect of these skins for me was the freshness of the colours of the plumage, despite the age of the specimens.

Specimens brought back by Captain Cook from New Zealand (Photo © Peter Barnes)

We were treated to a viewing of some of their most valuable items, whether due to their cultural or historical significance or extinct status, including skins brought back by Captain Cook from New Zealand, skins of the Passenger Pigeon, a North American bird exterminated as an agricultural pest in the 19th century, and finches collected by Charles Darwin in the Galapagos islands, as well as finches collected in the Amazon Basin by Alfred Russel Wallace, who collaborated with Darwin on the theory of evolution by natural selection.  These skins are regularly used by researchers and most of the major books on bird identification have drawn on this collection.

Above: One of Darwin’s finches (Photo © Peter Barnes)
Below: Finches collected by Wallace in the Amazon Basin (Photo © Peter Barnes)

Passenger Pigeon skins (Photo © Peter Barnes)

The egg collection comprises around 300,000 clutches and is growing every year. Since it became illegal to hold collections of birds’ eggs, as well as to collect them, the museum has been offered collections every week, if not every day. Often these have been found in attics by people clearing out after an elderly relative has died. The museum only accepts collections of complete clutches which are documented with species, date and location where the clutch was taken. All others are rejected.

A tray of Dunlin eggs (Photo © Peter Barnes)

The clutches are being used for a range of research projects covering issues not dreamt of when many of the clutches were collected. This is made possible by the huge amount of data available from them stretching back over more than two centuries. For example, research on changes in species’ egg laying dates over time in relation to climate and the drivers for variation in egg colouration. We were shown the collection of peregrine eggs used in the study which identified the effects of DDT accumulating in these birds through the food chain.

I think everyone on the tour found it both enjoyable and very informative. We were impressed by the size, scope and quality of the collections, the variety and volume of research drawing on them, and the evident passion of everyone we met for the work they are doing. If you get the chance to do the tour in the future, it’s highly recommended!

Linda Murphy
July 2022


Mothing night 16th July 2022 – an annual memorial event for George Higgs and Gordon Redford

A joint MKNHS and Bucks Invertebrate Group meeting at College Wood, Nash

All photos © Andy Harding

A period of warm weather suggested good conditions for plenty of moths, even if we could have done with a little more cloud cover.  MKNHS members provided more traps than any recent years, with seven.  Unfortunately this year’s date was not convenient for a couple of south Bucks regulars, but Martin Albertini, our County Moth Recorder, again made the long journey north.

We used Ayla Webb’s large Robinson trap as the gathering point with camping seats suitably arranged to view whatever arrived on the white sheet surrounding it.  The guesses for the first macro-moth to arrive were all wide of the mark, with that honour going to the beautiful July Highflier, or is it Highflyer?!

July Highflyer

The moths piled in and those which could be easily caught were passed round the audience.  The more attractive species in terms of pattern or colour are always welcomed, such as Iron Prominent, Ruby Tiger and Peppered Moth. The latter is consistently the pale form nowadays.  We wonder whether more dark (melanic) forms were here 100 years ago, at the height of industrial activity belching smoke to coat tree trunks with black dust!  The picture below of both light and dark forms was taken at Howe Park Wood in 2019 (the only dark form individual I have seen in the UK).

Peppered Moths, Melanic and Normal forms

A Small Fan-Footed Wave, not a striking moth at all, drew plenty of interest in the features which enable us to identify it. Indeed this common species outdid the much scarcer Lesser Cream Wave. A much smaller micro-moth, Acleris emargana, displayed its violin shape: small is often beautiful.

Another real star was not a moth attracted to the light above the trap, but one attracted to a ‘sugaring solution’ in which treacle and alcohol are vital ingredients and painted on to four nearby tree trunks. A Copper Underwing, probably Svensson’s Copper Underwing, was the early arrival, followed by a couple of others and the beautiful Herald.

A tour of the traps more distant from our gathering point revealed Hornets in two widely-separated traps, an interesting insect species, but not at all welcome in our moth traps.  In three different traps we found Box-tree Moths, a giant micro-moth, and a new species for College Wood, in its inexorable march northwards, destroying any hedges of Box in its wake.

Box-tree Moth

And so it continued until just before midnight when the generator which was powering three main traps decided to go to sleep and, despite much valiant effort, refused to awake.  There were plenty of moths in the traps, so calling an end to the communal event was not a problem.  Tim Arnold, Ayla Webb, Rachel Redford (how appropriate was it that Rachel was running her dad’s trap here), and I agreed to cover our traps and return early doors the next morning to identify the contents. Linda Murphy processed the catch in her small actinic at this point, so she didn’t need to make her long journey again in the morning: how very sensible!

Nearly everybody left at this point, but Tim had so much gear to power very distant traps that he was still on site close to 1am. Martin Albertini was running two traps at the other end of the wood powered by his own generator. After Tim’s departure I enjoyed a period of personal mindfulness standing alone in the pitch black, until I decided I was better off going to take a look at the large catch attracted to Martin’s lights and help him pack up, so I could secure the site at 1.40am.

What a great night! ….

…..and it didn’t end there.  All the trappers noted above, plus Martin Kincaid,  were on station on time in the morning and began to work through the traps. Scarcity can be of a species or of an unusual form, as illustrated by this buff form of Poplar Hawk-moth.

‘Buff form’ of Poplar Hawk-moth

Both identification and photography are much easier in daylight, so species such as this rather subtle Olive (that’s its name) and the more gaudy Black Arches and Privet Hawk-moth could be enjoyed by us all, as well as the local dog-walkers and their dogs! Spreading the word about the wonderful world of moths is what it’s all about!  That is just what George and Gordon would have wanted.

Olive moth

Black Arches

Privet Hawk-moth

A very long species list is appended to this report through the link below, following meticulous collation of all the trap results. This includes the all-time list for College Wood, as well as the species seen on 16 July, identifying the 8 species we saw which were new to College Wood.

Species list

Thanks to everyone who came to the mothing night and to the Woodland Trust, in the shape of James Stevenson, for again allowing us access to the wood for this special event.

Andy Harding
July 2022

Knocking Hoe National Nature Reserve trip, Saturday 11.06.22 – Matt Andrews

A beautifully sunny and warm day with a breezy aspect dawned on Saturday 11th June as a group of us from the MKNHS met at Pegsdon Way, some five miles west of Hitchin to take a walk around Knocking Hoe, Bedfordshire’s first National Nature Reserve.

The reserve is around eight hectares in size and is surrounded by arable and grazing land with an ancient woodland bordering its eastern boundary.  Our intention was to walk along the private road leading from Pegsdon Road and to gain entry to the reserve via the farmyard at the foot of the main hill, the owner, Mrs Franklyn, having graciously allowed us special access.

However, our first interesting species of the day were on the roadside before we even left the parking spot where a male Lesser Whitethroat was rattling his territorial song for us.  A lovely patch of Pyramidal and Bee Orchids were our first target species, all in near perfect condition and allowing us good photographs without standing on anything else too rare!

Bee Orchid (Photo © Matt Andrews)

As we made our way down the access road, butterflies started to appear and we saw a beautiful and freshly emerged Marbled White as well as several Small Tortoiseshells and a Red Admiral, all resplendent in the late morning sunshine.

Round and Cut-leaved Cranesbill as well as a number of other hedgerow flowers were out as we reached the wonderful, immaculately tended farm garden containing some stunning Peonies and Roses, a prime example of an English cottage garden.  Walking past here and up towards the reserve, we found ourselves at the reserve entrance where, after negotiating a five-bar gate, we entered a magical world of chalk downland wildlife.

Quaking Grass and several vetches were evident here in much longer vegetation than on the hillside we were aiming for but Small Heath and Common Blue butterflies were enjoying this miniature forest world and as we gained height and the walk became considerably steeper, the scrub reduced in height and we were in a land of chalk downland flowers.  Dropwort, a chalk-loving relative of Meadowsweet was everywhere and Pyramidal Orchids were also abundant here.  We made our way around the base of the main hill to an area now marked with tape and little flags to see the colony of Burnt-tip Orchid and we weren’t disappointed, there were still plenty out in flower.  An alternative name of Dwarf Orchid was appropriate as the plants here rarely grow more than six centimetres tall owing to the soil depth and quality.

Burnt-tip Orchid (Photo © Matt Andrews)

There were also Clustered Bellflowers starting to appear as well as considerable numbers of Chalk Fragrant Orchids, the sweet scent of which was just about detectable.  A warm, still evening visit to this site or indeed, Ivinghoe Beacon gives one a much better idea as to their name, their fragrance truly is incredible.

Pasque Flower (Photo © Matt Andrews)

The fluffy grey seed-heads of Pasque Flower were everywhere here and Julian reminded us of a trip he paid here with his wife Ann and Phil Sarre earlier this year when the Pasque Flowers were out in their thousands, much loved by our dear friend Mary Sarre.  There were still a few in bloom though and we enjoyed their wonderful deep-mauve flowers with bright yellow centres.  Paz explained that the name Pasque was similar to her native Spanish name for Easter, ‘Pascua’ the time when traditionally these lovely anemones begin to flower and from where the common name derives.

Pasque Flower seed heads  (Photo © Matt Andrews)

The seed heads though are beautiful in their own right and we enjoyed these, as well as finding the tall, bright yellow-flowered Cats Ears, rather like large yellow hawk weeds.  We checked the basal leaves of each of these until we found several with spots on the leaf, in the manner of Cuckoo Pint or Lords and Ladies.  This meant we were looking at Spotted Cats Ear, one of the extreme rarities this little reserve is known for.  There are barely five other locations for this rare chalk speciality in the entire country so we are fortunate to have one of those sites here.

Houndstongue, Mignionette and Small Scabious were here as well as the Field Fleawort, another downland rarity, this place really does produce on a good day!

The tiny blue flowers of Milkwort were all over the hillside as we moved along towards to the top, eastern end of the reserve when Julian indicated he’d found a fritillary butterfly and indeed, we were all able to see it before it flew strongly off north.  A stunningly fresh and bright orange Dark-green Fritillary, absolutely immaculate!  I have never seen one here before so this really was a good sighting.

Dark Green Fritillary (Photo © Matt Andrews)

We set off along the top path finding the tiny white flowers of Squinancywort as well as aromatic Thyme, both chalk-loving species and then some really big Spotted Orchids at the little pond on the topmost edge of the hillside.

The group split into two at this point as some of us had to make our way back so we made our way down the track leading back towards the farm, finding several ‘tents’ of jet-black Peacock butterfly caterpillars feeding on nettles, as well as Large Skipper and Meadow Brown.

Walking down past the little spinney of Corsican Pines, we found Candytuft, always regular at this location and a flowering Privet bush absolutely covered in butterflies.  Holly Blues, Red Admirals, Small Tortoiseshells and Small Skippers were nectaring here along with a Brimstone passing through.

Such bushes are known as ‘Butterfly Bushes’, an irregular feature of our countryside and this is the first time I have seen one in the UK.  They provide a wonderful but rare spectacle for the naturalist and we enjoyed this opportunity for what it was … a delightful end to a great day out.

Knocking Hoe Reserve is easily accessible throughout the year.  Later in the summer other rareties emerge such as the enigmatic Moon Carrot, again only found in a handful of other locations in the UK along with a now famous colony of Autumn Lady’s Tresses, a small orchid which has been intensely studied at Knocking Hoe for over fifty years.

Walking is fairly easy, though wet conditions will make the terrain challenging – so a dry, August day would be an ideal time to visit and afford one an opportunity to see some of the other chalk downland specialities this lovely little corner of the Chilterns offers.

Parking in Pegsdon Road, the footpath to the reserve is well signposted and a drink and light meal at The View pub adjacent to the road makes a perfect end to a good day out.

Matt Andrews
June 2022

A visit to Fineshade Wood, Northants 29.05.22

At our Summer Planning meeting back in February, Paul Lund suggested a Society visit to Fineshade Wood, Northants (just north of Corby) to look for the Chequered Skipper butterfly. This attractive species went extinct in England in 1976 but a recent reintroduction, as part of the Back From the Brink project, has been successful, and for the first time Forestry England were allowing the public to come and see them in Fineshade Wood.

We decided against a large group visit this year as the population remains very small (further releases are planned) and they still don’t want very large groups visiting.

Instead, on Sunday 29th May, 8 MKNHS members travelled up for a reconnaissance visit! Martin Kincaid worked at Fineshade Wood in 2005-2007 when it was the home of the Rockingham Forest Red Kite Centre, so he had some idea of the layout there. The Red Kite centre is now a cycling shop however.

The weather was somewhat mixed, far from ideal for looking for insects. We went on a 5.5 mile walk through the forest, with most of us seeing only 1 chequered skipper – a male, but we were quite satisfied with that. The butterfly settled on white bramble flower so we were able to see it well and photograph it.

Chequered Skipper (Photo © Sue Bunker)

You can see from the photograph that the specimen was already quite worn and we later discovered that they had emerged in mid-May, somewhat earlier than usual. Butterflies were generally scarce on the day with only Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood and Common Blue seen although Paul Lund was fortunate to see a Grizzled Skipper egg laying on creeping cinquefoil. Hopefully this compensated for missing the chequered skipper.

Grizzled Skipper (Photo © Alan Pigott)

Other notable findings were a stunning Wasp Beetle, Spotted Flycatcher, Greater Butterfly Orchids and several reptiles. Simon Bunker found an Adder basking at the edge of one of the forest tracks and later a second adder and several Slow-worms were found close to the visitor centre.

Wasp Beetle (Photo © Martin Kincaid)

Slow-worm (Photo © Alan Pigott) NB: this is the rare blue-speckled colour form of male slow-worm.

The café at the visitor centre was very good. The vegan sausage rolls were filling and well-priced.

We will try again in May 2023 and hope for better results. However, Fineshade Wood and the wider Rockingam Forest is a delightful place to visit at any time of year, with abundant wildlife.

Colin Docketty

Society Visit to Oxley Mead SSSI – 7th June 2022

This was a rare opportunity to visit this SSSI floodplain meadow which was transferred to Parks Trust ownership in 2020. The Society last visited this location in 2008 so it was perhaps no surprise that more than 30 members attended.

We were fortunate to have with us Professor David Gowing from the Open University, who leads the Floodplain Meadows Partnership. David led our sizeable group from the meeting place at Oxley Park shops and we walked in a crocodile from there to the mead! Not quite sure what the local residents made of us.

Once in the meadow, David gave us all a general introduction to the site – what makes it special, how it is managed and what we are learning from over 20 years of monitoring. We were greeted by a magnificent display of flowering Great Burnet, Yellow Rattle and Meadow Buttercups. Great Burnet is one of the key indicator species of MG4 grassland and it is abundant in Oxley Mead. Meadowsweet was flourishing but not yet in full flower.

Thereafter, we split into two groups with those more interested in the flora staying with David and Martin Kincaid taking the other group to look for invertebrates. The forecast rain held off and we were able to find plenty of moths including Small Magpie, Silver Ground Carpet, Yellow Shell, Straw Dot and Silver-y. Surprisingly, the only butterfly found was a solitary Small Heath. We also found a host of nymphs of Roesel’s Bush-cricket and a few Dark Bush-cricket. Alan Nelson went to look for damselflies in the ditch but the cool conditions were against him. He did however spot a Hobby flying overhead. Other birds of note were a Skylark singing just outside the meadow and a party of about 8-10 House Martins who were whizzing around the mead. There appears to be a healthy population of these birds nesting in Oxley Park housing estate.

All in all, a highly enjoyable meeting to what is surely the finest floodplain grassland in MK.

Martin Kincaid

Report of visit to Stonepit Field,  24th May 2022 – Joe Clinch

The visit to Stonepit Field (managed by the Parks Trust) was the first since early June 2019, and attracted a good attendance including several new members: a most welcome indication of the growing natural history interest in Milton Keynes. The site was farmland until 1993 and is an excellent example of how in just 30 years biodiversity can be dramatically increased through careful management. (For further information about the site including its history, go to MKNHS Wildlife Sites and scroll down to Stonepit Field.)

The main focus of the evening was to identify and list species especially of the flower-rich grassland and limestone scrape. Members were divided into three groups to avoid underfoot damage to the habitats particularly the scrape area. It was hoped that these activities would: introduce and encourage members to enjoy and return to the site; improve individual identification skills; and contribute to the draft cumulative list of species for Stonepit Field maintained by Mike LeRoy. Current species lists were available to members as a handout at the start of the visit.  Species new to these lists identified during the evening will be added to the cumulative list and are included as an annex to this Report, which can be found here.

The Park has four main habitats: flower-rich grassland; limestone scrape; two ponds and their steep banks; and a woodland strip (the woodland itself was not included in this visit).

Flower-rich grassland

The flower-rich grassland covers well over half the area of the site. Dominant plants in or near to flowering were Meadow Buttercup, Bulbous Buttercup. Oxeye Daisy, Red Clover, Salad Burnet, Common Sorrel, Ribwort Plantain, Beaked Hawksbeard, Common Vetch, Cut-leaved Cranesbill, and Yellow Rattle. These plants were interspersed with the delicate Quaking Grass, Common Birdsfoot Trefoil, Medick sp., Knapweed sp., Lady’s Bedstraw, and Goatsbeard.  Of special interest was Common Broomrape, a parasitic plant without leaves or green pigment, hosted by neighbouring species which is scattered through much of the grassland. Meadow Cranesbill was found in some of the more grassy areas and was coming into flower.

Common Broomrape (Photo © Joe Clinch)

The limestone scrape

The limestone scrape is located roughly in the middle of the site not far from the Car Park. It is not unique in Milton Keynes as a habitat (two were added in Stanton Low Park across the Newport Road from Stonepit Field a few years back) but it is certainly a very special habitat for lime-loving species. At the time of our visit the Bee Orchids were no more than 5 to 15 cm above the ground but not yet in flower: there is virtually no soil here.  In contrast at the edges of the scrape, patches of Birdsfoot Trefoil and Horseshoe Vetch were in full flower together with smaller areas of Common Rock Rose, Kidney Vetch, and Mouse-ear Hawkweed. Some of the plants of the grassland areas survive in stunted form, for example Salad Burnet, Oxeye Daisy, Yellow Rattle and Quaking Grass.

Common Rock Rose (Photo © Joe Clinch)

The ponds and their steep banks

The ponds were added to the site in 2007 as part of the over-flow drainage system when Oakridge Park was developed for housing. The steep banks, presumably spoil from the pond excavation, are home to Gorse, coarse grasses, Creeping Thistle, Dog Rose, Teasel, Stinging Nettles, Hogweed, and self-seeded Hawthorn with small patches of Red Campion and one of Ragged Robin at the edge of the west pond. Yellow Iris borders both ponds.

Identification and listing in these three habitats added 15 species plants to the cumulative list. (Note that some of those listed may require further checking.)

Other Species

Twenty-nine bird species were identified nine of which were new to the cumulative list including Common Tern, Lesser Blackback Gull, Green Woodpecker, Whitethroat and Jay. Little Egret, Grey Heron, Moorhen, and Mallard are regulars at the ponds.

Little Egret and Yellow Iris (Photo © Harry Appleyard)

Only one Butterfly species was seen – the Common Blue – not surprising for an evening visit (a few days later Susan Weatherhead reported on Society Sightings the presence of 9 Small Blues in the scrape area). Four moth species were identified: Mint Moth, Silver Ground Carpet, Light Brown Apple Moth and (thanks to Tim Arnold and Julian Lambley’s photo) Grass Rivulet, all four new to the cumulative list.

Grass rivulet moth (Photo © Julian Lambley)

Red-eyed Damselfly, Azure Damselfly, and Common Blue Damselfly were identified by Harry Appleyard as a first step in establishing an odanata list and St. Mark’s fly was identified by Paul Lund to add to the diptera cumulative list. Although not the primary focus some tree, shrub and grass species were identified of which two may be new to the cumulative list namely Privet and Wild Cherry. Elder and the attractive Guelder Rose were both in flower.

The evening engaged many members present in the process of identification and listing species as well as enjoyment in getting to know Stonepit Field as an attractive ‘hotspot’ for wildlife. There are still gaps in the cumulative species lists, the timing of visits being a key factor here. For example, Harebell is not yet in flower but will be the dominant scrape species in another month or so:  perhaps there would be interest in a July Society visit in 2023?

My thanks to Mike LeRoy for sharing his knowledge of the site with me before the visit and for leading one of the groups; Linda Murphy for leading another of the groups; Harry Appleyard for his bird and odanata identifications; Julian Lambley and Harry Appleyard for their excellent photographs; and to all the members taking part.

Joe Clinch


Report of visit to Stony Stratford Nature Reserve 17th May 2022 – Joe Clinch

This was the Society’s first evening visit to the Reserve since 2018. It attracted over twenty members and three visitors, and we were particularly pleased that Honorary Life Member John Prince was not only able to join us but also to complete the one and half mile circuit of the Reserve – when asked if he could manage it the response was ‘Well, I have got my stick with me!’. I distributed a habitat and species checklist which I had prepared following two reconnaissance visits the second accompanied by Martin Kincaid.

The group walked clockwise round the Reserve from the Car Park. We started with a quick look at some more recently introduced Bluebells and Ramsons under the trees to the left of the road to the car park before moving on to the rough meadow area at the south end of the reserve. We stopped several times here to identify the plant life. The highlight was the Meadow Saxifrage in flower – one of only two locations where it can be found in Milton Keynes.  The area is monitored and managed by the Parks Trust to encourage its spread and to control invasive species. Also of note in this area is Field Wood Rush.

Meadow Saxifrage and Field Wood Rush (Photo © Julian Lambley)

We stopped on the path through the woodland to the west side of the Reserve to get a glimpse of the original Sand Martin nesting wall which is now used by a pair of Kingfishers but no sight of them tonight. At this same spot Julian Lamley spotted the exuvia (discarded laval skin) of a broad dragonfly probably one of the Chasers.

Dragonfly exuvia (Photo
© Julian Lambley)

The next visit was to the bird hide which gave the opportunity to observe Common Tern (six pairs) noisily flying back and forth, Lapwing (two or three pairs) and a single Oystercatcher, all of which nest on the gravel-topped island in the largest of the lakes.

The walk along the bank of the River Ouse started through a plantation of Cricket-bat Willows which are grown commercially by the Parks Trust. The vegetation along the banks was dominated by a Comfrey species, Cow Parsley and White Dead Nettle in flower to be followed by Great Willow Herb, Meadow Sweet, Burdock, and Hogweed later in the summer.

By the time the group reached the small strip of replanted meadow species parallel to the A5 (D) viaduct drizzle had turned to heavy rain and this curtailed the visit for many but a few stalwarts were able to enjoy flowering Red Clover, Ragged Robin, Common Vetch, Birdsfoot Trefoil, and Cuckoo Flower with Yellow Rattle, Great Knapweed, and Meadow Cranesbill to follow. The walk back to the car park was taken at speed but one unusual plant was observed where the path crosses a ditch – Gipsywort (Lycopus europaeus).

It was not a good evening for observing insects but Mike LeRoy identified Common or Red-headed Cardinal Beetle (Pyrochroa serraticornis) and many Mayflies were in evidence (sp.). Grey Heron was seen and Cuckoo heard as additions to the bird list.

The habitat and species list as updated following the visit can be found here. For those wanting further information about the Reserve including its history, click here or go to the MKNHS website, click on Wildlife Sites and scroll down to Stony Stratford Nature Reserve.


Joe Clinch, visit leader







Bury Common walk 10 May 2022 – Ann Jones

It was still dry after a period without rain when around 25 members walked a route around Bury Common on the 10th May. Some of us walked through the paddocks down by the river – a permissive path, as the paddocks are owned by Mill House (I believe). This allowed us to get a rather distant view of the little owls in the willow which can be seen from across the first paddock. Little owls have been in this vicinity for years. It was probably a little early in the year to see the first damselflies although I have seen some since.

At the end of the paddocks, on reaching the lower meadow, and getting safely across the bridge with a rotten middle, we turned up left towards the main common and met up with those walkers who had avoided the stiles on the riverside path. We walked along the boundary between the upper and lower meadow. This field has not been fertilised nor grazed for many years now, and can be rich in plantlife. We walked around the lower meadow and the botanists amongst us were busy checking out plants.

I had hoped that the kestrel nest I had spotted and watched weeks earlier would have been inhabited but it had been abandoned for a while and was still abandoned although we saw the kestrels. However an eagle-eyed person spotted a large raptor nest on the other side of the river but visible from our path. At the time it was thought this was a buzzard’s nest as a black tail and brown upper body of a bird could just be seen. (However, photos I took a couple of days later revealed a red kite on the nest, and I also saw a kite perched nearby.) We paused at what is called locally ‘the beach’ to watch a number of silvery fish jumping out of the river.

It was a lovely evening with almost a mackerel sky some of the time, and larks were still singing as we walked the lower meadow. Finally, as we walked back to the car park through the “cut” (where the ‘railway-that-never-was’ was to be sited) we had a lovely sunset.

The Common is also known as Bury Field. There is an account of its history here: And thanks to Mike LeRoy for letting us know of the much more extended account here: Thanks also to Martin Ferns, in particular for joining me on the recce, providing information on the site’s history and leading the non-stile route and keeping an eye on the rear.

I also wrote a small piece on Bury Common during the first 2020 lockdown which is available on the MKNHS site:

Ann Jones


Bird list Bury Common 10 May 2022 (not necessarily comprehensive – just what was noted)
Swifts over Newport Pagnell town
Reed buntings
3 Skylarks
Grey Heron
Red Kite
2 Kestrels
2 Little Owls
Sedge Warbler
Female Goosander
Long-tailed Tits

Other sightings of interest
Hundreds of buttercups
Yellow iris in flower Iris pseudacorus
Great Burnet Sanguisorba officinalis
Red and Black Froghopper Cercopsis vulnerata
Common Frog (deceased)

Visiting Pilch Field on a sunny May afternoon – Jenny Mercer

Photo above: Green-winged orchid (Photo © Julian Lambley)
An early May Visit on a sunny Sunday afternoon had extensive stands of Green-winged Orchid Anacamptis morio and Cowslip Primula veris.
Green-winged orchid, from above, showing characteristic fine, green, parallel lines  (Photo © Jenny Mercer)
The deep purple of the orchids and strong yellow of the Cowslips showed along the ridges of this unimproved grassland  with the adjacent damper furrows, in particular –  showing sedges and Adders Tongue Ophioglossum vulgatum, with some pink Cuckooflower Cardamine pratensis (also known as Ladies-smock).

Adders Tongue (Photo © Jenny Mercer)
For me this year, the Marsh Valerian Valeriana dioica, with its presentation of male and female flowers on separate plants, was a highlight.  They seem to be expanding in any damper areas, especially along the damp slopes to the north west of the highest part of the large field.
Marsh Valerian flowers (Photo©Jenny Mercer)
Above: female – pink/ whitish, showing very clearly rounded form of the inflorescence
Below: male – pure white and flattish
Below that slope the large marshy area had glorious stands of King Cup, May flower or Marsh Marigold – alternative names for Calthis palustris – more than I’ve ever seen there.
Marsh Marigold (Photo©Jenny Mercer)
Do visit, as every month has its treasures.
Jenny Mercer
9 May 2022


Walk to Yardley Chase to hear nightingales, 3 May 2022 – Julie Lane

It was a very pleasant mild evening when 20 of us met up in Olney for a 5.5mile hike cross-country to Yardley Chase to hopefully listen to a nightingale. I had done a recce the night before and knew he was back singing in his usual spot so was very much keeping my fingers crossed that such a big group wouldn’t affect his performance!

On the way we saw a several hares and a brief glimpse of a small group of fallow deer which included several white individuals. The primroses and bluebells were putting on a good show in the hedges and woods and we passed a magnificent oak tree with a huge girth. As we approached the area where the nightingale was we saw a barn owl in the distance quartering the edge of the field. We slowed down and crept quietly up to the nightingale who was happily warbling away in the woodland out of sight. I felt it was important that we kept our distance as they are rare breeding birds and I didn’t want to disturb him. In some ways that was a pity as we weren’t near enough to appreciate the sheer volume of his song but it was still a magical experience in the gathering gloom when the other birds were starting to quieten down for the night – although the local song thrushes were still putting up stiff competition.

Recording of nightingale singing, Yardley Chase 3 May 2022 (Recording by Julie Lane)

After a while in his company we turned for home, surprising a fox on his nocturnal wandering. Sadly the grasshopper warbler I had heard the night before was silent, or had moved on, but we were thrilled to hear brief utterances of a second nightingale in another part of the wood.

Whilst crossing the field of beans we were treated to the sound of two lapwings calling in the dark – a lovely end to a special evening. Thank you to all who came – you will have slept well afterwards!

List of notable species seen (not comprehensive)

2 x nightingale singing
Barn Owl
Song thrush
Willow warbler
Grey partridge

Fallow deer including several white deer

Silver Ground Carpet
Green Carpet

Lesser celandine
Ground ivy
Perforate St John’s-wort
White deadnettle

Society Walk at Howe Park Wood SSSI – 26th April 2022

 Our first Tuesday night outdoor meeting of the season took place at Howe Park Wood last week. Leaders Colin Docketty and Martin Kincaid were joined by around 30 members who were clearly keen to get out and reconnect with old friends. Although the traditional rain stayed away, it was a grey, chilly evening and by 8.30pm we were all learning the new skill of torchlit botanical ID.

Martin mentioned that most visitors head straight into Howe Park Wood and don’t pay much attention to the species rich meadow between the wood and Tattenhoe Street (V2). So the walk began with a look at this and the three ponds nearby, where a devoted moorhen sat calmly on her nest bemused by all the attention.

Cowslips are prolific this year and the carpet of cowslips in this small meadow was a delight to see. Martin also pointed out the spreading population of Sainfoin, which will flower in June. This species is relatively new to Milton Keynes but has been present at Howe Park for 4-5 years now. A few Common Spotted Orchids were found in rosette but no Bee Orchids could be located as yet.

Entering the wood from the main northern entrance, we soon saw the expected spring species, dominated by Bluebells and Greater Stitchwort. Wood Anemone, Bugle and Lesser Celandine were all easy to find too, Common Dog Violet less so.

One of the objectives of this walk was to identify likely nest sites of Red Kite, which certainly nested in the wood in 2021 and has been seen carrying sticks. Kites teased us in the evening with their whistling calls, but one was seen towards the end of the night flying off of a probable nest.

We made a lengthy stop at the clearing in the wood which holds a small pond. Carla Boswell explained that the Parks Trust has tried repeatedly to fence this pond off from dogs, but that the rustic fencing has again been vandalised and nothing of it remains. The water is therefore very turbid and little marginal vegetation remains on the side nearest the path. However, patient watching showed us that the pond still holds a healthy population of newts. Both Smooth Newts and the larger Great Crested Newts were observed swimming to the surface, taking a breath and quickly diving again. The night was too cold for most invertebrates, but a Great Diving Beetle at the pond was a nice sighting.

Moving into the western side of the wood, we turned our attention to bats. Our route took us past two trees which Harry Appleyard has found to contain roosting Noctule bats. We could not hear bats at these trees, but a single Noctule bat and both Common and Soprano Pipistrelles were seen later by various members. Colin and Martin had found Goldilocks Buttercup on their recce visit and were pleased to show people this diminutive woodland flower. This was where our torches came in useful as the light faded! One species searched for without success was Early Purple Orchid, which has become very scarce in the wood in recent times. (Happily, Janice Robertson found several flowers later in the week and her photo is shown below.)

Early Purple Orchid, Howe Park Wood April 22 (Photo © Janice Robertson)

The last stop was to look at the veteran Crab Apple tree on the north-west edge of the wood. This venerable tree, affectionately known as ‘Edna’ (any Simpsons fans out there?) is currently in flower and looked even more impressive in the dwindling light.

Since it was our first Tuesday night walk for some time, Martin opened up the Visitor Centre so that people could enjoy some refreshment and chat. It also gave us a chance to see again the impressive MKNHS banner created for our 50th Anniversary in 2018, featuring photos taken by many of our members down the years.


International Dawn Chorus Day at Linford Lakes – Peter Barnes

On Sunday 1st May I went on the North Bucks RSPB dawn chorus walk at Linford Lakes – a 5.45 a.m start.  Chris Coppock was the leader, very ably assisted by Martin Kincaid.

We heard eight varieties of warbler: blackcap, chifchaff, common whitethroat, Cetti’s, garden, reed, sedge, willow and all bar Cetti’s were seen too. Two cuckoos were heard (thanks to Martin’s stereophonic ears) and one of them was spotted (by me) high up in a tree on the eastern side of the lake. 

There were several other welcome sightings – common tern, gadwall, great spotted woodpecker, greenfinch, jay, and lapwing, as well as the usual wildfowl.  An enjoyable two hours plus.

Peter Barnes
1st May 2022

Walk in search of Wood Anemones led by Colin Docketty and Mike LeRoy – Linford Wood, 10th April 2022

16 members and friends joined the 10th April Sunday morning walk through Linford Wood. A map was handed out to show the paths and compartments of this 39ha (97 acre) wood. As soon as we had left the TV-mast car-park a few newly-emerged Greater Stitchwort Stellaria holostea came into view beside the path. This plant is an Ancient Woodland Indicator, an AWI.

There were three handouts during the walk. One about Woodland History & Management, another about Current Woodland Management, and the third was a Species List, giving a brief summary of flora and fauna worth looking for at various times of the year.

The ‘search’ for Wood Anemones Anemone nemorosa (AWI) could not have been easier. There were few sections of the wood where there were not carpets and swathes of hundreds and thousands of these in full view along the edges of many woodland compartments. A sunny morning made the whole Wood bright with their whiteness – though a few small clumps had a pinkish-violet hue.

Wood Anemone (Photo © Julian Lambley)

Among them were Lesser Celandine Ranunculus ficaria which had emerged many weeks before. Scattered among the trees, deep into the wood were bright clumps of Primrose Primula vulgaris (AWI) that had flowered in February and still looked fresh. Scattered among and beyond these, often deeper into the Wood were the earliest Bluebells Hyacinthoides non-scripta (AWI) coming into flower, with plenty more emerging around them. Dog’s Mercury Mercurialis perennis (AWI) was in an almost continuous spread along the edge of most ditches and paths and in flower, but few people notice it or its slight spikes of male flowers that look rather like catkins, or the female flowers on separate plants that have wider leaves.

We were asked to look for two kinds of small, low-growing purple flowers. One is very common, not only in woodland: this is Ground-ivy Glechoma hederacea. The other is the family of Violets Viola. The ones we were looking for are tiny and easy to miss. These are the Early Dog-violet Viola reichenbachiana (AWI) and the Common Dog-violet Viola riviniana (AWI). Probably, the ones we saw were V.reichenbachiana which flowers earlier than V.riviniana, but checking the features on such small plants requires very close attention and, even then, there are hybrids of these two. Several we saw were exquisitely delicate and beautiful. It was too soon for Sanicle Sanicula europaea (AWI) to be in flower but Chris Coppock found its lower leaves, which are similar to those of Wood Anemone but with a few distinctively different characteristics.

Early Dog Violet (Photo © Julian Lambley)

We walked in a broad circuit along a path around the north of the Wood and back to its centre before heading down the broad central ride to the southern end. But before heading further south we took a brief look at Herb Paris Paris quadrifiolia (AWI) that were only just emerging in the shade of other plants. When we reached the southern end of Linford Wood it was too late to fit in a visit to Stanton Wood, so we passed the peaceful pond beneath trees close to H4 Dansteed Way and returned up the western side of Linford Wood. Here we noted leaves that were probably of Yellow Archangel Lamiastrum galiobdolon (AWI) which should flower around May with bright yellow flowers like those of dead-nettle. Further on we passed some shrubs of Spindle Euonymus europaeus, noting their dark green and rectangular stems. This is an undistinguished plant until autumn when its bright pink and orange fruit makes it highly visible.

All the time there were the sounds of birds. Greater-spotted Woodpecker were drumming, and Green Woodpecker were yaffling but perhaps the noisiest sounds were the squawks from five boisterous Jays flying back and forth together. Little was heard from Nuthatch, but there was a Buzzard flying over and calling to another at the top of a tree.

Throughout our walk there were occasional bumblebees busily in search of pollen and nectar and a few queens still searching for nesting sites. Those we saw were mostly White-tailed Bumblebee Bombus lucorum or Buff-tailed Bumblebee Bombus terrestris, but there were also some Red-tailed Bumblebee Bombus pratorum. One Brimstone Butterfly Gonepteryx rhamni sped away from us along the ditches.

There has been plenty of woodland management work during the winter, with Ash Fraxinus excelsior trees at risk of falling being removed near paths, and their timber and logs either waiting to be removed or laid to rot down as useful deadwood for use by invertebrates. At a few points we could see standing ‘deadwood’ well away from the paths: trees in decline left to provide nest holes for bats and birds and soft rot for saproxylic beetles to use. Already there had been new plantings of trees and shrubs to take the place of felled and fallen trees. Some Pedunculate Oaks Quercus robur had been planted by volunteers, from acorns grown-on from this Wood. Oaks tend not to regenerate naturally within the closed spaces of established woodlands.

It was flowers that had taken most of our attention, because April to June is probably the best time to see these in ancient woodlands. But they were set against the character of all of Linford Wood, which varies from compartment to compartment, and has the grandeur of a woodland that is over 700 years old.

Mike LeRoy
April 2022


3 Sunday morning walks – Reports from December-February – Colin Docketty

Sunday 12 December – Caldecotte Lake – 11 participants

Weather mild and cloudy, then some rain (which did not stop us), followed by sun later.
We did a complete circuit of the lake at a slow pace, taking 3 hours, including stops to look at things.

We saw a cormorant colony in the trees, Canada Geese and one Greylag, Swans, Little Egrets, Grey Heron, gulls including Black-headed, coot, moorhen, mallard (the only ducks), Little Grebe (10) and a Great Crested Grebe. A juvenile Great Northern Diver was present but not showing well. I saw it myself briefly for a second, before I it dived, and I could not relocate it. Also, Julian got a very distant photograph of it with his new large lens. I was hoping to show it to everyone, but the bird decided otherwise.

Passerines seen were Blue, Great, Coal and Long-tailed tits, Goldfinch, Song Thrush (2), Robin, Blackbird – and a Cetti’s Warbler calling.

A swan had come to grief after hitting the Bletcham Way road bridge. Nothing is wasted – the unfortunate death of the swan was a bonanza for a fox which had a few days of easy dinners. There was just enough for Sunday’s dinner. On Monday morning, all that would be left following the unfortunate accident would be the skeleton bones.

We also saw several Spindle trees with red ripe fruit.

The walk was enjoyed by all.

Sunday 16 January  – Tongwell Lake – 17 participants

A very nice walk on a sunny winter’s day.

Tongwell Lake is a good place to see Goosander, and we saw 6 male and 3 female. There were many other birds too: Pochard (pair), Wigeon (3), Shoveler (pair), Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Canada Goose, Greylag Goose (1), swan, Moorhen, Coot, Cormorant, Grey Heron, Great Crested Grebe, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull (1) and a Water Rail was heard.

Passerines – Redpoll (3 in a tree), Dunnock, Long-tailed Tit, Coal Tit, Blackbird. Robin, Goldcrest, Grey Wagtail, Siskin, Carrion Crow. Also a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming on top of a lamp post, and a Red Kite.

There was an attractive Portugal Laurel nearby one of the houses around the lake.

Sunday 6 February – Ouse Valley Park and Floodplain Forest Nature Reserve, Old Wolverton – 20 participants

After 2 hours of heavy rain, 20 hardy participants turned up at Manor Farm at 10.30. We first walked down to Holy Trinity Church to view the snowdrops. In the churchyard was a lovely Cedar of Lebanon tree. We also saw two active badger setts.

On the Floodplain we found Goosander (pair), Wigeon, Teal, Gadwall, Shoveler, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Moorhen, Coot, Black-headed Gull, Cormorant and Little Egret. A large flock of Lapwing was also present. A single Lapwing was seen in perfect plumage, the light showing its green back and red legs to perfection – a sight not often seen. We also saw the Konik ponies which are there to keep the vegetation down.

A peregrine was seen sitting on the side of the waste facility chimney – there is actually a pair which have taken the chimney as their home. They are probably too young to breed yet, and could possibly be from the successful breeding peregrines at Stadium MK, or the Bucks Council office in Aylesbbury. When they are older, they will probably breed, but meanwhile they are defending their home from other peregrines.

The morning finished with a rainbow in an arc against a cloudy background, but it only lasted a minute, gradually vanishing from left to right.

An enjoyable walk, despite the very rough weather.

Colin Docketty

MKNHS Weekend Walk Report – Tongwell Lake, 16th January 2022

Tongwell Lake. All photos © Harry Appleyard

Today’s Society walk was hosted at Tongwell Lake by Colin Docketty. With mild sunny spells and very little wind, it was an ideal day for a winter visit with waterfowl being the main attraction. In recent years it has been one of MK’s most reliable sites for wintering Goosanders, sometimes found in double figure flocks. It attracts many other species of waterfowl including Gadwall, Tufted Duck and Pochard. Bitterns have occasionally been spotted among the reed-beds in the past and the increasingly common Great White Egret was also recorded here for the first time in November 2019.

Male Goosander

Our walk took us on a full lap of the lake, scanning the water, reed-beds, and the surrounding thickets. It wasn’t long before attendees were treated to excellent views of 3 Lesser Redpolls, perched and preening for a few minutes in a small thicket overlooking the lake. One of them was sporting a silver ring on its right leg, perhaps a recent catch from Kenny Cramer at Linford Lakes?

Lesser Redpoll

The dense belt of conifers on the north side of the lake offered brief glimpses of at least 5 Goldcrests and a Chiffchaff while a Water Rail and Cetti’s Warbler called from the reedbeds nearby. Goosander was a target species of our host and luckily at least 7 were present, including 5 males and 2 females spread across the lake. The subtle green sheen to the males’ heads was shown off well by the low winter sunshine. Other species across the lake included at least 18 Gadwall, 20 Tufted Ducks, 3 Wigeon, 3 Cormorants, Great-crested Grebe and 6 Pochard, the latter of which has sadly become a scarcer sight across the county in recent years.


Some birds perched on the island in the middle of the lake included 3 Redwings, 4 Siskins, a possible 4th Lesser Redpoll and 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers. One of the two Woodpeckers was very keen to be heard as the walk came to a close, drumming on a lamppost near the car park! A Grey Wagtail also made a passing appearance at the start of the walk and a Sparrowhawk and at least 2 Red Kites were seen throughout, circling and gliding in the distance.

Many thanks to Collin Docketty for hosting this excellent walk at one of MK’s overlooked wildlife sites.

Harry Appleyard
17 January 2022



Caldecotte Lake – Weekend walk – Sunday 12th December 2021

The weather was overcast and drizzling at times but it was warm without wind. Led by Colin Docketty, the walk started in the Windmill car park and began southwards, eventually completing a loop of the whole lake, north and south. Goldfinch were on Teasel by the water near Blue-Tits and Long-tailed Tits. As we progressed around the lake, we spotted gulls of various types and ages. There were some Lesser Black-backed and Great Black-backed Gulls along with juveniles and first- and second-year birds. Little Grebes were spotted in a large group of seven. Further around the lake in another area, three more were seen giving a total of ten. Crossing the bridge near the business park, a Cetti’s Warbler gave a partial song but, as expected, was not seen!

A flock of Goldfinch were in trees near gardens and there was a probable Siskin sighting. A Heron perched high up on a house made a good photo opportunity. A Spindle tree brightened the day with its pink splashes of colour. Under a bridge, a Little Egret stood in a stream patiently waiting for lunch. On approaching the bridge, the bird flew into a tree giving the group the perfect opportunity for viewing. The Little Egret’s yellow feet wrapped around a branch as it watched a Cormorant below.

Towards the end of the walk, two Song Thrushes were seen near the car park chasing each other around some shrubs near the water’s edge.

Martine Harvey

Walton Lake and Ouzel Valley Park North – Weekend walk – Sunday 21st November 2021 – Colin Docketty

Weather sunny and cold. 6 participants.
We walked from Walton Lake to Marshalls Lane, Woolstone, following the River Ouzel and back again. With stops to look at things on the way, we were there for three hours.

We saw 10 species of passerine birds, including a Long-tailed tit which gave us super views of it, and two Red Kites. There were a Moorhen and Grey Heron on Walton Lake, which was devoid of any other water birds, being now a shadow of its former self.

We viewed the Black Poplars. Unfortunately, the interpretation board provided by the Open University has been wrecked by vandals.

Other life included a few species of mushroom, the odd dandelion and one buttercup plant in full flower. No insects were seen as, although sunny, it was too cold.

At Woolstone we saw the medieval fishponds, with an interpretation panel showing what they looked like in their heyday.

Although not a lot of natural history was seen due to the time of year, it was nevertheless a very pleasant sunny walk, enjoyed by all.

Colin Docketty

Weekend walk Linford Wood led by Colin Docketty – Sunday 24th October 2021

Autumn Tints, Fungi and woodland birds
Weather sunny. 12 participants

We walked every surfaced path in the wood over 3 hours. Unfortunately the trees were very late changing colour this year, and only one tree in the entire wood had autumn tints – a North American Oak.

Most of the wood carvings have now disintegrated with time. There is still a bear and a monkey on the ground, and an owl in a tree. Rupert Bear has succumbed.

Fungi: We saw a fair number of fungi including some species growing in a circle. One very spectacular mushroom looked like a piece of discarded orange peel – the Orange Peel Fungus Aleuria Aurantia.

Orange Peel fungus (Photo © Derek Taylor)

Insects: When it warmed up after midday we saw a Bee Fly, a male Common Darter dragonfly, and several Speckled Wood butterflies, one of which perched beautifully for us to admire and photograph. We also saw a hornets’ nest on a tree, found by a visitor who joined us on the walk.

Birds: We only heard Jay and Green Woodpecker.

A very pleasant walk enjoyed by all.

Colin Docketty

Report of weekend walk at Waterhall Park – 25th-26th September – Colin Docketty

Saturday 25th September 2021 10.00 am; same walk repeated Sunday 26th
Location: Waterhall Park; Weather fine

Participants: Saturday 3, Sunday 5

What did we see?

Lombardy Poplar: The main focus of the walk was to see a mile-long avenue of these beautiful trees, on both sides of a made-up footpath. A wonderful sight.
Birds: A total of 22 species were seen/heard.
Grey Heron, Moorhen, Mallard
Green Woodpecker, Wood Pigeon, Stock Dove
Grey Wagtail (feeding on Water Eaton Brook)
Magpie, Long-tailed Tit, Goldfinch, Robin, Blackbird, Wren, Pied Wagtail
Great Tit, Blue Tit, Dunnock, Carrion Crow, Jay, Jackdaw, Chiffchaff

Other things seen:
Large White butterfly, Comma, Migrant Hawker
Buff-tailed Bumblebee, Hairy Shieldbug, White-lipped Snail
Grey Squirrel
Robin’s Pincushion
3 species of fungi at very large Ash tree suffering serious dieback (Type not yet known)
Plants: Large Bindweed, Indian Balsam (aka Policeman’s helmet)
Arrowhead (leaves in middle of river – visible all year)

Colin Docketty

Trip Report Summer Leys Nature Reserve Saturday 31st July 2021 – Joe Clinch

Photo montage of some of the species observed contributed by Martine Harvey


This Saturday visit was the Society’s first to Summer Leys Nature Reserve since June 2011. The reserve was planned and developed in the latter 1980s and early 1990s and is managed by BCN Wildlife Trust. It covers 47 hectares of former gravel workings in the Nene Valley and is designated a SSSI and SPA. The site consists of several habitats: a large reed-, tree- and grass-edged lake with a scrape inlet and several islands the water level of which is managed; rough grazing adjacent to the lake; a small area of preserved meadow; two other managed meadow areas; two ponds; hedges; and strips of woodland. A Society Walk Description of the reserve undertaken in 2020 can be found at There is also a BCN leaflet (

Twelve members and one visitor participated in this mid-morning walk on what proved to be an overcast but thankfully dry day. We followed the perimeter footpath anti-clockwise from the car park to take in the four bird hides, the managed and preserved meadows, and one of the ponds (the second was visited after our return to the car park). This report consists of a brief description of the habitats and wildlife observed. An annex provides a checklist of species recorded during our visit (go to: Summer Leys Species Checklists).

The walk

We were off to an excellent start with the discovery of a Red Underwing at rest on one of the wooden posts at the edge of the car park. The small area between this and the lake is a flower rich scrubby meadow. Common Fleabane, Teasel, Great Burnett, Meadow Sweet, Water Figwort, Angelica and Common Centaury were amongst the flowering plants.  Insects included Ruddy Darter, Small Copper, Essex Skipper, Gatekeeper, Tiger Hoverfly, and many not identified. Linnet was heard and Reed Bunting seen.

Red Underwing and Small Copper (Photos © Julian Lambley)

The two bird hides close to the car park offer views over the lake and one of them also the scrape. The first sighting was a Sparrowhawk flying past. Black Headed Gulls breed here and were much in evidence but Common Terns another important breeding species were absent perhaps already on their way south. The scrape had Great and Little Egret close enough together for easy size comparison. The only waders seen during the walk were Lapwing (another breeding species) and Common Sandpiper.

Great White Egret and Canada Geese in flight (Photos © Harry Appleyard)

The perimeter path then took us through a covered area of semi-mature deciduous trees of which alder, ash and willow predominated, hedges and occasional clearings. We heard Song Thrush in full voice; had brief glimpses of Blue Tits, Tree Creeper, Goldcrest; and heard the calls of Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Wren and Dunnock; and saw Red Admiral and Peacock in the clearings, and Speckled Wood in the overhung areas.

We stopped briefly at the third hide which provides another view of the scrape with semi-aquatic plants in the foreground including Flowering Rush.  The route then offered good distant views of the lake with Canada and Greylag Geese, Cormorant, and Lapwing on the islands. The fourth hide is the feeding station where birds are fed throughout the year: Bullfinch, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, and Collared Dove were taking advantage of this service during our visit.

Young Goldfinch (© Peter Barnes) and Scorpion Fly (© Julian Lambley)

The final stop was the preserved meadow and pond in the north-west corner of the reserve. This proved to be very rewarding. The meadow is flower-rich with Great Burnet, Lady’s Bedstraw, Yarrow, and Bird’s-foot Trefoil amongst the species. Common Blue, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper and Brown Argus were active. The pond was also our best stop for dragonflies with the day having warmed up a little. Banded Demoiselle, Common Blue Damselfly, and Azure Blue Damselfly were on the wing. More excitingly, Harry Appleyard spotted egg galls of the Willow Emerald Damselfly, a species he first identified in Milton Keynes in 2016. He is currently consulting on the status of this find.

We turned round at this point and the walk back offered further opportunities for wildlife exploration. The short extension to the other pond when we got back to the car park was disappointing for dragonflies but gave us a close-up view of young Reed Warblers.

Willow Emerald Damselfly egg galls (© Harry Appleyard) and Banded Demoiselle (© Jenny Mercer)


The focus of the walk was to experience the richness of the biodiversity of this important SSSI and to keep a record of what we had identified. We were a typical Society group: some expert in their field and some generalists, and all there ready to share their knowledge. The species checklists are a product of this approach and I would like to thank Harry Appleyard, Peter Barnes, and Linda Murphy for compiling them; Harry, Peter, Martine Harvey, Julian Lambley and Jenny Mercer for their excellent photographs especially Martine’s montage; and visitor Ann Plackett for further information about the planning and early development of the reserve with which she had been involved.

Joe Clinch, Walk Leader
August 2021

Report on Fairy Flax Walk, Old Wolverton – 20th July 2021

The Fairy Flax walk took place on 20th July, starting from Old Wolverton’s Holy Trinity churchyard. Our route took us down the hill passing the now just mown floodplain meadows to join the Great Ouse riverbank footpath as far as the Grand Union Iron Trunk aqueduct over the River Ouse, through the narrow tunnel under the canal, and finally returning to the churchyard by the Canal Towpath.

Two thunderstorms rather interrupted proceedings, but of over 30 members who assembled at the church, 14 of us did the walk in full.

All had the opportunity to visit the interior of the church, and many heard the outdoor talk by John Brushe on the ‘natural stones’ used to build the church between 1809 to 1815. Limestone and sandstone from quarries in Northamptonshire, Warwickshire and Isle of Portland were used, with canal transportation facilitating the build.  The church is probably the earliest example of the English Norman Revival movement.   A guidebook, written by John is available from Jenny Mercer.   Our thanks go to John for a most interesting talk, and to Terry Collier for opening up the church for the Society members.

Interestingly this wet and hot summer has ensured the Fairy Flax has remained unseen at its possible location of 14 years ago (on the path between the Canalside to the south of the Iron Trunk and the Old Wolverton fields, as it is impenetrable this year!)   My first ever sighting of Fairy Flax was then, with Roy Maycock, on a Society walk.

There is a Plant List below, compiled by Mary Sarre – a short list, as the weather was not conducive to much searching.  Of note was the reed sweet-grass, which was evident in both the River Ouse and the Grand Union Canal. I recall seeing the reed sweet-grass on a very lovely evening on a Society walk at Olney some years ago where the cattle were wading into the river to eat this much-loved sweet treat.

There is also a Bird List below. Thanks to Harry Appleyard for the bird photos and the sunset…

Black-headed Gulls: just a few of the c.150 on a newly mown meadow (Photo © Harry Appleyard)

A Quiz was provided for anyone inclined to explore the churchyard, and a copy of the quiz and churchyard map is provided through this link, with answers at the end.   I am hoping to get Society members interested in making recordings of mammals (there is a badger sett nearby), insects and plants etc. For anyone willing to volunteer, contact details are on the Quiz sheets.

Jenny Mercer
July 2021

Sunset over the River Ouse (Photo © Harry Appleyard)

MKNHS Old Wolverton sightings 20.07.2021

Birds (recorded by or reported to Harry Appleyard)
Carrion Crow
Little Egret
150+ Black-headed Gull
Common Gull
Common Gull (Photo © Harry Appleyard)
Grey Heron
Sedge Warbler
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Green Woodpecker
Song Thrush
Reed Bunting
Starlings (Photo © Harry Appleyard)

Plants (recorded by or reported to Mary Sarre)
Marsh woundwort, Stachys palustris
White deadnettle, Lamium album
Ragwort, common, Senecio jacobaea
Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna
Crab apple, Malus spp.
Blackthorn, Prunus spinosa

In the river:
Club-rush, probably the common, Scirpus lacustris
Reed sweet-grass, Glyceria maxima
Common reed, Phragmites australis
Yellow waterlily, Nuphar lutea

Canal bank:
Orange balsam, Impatiens capensis
Meadowsweet, Filipendula ulmaria
Meadow vetchling, Lathyrus pratensis
Flowering rush, Butomus umbellatus
Water figwort, Scrophularia auriculata

Simpson Walk 13th July 2021 – Trip Report  

Photo above – Simpson Manor Field, with cattle

A walk around Simpson led by Peter Barnes and Rebecca Hiorns, looking at a variety of habitats and the parish council’s initiatives to understand and enhance them, in line with their commitment to help address climate change and the loss of biodiversity.

The evening was warm and dry when, just after 7pm, 30 members and guests set off from the Parks Trust car park off Walton Road and headed north down the path beside the River Ouzel.  It was difficult to see the river with all the ruderal growth but when a cry of ‘Greater Dodder!’ went up from Julian Lambley – the nettles entwined with the parasite suddenly became much more interesting.

Greater Dodder entwined through stinging nettles

Proceeding back towards the village Stock Dove were spotted and a pair of Mute Swans flew overhead low enough to hear their wings beat, a beautiful sight against the bright blue sky.

Our first stop was St Thomas’ churchyard, a complex habitat supporting a wide range of species, some not seen anywhere else in the parish. These include plants, fungi and invertebrates associated with the old grassland, the tall mature trees and the church walls, which provide nesting space for several species of solitary bee and a colony of wild honeybees. The older sandstone and limestone gravestones are covered in rich patterns of lichen and mosses.  The Parish Council has initiated a project to help manage and enhance the habitats, hoping that species will repopulate other areas of the parish.  A record is being made of the flowering plants and compared with the species list compiled by Roy Maycock for his survey of all the churchyards in Buckinghamshire, in the early 1980s.

This year, a revised mowing regime has enabled grassland around the older graves to grow as a meadow.  This has benefitted many pollinators and enabled plants to flower that haven’t been seen in recent years, including 24 Bee Orchids and one Pyramidal Orchid, which was a delightful surprise when it revealed itself just before our visit.

Pyramidal Orchid

During our visit Harry Appleyard spotted a Scarlet Tiger Moth, Common Blue Damselfly and Purple Hairstreak and Mike LeRoy and Justin Long reported a Waxcap Hygrocybe conica.

Male Emperor Dragonfly – Harry Appleyard

Male Banded Demoiselle – Harry Appleyard

We then proceeded across the stream via the small wooden bridge stopping to look at the otter footprints adjacent to the water’s edge.

Otter footprints

Walking into the Simpson Manor Field (managed by The Parks Trust as pasture) views open up to the Greensand Ridge.  We stopped and Peter was explaining the history of the manor, medieval fishponds and moat and later manor house with landscaped gardens, when the cattle, which had been grazing peacefully on the other side of the field, started galloping in our direction.  Any disquiet was momentary as Mike LeRoy stepped forward, engaged with them and instantly calmed the ‘bored and unruly class of teenagers’.

We next proceeded to the sluice to look down over the field and river from the higher ground.  Peter related the number of bird species to be seen on the lake, including Great Northern Diver, Goosander and Mandarin Duck, and the week-long visit of a pair of Cattle Egret in Simpson Manor Field in May 2020.  No Cattle Egret were seen, but views of a Little Egret fishing along the river were enjoyed by all.  It is not known how well eels are doing in this section of river, but nationally eel numbers have declined by around 95% in the last 25 years.

To avoid our ‘herd’ unsettling the cattle again, we skipped the planned route through to Lissel Road, an area where the Parish Council’s new working arrangement with SERCO (MKC land) has enabled residents to enhance habitats.  This has included, creating leaf and log piles with hedgehog nesting spaces, putting up 10 bird boxes (one hoping to encourage the frequently heard Tawny Owls), building a bug hotel and managing areas as meadow.  Projects have also started to improve the ground flora of the copse and support pollinators early in the year.

Cormorants – Harry Appleyard

We stopped briefly at Lickorish bridge to hear about the history of the area and to look down over the canal. The woodland was the first to be planted by the Development Corporation, it is now reaching early maturity and has just had its first major thinning.

We then proceeded down to the area adjacent to the ‘Cattle Creep’, a tunnel under the Grand Union Canal built to enable farmers to move their cattle across the canal.  The tunnel is now used as a bat roost.  The canal and its embankments provide a connected habitat over a hundred miles. Within the parish, its banks are particularly associated with crab apple trees.

Our final stop was at Bowler’s Bridge where Peter described how bats have been finding roosting and nesting spaces within the houses on Hanmer Road, built in 1973, including his own where, at the end of May, he counted as many as 400 Soprano Pipistrelles exiting at dusk.

Rebecca Hiorns
July 2021

Birds – 17 Species
Grey Heron
Mute Swan
2 Blackcap
Little Egret
2 Greylag Goose
Long-tailed Tit
4 Cormorants
Stock Dove
Feral Pigeon
Song Thrush
Common Tern
20 Black-headed Gull
Herring Gull

Emperor Dragonfly (Male)
5 Banded Demoiselle
Common Blue Damselfly (Churchyard)
Southern Hawker
Scarlet Tiger Moth (Churchyard)
Purple Hairstreak (Churchyard)

Greater Dodder
Pyramidal Orchid
Bee Orchids
Hedge bedstraw

Waxcap – Hygrocybe conica







Our thanks to Harry Appleyard for his photographs and species list.




Visit to Shenley Wood – Tuesday 29th June 2021

Several of the 24 members who came on our visit to Shenley Wood had never been there before. Before the walk started, we held a minute’s silence in memory of Gordon Redford who knew this wood and brought so much knowledge about moths and enjoyment of wildlife to the Society, as well as his warmth and friendship.

This was not a typical time of year for a woodland visit because the glorious spring flowers had finished flowering. Mike LeRoy used the opportunity to give an introduction about the wood itself: its tree and shrub species, its history, its characteristics as Ancient Woodland, and how it had been managed or mis-managed down the centuries.

It was almost certainly part of the ‘well-wooded’ Shenley area described in the Domesday Book of 1086. The first written record of it was in 1599 as ‘Shenley Park’. After centuries of woodland management to produce underwood and timber, by the 1900s the Wood was in a poor state. In 1958 attempts were made to ‘coniferise’ it, but few of the new trees survived. The MK Development Corporation purchased the wood in in 1985 and began the long and effective process of restoring coppicing and thinning cycles, which were developed further after its transfer to The Parks Trust in 1992. This opened up the wood for public access and enjoyment while protecting its characteristic flora and other wildlife.

[Mike LeRoy’s very informative handout for the walk can be found here.]

By the time of our walk the Ancient Woodland Indicator flowers had finished flowering: the Violets, Primrose, Lesser Celandine, Greater Stitchwort, Bluebell, Wood Anemone and Early-purple Orchid; with only the tall seed-heads of Bluebell still showing. But by late June, Common-spotted Orchid were scattered alongside the paths in their hundreds. Greater Butterfly Orchid had been seen a couple of weeks earlier but remained hidden. Common Figwort and Ragged Robin were found in a few locations as well as newly-merged Enchanter’s-nightshade more widely.

We followed the western woodland path to the foot of the wood, then circled the northern end through mature woodland next to the Swan’s Way long-distance Bridleway until we reached the lower of the four ‘mini-teardrop’ ponds (flood management drainage). The water in these was clean and had plenty of floating Pond-weed. Around the ponds the flower-rich grassland was striking and included plenty of Bird’s-foot Trefoil and some Lady’s Bedstraw with bees making good use of them.

From the ponds we re-entered the woodland as far as the central glade, before winding our way back up the east side to the high point and the entrance gate.

Three butterfly species were seen: Essex Skipper, Meadow Brown and Ringlet.

Bird species and counts were (with thanks to Harry Appleyard): Goldfinch (2), Carrion Crow (2), Song Thrush (singing), Green Woodpecker, Greenfinch (5), Blackbird (singing), Blackcap (2 singing), Swift (6), Great Spotted Woodpecker, Wren (2), Jay, Bullfinch, Rook, Red Kite, Magpie, Wood Pigeon and Dunnock.

Mike LeRoy
July 2021

Gordon Redford and George Higgs memorial moth night – Saturday 17th July 2021

Gordon had organised this event annually in memory of his moth mentor, George, on the Saturday closest to George’s birthday, and was expected to do so again. Sadly that was not to be. After some deliberation, it was decided to go ahead and to remember both of these pillars of the local mothing community.

The result was so fitting. The largest number of traps ever…13;  the largest number of attendees….over 30; and almost certainly the largest number of moth species.
The most important attendees were, of course, Frances Higgs, who had travelled up from Somerset, and Rachel and Stewart Redford, Gordon’s daughter and son. The southern contingent was impressive with 5 trappers marshalled by Martin Albertini and Dave Wilton, with Peter Hall travelling from Herefordshire. So well thought of were both Gordon and George.

It was a hugely enjoyable if poignant night, but it almost didn’t happen. Car access is essential to bring traps and generators any distance into the wood. The padlock on the entry gate had been successfully opened by the key provided by the Woodland Trust a week earlier for a recce, but in addition to that padlock another combination padlock was now securing it … and we didn’t have the combination. The local farmer was contacted and he phoned his wife to obtain it! He warned us it was temperamental, but after my failure to open it, Linda Murphy’s magic hands did the trick. Phew!

The next issue was the grassy turning circle, where we have previously set up a mercury vapour lamp above a sheet, was now rocklike hardcore. So we settled for a Robinson trap around which people could gather as the moths arrived. It was a little painful on the knees, but a most effective way of catching, potting and passing round moths for all to see.  This trap and another one 50 metres away are powered by a generator which Gordon always operated. Thanks to the combined efforts of David Webb, Martin Kincaid and Martin Albertini, after a period of intermittent performance, all worked perfectly.

And so to the moths. There were clouds of them and even more small flies, which got into the throat of everyone who inspected the other traps. Among the most numerous moths were Clouded Border and, surprisingly, Coronet, an always beautiful, but also very variable species. The one here is so unusual that we considered several other possibilities before becoming satisfied with its identity.


The superb Peach Blossom is not rare, but has a known disdain for light traps, so several in perfect condition were a delight. Black Arches is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser at this time of year, as is July Highflyer. Elephant Hawk-moths are having a wonderful year, so a few of those were guaranteed, but Pine Hawk-moth is much less reliable, so one in the central trap was a bonus.
Peach Blossom
Black Arches
Pine Hawk-moth

The list of species is going to be a very long one, and the majority will be micro-moths, some of which are very beautiful such as this Batia lunaris.
Batia lunaris

There will be much poring over many photos of micros and a few dissections before the final list can be validated. That may be a few weeks, so that is not attached here. I will make it available when it is complete, and, of course, a copy will also go to the Woodland Trust, who have always kindly given us access to the wood for this event, which this year, by a combination of excellent weather and many motivated individuals, was something of a very fitting triumph. And, of course, somebody must have sent that huge quantity of moths.

It is also so nice to see these beautiful insects in daylight, so very early the next morning Ayla Webb and I opened up the central trap and a small actinic with just 6 egg boxes inside. Given the number of moths and their activity levels, all hope of accurate counting soon vanished and we simply concentrated on new species to add to the event total. Among these was an Oak Nycteoline. This species is probably the most variable on the British list and since Ayla and I had only seen 3 between us previously it was no surprise that we hadn’t seen one resembling this one: its unusual shape gave it away. Not the most exciting moth for the non-afficionado!
Oak Nycteoline

Having packed away the last of the equipment we were just about to get into the car when a Purple Emperor decided to inspect us, flashing purple in the sunlight as it did so. A first for Ayla. Not a moth, but what could be a more stunning present from her moth mentor, Gordon.

Andy Harding
22nd July 2021

All photos © Andy Harding

Moth Night 8-10 July 2021 – A tribute to Gordon Redford

As we know, Gordon Redford was a passionate moth-er. The following is a request from his daughter Rachel, with her personal tribute to her father available through this link.

Moth Night 2021 runs through 8th, 9th and 10th July, this year (see In Gordon’s memory, and so he can appreciate all those moth lights up in the heaven-sent sky, if you do moth, have mothed with him, or want to give it a go, please set up your moth traps over these dates (one or all three dates) and light them in his memory.

Raise a glass and take a few photos of your lit moth trap, of you, along with a few photos (maybe 3-5 photos) of your favourite most beautiful of moths that you get in the traps that night or the next morning … you know the ones, that you just know have been sent to you by Dad/Gordon/Nodrog/Gordon the Warden to make you marvel and smile … then, please send your photos over to me. (Please send any you have of him or with you together from past ventures.)

I’d like to collect them all and arrange a collage or mosaic using all the photos that is both mothical and mythical and magical in his honour and as part of our follow-on tribute to an absolute moth legend and green guardian angel!

*** We will be arranging a gathering in his memory (a true celebration of his life, to show love and respect, and a send off and goodbye) and can let you know more in time – date and place and time to be arranged in the future … ***

Thank you
Rachel Redford



Trip Report North Loughton Valley Park and area, 1st June 2021 – Joe Clinch

Above: Bee Orchid (All photos © Peter Barnes)

Welcome back!

The Society’s last outdoor event was on Sunday afternoon 2nd February 2020 at the Floodplain Forest Nature Reserve some 16 months earlier, so the summer walk on Tuesday evening 1st June 2021 had a particular importance in our calendar. On a glorious summer evening 28 members and 1 visitor (just within the Covid rules maximum allowed) met at Bancroft Park Parks Trust car park to enjoy the wildlife of Milton Keynes, to view some historic landmarks, and to renew face-to-face contact with fellow members.  Paul Lund was on hand to act as co-leader should it have proved necessary to divide participants into two groups but that was not necessary. Covid and other risks were rehearsed before the start of the walk.


North Loughton Valley Park is managed by the Parks Trust and forms one of many parks along the green corridor that stretches from Tattenhoe in the south west to New Bradwell in the north where the Loughton Brook joins the Great Ouse. This section of the valley consists of five main habitats all heavily influenced by the development of Milton Keynes: the Brook itself and its surrounding wetlands; thickets of Blackthorn, Wild Plum, Hawthorn, and Elder; mown grass and managed meadows lined by trees and bushes; and an area of rough grass, damp land with scrub above, which makes up the wet/dry balancing lakes which control the run-off to manage the risk of flooding in New Bradwell. The fifth habitat was outside the Park on the east bank of Grafton Street where it cuts through the Boulder Clay and Jurassic Cornbrash (limestone) sub strata and is an important habitat for wildlife in its own right. There is no evidence of habitats that predate the development of Milton Keynes other than Loughton Brook itself.

We walked through each of these areas, stopping occasionally. The focus of the walk was the observation, identification, and recording of flowering plants, birds, and invertebrate species.

The Habitats

The route started from the Bancroft Park car park. Our first stop was to note Marsh Marigold still in flower in a boggy area near the edge of the Brook and to hear Chiffchaff, Blackcap, and Song Thrush in full song in the surrounding thicket and trees. Crossing the Brook took us to the mown and managed meadow grass of the eastern slope of the valley with its backing of trees and bushes. The managed meadows of grasses, Meadow Buttercup, Red Clover, and the semi- parasitic Yellow Rattle were in flower – a wonderful display of colour and flowing contours. There appear to be no pre-Milton Keynes tree species in the Park: those planted are mainly of willows, alder, and ash.

The wet/dry balancing lakes are divided by a substantial broad earth dam. The middle of this was a good stopping place to look across the enclosed area. Some of us had a glimpse of Common Whitethroat in the scrub area below the dam, and Crows, Magpies and Wood Pigeon were flying back and forth. Goatsbeard and Birdsfoot Trefoil were just coming into flower on the slopes of the dam.

A Redway bridge took us over Grafton Street with good views of the Grand Union Canal aqueduct to one side and looking down on the cutting bank that we were to visit on the other. A brief detour gave us views of the magnificent Bradwell Windmill which opened in 1803, closed in 1876, and is now restored and run by volunteers.

Bradwell Windmill
The bank of the cutting next to the Redway was our longest stop. It looks roughly west and was still in partial sun for our visit. A stretch of about 100 metres has been planted as a flower-rich habitat to attract pollinators and includes Birdsfoot Trefoil, Common Vetch, Grass Vetchling, Germander Speedwell, Ribwort Plantain, Cut-leaved Cranesbill and Bee Orchid. Flowering was 2 to 3 weeks later than in 2020 when I prepared a virtual walk of this route during lockdown. Only five Bee Orchids were found in flower for our visit and the impression is that overall numbers will be down greatly from even last year. The mown rough grass area on the other side of the Redway added one further Bee Orchid about to flower and the leaf rosettes of a few more. Several Burnet Companion moths were flying, and Two- and Seven-spot Ladybird, Red-tailed Bumblebee, and Solitary Wasp were identified.

Burnet’s Companion moth

Our return route followed that of the outward one. It concluded with a short stop at the stone outline of the Bancroft Roman Villa. This was built in the late Third Century AD replacing an earlier Iron Age farm settlement and demolished in the Fifth Century. Interpretation Boards explain the history of the site. A passing Kestrel which paused briefly to hover ahead of us over the site was a fitting finale to the walk.

Evening sky over Bancroft Roman Villa


My thanks to Mary Sarre and Linda Murphy for putting together the plant list; to Paul Lund for providing back up for me as leader and participating in two reconnaissance visits; to Simon Bunker for contributing the invertebrate species list; to Matt Andrews for his additions to the bird list; and to Peter Barnes for his photographs.

Joe Clinch, Walk Leader 

Annex to Trip Report North Loughton Valley Park 1st June 2021

Species List

Flowering Plants (not all yet in flower)
Common Sorrel Nettle
Bulbous Buttercup Marsh Marigold
Creeping Buttercup Meadow ButterCup
Cuckoo Flower Garlic Mustard
Silverweed Shepherd’s Purse
Herb Bennet Meadowsweet
Common Vetch Hawthorn
Birdsfoot Trefoil Hairy Tare
Red Clover Grass Vetchling
White Clover Zigzag Clover
Herb Robert Black Meddick
Cut-Leaved Cranesbill Dovesfoot Cranesbill
Cow Parsley Dogwood
Common Cleavers Great Willowherb
Common Field Speedwell Wall Speedwell
Woodruff Germander Speedwell
Field forget me not Hedge Bedstraw
White Dead Nettle Ground Ivy
Yellow Rattle Common Figwort
Guelder Rose Ribwort Plantain
Ox-eye Daisy Daisy
Groundsel Ragwort
Goatsbeard Yarrow
Beaked Hawksbeard Orange Hawkweed
Bee Orchid Bristly Ox Tongue
Birds (seen or heard)
Lesser Black Backed Gull Little Egret
Kestrel Mallard
Magpie Crow
Green Woodpecker Wood Pigeon
Song Thrush Blackbird
Dunnock Robin
Swift Starling
Chaffinch Wren
Blackcap Greenfinch
Chiffchaff Common Whitethroat
Common Blue (butterfly) Earwig
Burnet Companion (moth) Rousel’s Bush Cricket (first nymph stage)
Two Spot Ladybird Grasshopper (sp.) (first nymph stage)
Seven Spot Ladybird Common Blue (?) Damselfly
Solitary Wasp Red Tailed Bumblebee
Other invertebrates
Common Rough Woodlouse Pill Woodlouse



Linford Lakes NR Moth Report for December, 2020 and Year End Summary – Gordon Redford

Above: December Moth. All photos © Gordon Redford

During the 10 years that I have been recording moths at Linford Lake Nature Reserve (LLNR), I have usually not run traps in November and December because the effort in setting traps up on late afternoons, transportation on foot of 12V batteries, then checking traps daily early mornings during the wet and windy months of the year when fewer moths are around anyway was not really worth it.  The installation on site of the permanent moth trap running off the mains electricity in August 2019 though has changed the efforts in/returns out balance.  December 2019 records of 52 moths counted and 10 species recorded was a good start and had me thinking that perhaps I should have made more effort in the previous 8 years.  December 2020, with the trap running 30 of the 31 days, was a disappointment with just 14 moths and 5 species recorded and has had me thinking that maybe I was right in the first place.

The 5 were December Moth, Winter Moth, Pale Brindled Beauty, Mottled Umber and Dark Chestnut.  Interestingly, all were singletons except the December Moth for whom 10 were counted.  Last year, December Moth numbered just 6.  The weather was pretty dire in December with more water on the site than I have ever seen in the 25 years that I have been visiting the site.  The photographs below taken on Christmas Eve shows the boardwalk from the car park on to the field at the back of the visitor centre and the field behind the centre.

Boardwalk from car park on to field at back of Centre

Field at back of Centre

It will be interesting to see what effect this extensive flooding will have on moth numbers next year.

Summary Of The Moths Recorded At Linford Lakes Nature Reserve 2020

Moth traps were run at Linford Lakes Nature Reserve on almost all of the 366 nights of 2020.  The traps were the large box on legs with a 125W Mercury Vapour bulb powered by mains electricity, a Robinson trap with a 125W Mercury vapour Bulb powered by a generator and three Skinner type traps, 2 with 40W actinic tubes and one with 2 x 2W LED lights powered by batteries.  The large box on legs was used almost consistently, the Robinson for about half of the year and the Skinners occasionally.

The total number of moths counted in 2020 was 18,059 and is the highest number recorded there in the ten years that I have been keeping regular records.  387 species were recorded which is just 2 less than the highest number of species recorded which was in 2019 from a total moth count of 17, 935.

The 387 species recorded in 2020 comprised 133 micro moths and 254 macro moths.  33 species were new to the site so that the total number of species now recorded at LLNR is now 560.  Excluding Acentria ephemerella, a micro moth which swarms on warm nights and are often too numerous to count, the most common species recorded were Common Wainscot with 1,703 moths counted followed by Large Yellow Underwing with 927.

Common Wainscot

The Common Wainscot numbers were a great surprise.  Moth numbers are known to have peaks and troughs, good years and poor years, but this number, some 5 times more than the previous best year,  had me checking to make sure that I had not double- or treble-pressed a number when entering the records but no, there were no errors on my part.  188 recorded on 18th August was the most in one night.  The caterpillars feed on grasses including Common Couch and Cock’s-foot which are abundant at LLNR.

Poplar Hawk-moths had their best year ever with 321 counted.  The previous best was 235 in 2017.  Elephant Hawk-moths too had their best year ever with 50 being counted between 23rd May to 29th July.

Poplar Hawk-moth

The Poplar Hawk-moth season in 2020 began on 3rd May and the last was caught on 11th September.  At LLNR over the ten years of recording, the species has consistently produced 2 generations of moths during the summer.

At the other end of the scale, species whose numbers had dropped significantly this year were July Highflier and Old Lady.

July Highflier

The July Highflier is one of three moths with the name highflier.  The others are the May Highflier and the Ruddy Highflier and, yes, they fly high around trees and bushes.  The July Highflier is very variable and often catches me out.  It is also quite skittish, taking off readily.  Caterpillars feed on sallows and willows amongst others so LLNR is well suited to their needs. 12 were recorded in 2020 whereas in the previous 6 years their numbers have been in the 30’s and 40’s.

Old Lady

The Old Lady was absent in 2020 having been present in the previous 6 years.  Her numbers have never been high, mostly in single figures.  The moth is known to come to sugar more readily than to light.  Sugaring is when a sweet concoction is prepared and painted on to tree trunks, wooden gates,  posts and was used in the past before light traps to attract moths.  I have sugared at LLNR in previous years but did not do so last year.

Of the 33 new moths recorded at LLNR in 2020, 20 were micro moths and 13 macro moths. There is  evidence that due to climate change some species are expanding their ranges and three of the macro moths could be among that group.  Dotted Fan-foot, Dark Crimson Underwing and Dewick’s Plusia form  the trio.

Dotted Fan-foot has been restricted to the wetlands of East Anglia, Essex and the Thames Estuary but 3 turned up, 2 on the 8th July and another on the 17th.

Dotted Fan-foot

The caterpillars feed on rushes and sedges and the habitat at LLNR is just right for this moth. My hopes are high that it might find a (6) foothold there.

The Dark Crimson Underwing is described in The Atlas of Britain and Ireland’s Larger Moths as “a resident and scarce immigrant confined to the New Forest and a few woods in Hampshire and south Wiltshire with signs of a recent increase in range”.  It appeared on 24th July and the photograph below, taken on the day, shows a rather worn and travelled specimen,

Dark Crimson Underwing

Its preferred habitat is large tracts of mature Oak woodland but nonetheless a good moth to have called in.

The third newcomer was Dewick’s Plusia.  I recorded 2 of these at home for the first time in September 2019.  The Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland lists the moth as an immigrant and possible recent colonist.

Dewick’s Plusia

It goes on to say the moth has been recorded in May and July-October and the flight season in mainland Europe, April-November.  My records for LLNR in 2020 are 26th April and 29th July and I have wondered whether the earlier record may be evidence of breeding locally.  It will be interesting to see if and when they turn up in 2021.

2020 was a good year for moths at LLNR.  If anyone would like a list of the moths recorded last year or, indeed, all my records for LLNR or would like to join me in opening up the traps early morning in 2021 (Covid permitting) , please contact me on

Gordon Redford
20 January 2021

Linford Lakes NR Moth Report: November 2020 – Gordon Redford

Above: Angle Shades (All photos © Gordon Redford)

It is only in the past 2 years that I have continued recording moths regularly in November because there is much less moth activity in the winter months and the weather is often not that good for those that are on the wing.  130 moths of 21 species, were attracted to lights and there were 4 of the 30 evenings  when none were recorded.  I do have some records going back to 2014 though, so that at the beginning of November 2020, the November list for LLNR stood at 23 species.  By the end of November that number had increased by 4.  The additions were not new to the site and were a Diamond-back Moth, Rusty-dot Pearl, Turnip Moth and a Large Yellow Underwing.  The first 2 are micro-moths and immigrants.  The Turnip may also have been an immigrant and the Large Yellow Underwing likely to have been a resident making a rather late showing in November.

The Diamond-back moth is one of a group of seven moths from the Plutellidae family who rest with the wings held roof-like at a steep angle with the antennae pointing forward as in the photograph.  The moth has world-wide distribution and has even been recorded in numbers within the Arctic Circle.  The caterpillars feed on Cabbage and are a pest in some parts of the world.

Diamond-back Moth

The Rusty-dot Pearl has been recorded in Great Britain in every month of the year and migrates from Central and Southern Europe.  It has a wingspan of 18-22mm and is thought to raise 3 broods per year.  The caterpillars feed on a variety of plants including Burdocks and Mints.

Rusty-dot Pearl

Exactly half of the 130 moths counted were from 2 species, the December Moth with 45 appearances and the Feathered Thorn with 20.  Both of these species were featured in the report for October.  9 of the species recorded in October were also recorded in November.  These were December Moth, Feathered Thorn, Red-green Carpet, Angle Shades, Large Wainscot, Red-line Quaker, Yellow Line Quaker, Brick and Lesser Yellow Underwing.  Curiously, there were no Epirrita species recorded during the month.  These include the November Moth, the Pale November Moth and Autumnal Moth.

The Mottled and Scarce Umbers made their first appearances of the year. The Umbers are interesting because their females are flightless. The Latin name for the Mottled Umber is  Erannis defoliaria  which translates as a ‘Lovely to behold defoliator’.  The defoliator part is reference to the caterpillars that can be so numerous as to strip trees bare of foliage.  The males can be very variable.

Mottled Umber

The Scarce Umber is not really a scarce moth and there were more of them than Mottled Umbers in November at LLNR this year.  Like the Mottled Umber, the caterpillars feed on a wide variety of broadleaved trees and shrubs and overwinter as eggs.

Scarce Umber

The Satellite was recorded on 3 occasions. The 2 small dots, the satellites, either side of the small kidney mark, are diagnostic.  It overwinters as an adult becoming active in mild weather.  The caterpillars unusually are omnivorous, feeding on plants initially and later, when larger, preying on other moth larvae.


The Angle Shades turned up for the second year in a row in November at LLNR.  The crinkle in the wing gives the moth a look of a withered leaf.  It has been recorded nationally in every month of the year but mainly April to early July and late July to November in 2 generations with the second bolstered by immigrants.

Angle Shades

Gordon Redford
4th December 2020

Linford Lakes Nature Reserve Moth Report, September 2020 – Gordon Redford

Autumn colours frequently feature in September moths as this Sallow above shows. (All photos © Gordon Redford)

Moths were recorded at Linford Lakes Nature Reserve (LLNR) every evening during the month of September using 2 Robinson traps, each with a 125W Mercury Vapour bulb.  2,367 moths visited the traps which was slightly less than the best September there (2,429 in 2019).  81 species were recorded which is down on the previous 2 years (94 species in 2018, 86 species in 2019).  11 species were new to the September list compiled over the period 2011-present) and 4 species were new to the site.  The total number of species recorded in the month of September now stands at 163.

The 4 new species to the site were all to be found in the Field Guide to the Micro Moths of Great Britain and Ireland although, as mentioned in previous reports, being a micro moth does not necessarily mean being small as the photographs below showing 2 of the new species will testify.

Lyonetia clerkella, the Apple Leaf Miner, is a very smart moth indeed with a forewing length of 4.0mm-4.5mm.

Lyonetia clerkella

The food plants of the caterpillars, that live inside the upper and lower surfaces of leaves, includes Hawthorns, Birches, Pears, Plums, Cherries, Sallows and Blackthorn as well as Apple.  They may have 3 generations in a year and the adults of the autumn brood hibernate until Spring.

The second new species is Palpita vitrealis  and it has a forewing length of 13mm-15mm.  It is an immigrant from Southern Europe.

Palpita vitrealis

Egg-laying of Palpita vitrealis has been observed on Garden Privet but the moth is not known to have bred in the wild in this country.

2 species of moth recorded accounted for 41% of the monthly total and these were the 520 Square-spot Rustics and 466 Lunar Underwings.  There are various forms of Square-spot Rustic but most have a rather square kidney mark.

Square-spot rustic

The foodplants of the caterpillars are mostly grasses but they have been seen on Cleavers and Plantains.  They overwinter as larvae and the adults fly in late July to early October.

Lunar Underwings are so named because of a blurred central crescent moon marking on the pale underwing.

Lunar Underwing

Their caterpillars feed on grasses and overwinter as small larvae. The adults are on the wing from Late August to mid October.

Other species that fared well in September this year Light Emerald, Snout, Brimstone Moth and Bordered Beauty.

Light Emeralds have 2 generations in the south of England, late May to early August and early August to late October.  The second generation are often smaller than the first.  64 were counted in September, some 20 more than the previous high September number of 43 in 2019.

Light Emerald

Their caterpillars feed on a wide range trees and shrubs including Pedunculate Oak, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Birches, Sallows to name but a few.

Snouts are a group of 6 moths that have long palps that rather stick out like noses and thus the vernacular name.  87 were counted in September.


Snout has a very long up turned palps.  It too has 2 generations in a year, June to early August and late August to October.  The foodplant of the caterpillars is Common Nettle.

Brimstone Moth has 2 or 3 generations between April to October.  They often settle outside the trap on the underside of a leaf and show just a little of the wing so always worth a good search outside the trap before opening up.

Brimstone Moth

The Bordered Beauty also fared well this September with 7 counted.  The moth is never seen in large numbers at LLNR and often not at all.

Bordered Beauty

The colours of Bordered Beauty seem just right for Autumn although the moth is on the wing from July.   The foodplants of the caterpillars are Sallow, Grey Willow, Black Poplar and Hazel.

Gordon Redford


Linford Lakes Nature Reserve Moth Report, August 2020 – Gordon Redford

Recording moths is never a lonely business.  This little feller in his red jacket (above) joins me most mornings and is the reason that I now have to net all the moths in the trap before he/she has them for breakfast.
(All photos: Gordon Redford)

What a strange month this has been for weather conditions and consequent moth turnout.  The catches, which are all released unharmed, began with around 250 or so each evening rising to 450 when the temperatures soared and then the wind and rain which sent numbers visiting the traps plummeting so that on the 30th August just 27 moths dared to show their faces.  It was just our bad luck that we had arranged for 25th to be the day for the Society to video the opening of some traps at the Reserve. (See separate news item: Emptying the moth traps at LLNR.)
I think 58 moths and 19 species was our haul for that evening. Nationally it was not too good either as 27th-29th August was designated this year’s National Moth Night.  All 3 nights were wet, cold and windy.

That said all the records for the month of August have been entered in the data base and the numbers show that 6,695 moths visited the traps and that is the best August total ever at Linford Lakes Nature Reserve (LLNR).  This is almost 1,000 moths more than the previous high total for August which was in 2019.  The number of species recorded was 178 and curiously that number is 12 less than the 190 species that were recorded last year.  12 species were added to August list for LLNR of which 1 was new to the site.  The other 11 species had been recorded on site before.  The new one for the site was a micro moth named Golden Argent.

Golden Argent

There are 25 species in the Argent genus with the largest having a forewing of 6.5mm.  Most rest in a declining posture with head close to the surface and abdomen raised.  The caterpillars feed on Birches and Alders of which there are many at LLNR.

The macro/micro division among moths can be confusing because some micro moths are very large indeed and some macro moths are very tiny.  One such tiny macro is the Pinion-streaked Snout.

Pinion-streaked Snout

The forewing is between 9 and 11mm and 13 were recorded during August this year.  It has 2 generations in the south and this, the second generation, was good to see because only 1 was recorded in the first generation.  It overwinters as a caterpillar and remarkably, its food plant in the wild is unknown.

The most abundant moth in the month of August this year was the Common Wainscot with 1,394 appearances.

Common Wainscot

Michael McCarthy in his very readable The Moth Snowstorm describes how 60-70 years ago driving at night in summer sometimes was just like driving through a snowstorm because of the large numbers of moths.  The Common Wainscot would almost certainly have been a major constituent.  They have 2 overlapping generations in a year and their caterpillars are grass feeders.

There are around 40 species of wainscot moths arranged in 2 groups and their colours help to conceal them in their marshy habitats and, if I have done my sums right, 19 have been recorded at LLNR.  Webb’s Wainscot has been recorded every August in each of the past 10 years and the 145 counted this year is the best ever.

Webb’s Wainscot

The Twin-spotted Wainscot was recorded in August, 2016 for the first time and then not again till this year when 9 were recorded.

Twin-spotted Wainscot

The caterpillars feed on Common Reed and the moth overwinters in the egg state.  The adults do not feed.

August, 2020 was a good one for the Blood-vein with 29 being counted.  The previous highest number was 16.  The moth is well named.


The Blood-vein enjoys 2 generations usually and the caterpillars feed on Docks, Orache, Sorrel and Knotgrass.

It was good on the 11th August to record a Jersey Tiger.  This is the 3rd year in a row that this moth has been recorded at LLNR.

Jersey Tiger

It has undergone/is undergoing a huge increase in range and has been seen regularly in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire in recent years.  The food plants of the caterpillars include Nettles, Plantains, Ground-ivy and Brambles and are abundant at LLNR so who knows.

My final August moth is the magnificent Clifden Nonpareil which made an appearance on the 24th .  This is the third record for LLNR, the other 2 being last year.

Clifden Nonpareil

The Clifden part of the name is in recognition of the moth’s discovery at what is now Cliveden House by the Thames near Maidenhead in the 1740s.  It became extinct in the UK in 1964 but recolonised southern England from about 2007.  Evidence suggests that it is slowly spreading north from that coastal base.

Gordon Redford

Linford Lakes NR Moth Report for July 2020 – Gordon Redford

Photos by Gordon Redford. Above: a Crescent moth

If someone had asked me on the 31st July how I thought the past month had been for mothing at Linford Lakes Nature Reserve (LLNR) I would have replied by saying that, apart from a couple of highlights, it had not been especially great.  It did not feel to me that it had been a good month. Now, having fed all the records into Mapmate, it is clear that my answer would have been incorrect.  The facts are that July, 2020 has been the best July since recording regularly at LLNR began in 2011.  The best not only in the numbers of moths attracted to the moth traps there but also in the numbers of species recorded.

4,746 moths was the July, 2020 total and this exceeded by some 400 moths the previous highest July figure of 4,339 in 2017.  The 236 moth species recorded in 2020 also exceeded the previous highest July figure, also in 2017, of 200 species. 36 of the 236 species recorded in July, 2020 were new to July records and 15 species were new to the site.  The other 21 new species to July but not new to the site had been recorded in other months. Good quality biological records are vital so that effective nature conservation decisions can be made and they can also confirm, and in my case, disprove a “feeling” that the month had not been that good. As alluded to above, there were some highlights and probably the brightest of these was the appearance on the 24th July of a Dark Crimson Underwing.

Dark Crimson Underwing (Photo: Gordon Redford)

This is a moth on the move.  The Atlas of Britain and Ireland’s Larger Moths states that it is ”A rare moth confined to the New Forest and a few woods in north Hampshire and south Wiltshire with signs of a recent increase in range”.  The Buckinghamshire County Moth Recorder told me that it was only the 3rd record for Bucks in modern times with the other 2 being in the last 2 years.  The caterpillars feed on Oak.

Highlights numbers 2 and 3 are also moths on the move. On 8th July 2 Dotted Fan-foots (or should it be feet?) were found in the trap.

Dotted Fan-foot (Photo: Gordon Redford)

The Atlas again has this moth expanding its range from the wetlands of East Anglia, Essex and the Thames Estuary westwards. The County Moth Recorder has this record as 25 km further north than any of the 40 or so records he has for the county.  Let us hope that the moth takes to the wetlands of Milton Keynes.

Highlight number 3 is a Tree Lichen Beauty which appeared on 27th July.  I have to say that I do so like those moths wearing green and it is good to have this one join the list.  The green seems to wear pretty quickly so it is especially good to see a freshly emerged specimen.

Tree Lichen Beauty (Photo: Gordon Redford)

After three 19th century records, there were no sightings in Britain until 1991.  Immigration became more frequent and by the early 2000s, the moth was established in south-east England and it is now steadily spreading.  The moth was not in the trap but on the wall behind it which is covered in lichen.

Having owned up to liking my greens, there now follow 2 moths that made appearances in July sporting some green.  On 17th of the month on the last egg box to be checked I found this Large Emerald.

Large Emerald (Photo: Gordon Redford)

It was the third record for LLNR and was last seen in 2015.  Caterpillars feed on Birches and some other trees too.  Its legs are tucked away in the photograph but they are brown and white in colour.

The final “green” moth is one of a group of LLNR specialists in that their favoured habitat is wetland.  It is the Cream-bordered Green Pea.  It is about 10mm in length and rests with its wings at a steep angle.

Cream-bordered Green Pea (Photo: Gordon Redford)

It is resident at LLNR and 3 were recorded in July on 12th, 29th and 30th.  Its caterpillars feed on the terminal shoots of sallows and willows.  A good friend of mine once remarked that a name like Cream-bordered Green Pea sounds like something that should be on a menu rather than be that of a moth.

Another wetland specialist is the Crescent and there were 9 records for this month in July. The food plant of the caterpillars is Yellow Iris and Great Fen and other sedges and Bulrushes.   It overwinters as an egg.

Crescent (Photo: Gordon Redford)

Gordon Redford

Linford Lakes Nature Reserve Moth Report, June 2020 – Gordon Redford

Main photo: Burnished Brass. All photos taken by Gordon Redford

At the beginning of June 2020, the number of species recorded in June at Linford Lakes Nature Reserve (LLNR) stood at 293 accumulated over the 9 years that records have been consistently collected there.  By the end of June 2020, the number of species recorded in that month now stands at 310, an increase of 17 species. Of those 17 newly recorded June species, 3 were new records for the site and the remainder were all species that had made early appearances as they have been recorded in July up till now.  This appearance of some moths earlier than previously recorded continues the trend noted in the report for the month of May.

The month began with the appearance of the Beautiful China-mark some 10 days earlier than previous earliest date.  The moth is very well named as the photograph below shows.  There are 4 species of china-mark moth which remarkably have aquatic or subaquatic caterpillars.  The china-marks are named from the resemblance of their wing patterns to makers’ marks pressed into Chinese porcelain.

Beautiful China-mark 

The first week of June, the 4th to be precise, saw the appearance in the trap of the Burnished Brass.  21 were recorded during the month which is bettered only once in the 10 years of records.  The caterpillars feed most often on Common Nettle of which there is plenty at LLNR.  The adults, when fresh, are a delight to move when the sun is shining as the “brass” really comes into play.

Burnished Brass

One of the 3 moths recorded as new to the site in June was the Burnet Companion.  It is a day-flying moth and has probably been there all the time that this recording programme has been in place and before that too. Why it is so named is a bit of a mystery: although they occur in the same habitat as other Burnet moths they are seldom seen together, as the Burnet Companion flight season is over by the time the Six-spot Burnet appears.

Burnet Companion

The number of moths to visit the trap in June was 1,851 with 149 species recorded.  This compares with 2,824 moths and 170 species last year.  A Hornet was found on an egg box in the trap in mid-June so it may be that the Hornets are affecting numbers.  The Heart and Dart was the most numerous of the moths in June numbering 239.  Often the most abundant moths are also the most variable and the Heart and Dart is no exception.  However, all show the pair of pegs or darts on the top of the wing and the rough heart shape mark about half way down.

Heart and Dart

At the other end of the scale, it was good to report records for Iron Prominent and Leopard Moth, just one for each.  Neither appear in large numbers nor every year.  There are 9  Prominents in the UK and all have a tuft of scales which sticks up like a little pyramid.  The Iron Prominent is so named because the dark grey wings are edged with flecks of red-brown or rusty iron. Leopard Moths spend at least 3 years as caterpillars as they feed inside the trunks, stems and branches of trees where large volumes of wood have to be eaten to provide enough food for the caterpillar to develop.

(l) Iron Prominent; (r) Leopard Moth

It is very good to report that 9 Scarlet Tigers were recorded during the month of June 2020.  I can recall the great excitement caused about 10 years ago when a couple were found at Shenley Brook End so for 9 to be counted is something special.

Scarlet Tiger

On the last day of the month it was lovely to see a Maple Prominent on an egg box in the trap.  Only the third time to be recorded there in the 10 year period and a very fine moth too.

Maple Prominent

Gordon Redford, June 2020

Linford Lakes NR Moth Report, May 2020 – Gordon Redford

All photos: Gordon Redford. Above: May Highflyer

May 2020 is my tenth year of recording moths at Linford Lakes Nature Reserve (LLNR). A variety of moth traps have been used over that time but over the past 3 years access to mains electricity has allowed the use of stronger light sources. Prior to that, lower strength bulbs were used and they were powered by 12V car batteries. From August, 2019 a purpose built moth trap fed from the mains electricity has been in use and has provided most of the May records this year. The moths are attracted to the light source overnight which is over a box which readily permits access and less so egress. The moths settle in the box which is lined with cardboard egg boxes and there they stay until the trap is opened early in the morning when the moths are identified and released unharmed.

Trap built and provided by the Parks Trust for use at LLNR

In May 2020 the trap attracted 1255 moths of 101 species. This is the highest species number ever recorded there in May over the ten years of recording. 99 was the previous highest number of species recorded in May,  in 2017 when 1597 were attracted to the light. To confuse matters further, last year 2,917 moths were attracted to the light in May, more than doubling this year’s total, yet the total number of species recorded then was just 82.

A comparison of the species recorded over the years is interesting too. Of the 101 species recorded this year, 21 were new to the month of May and of these two, Shark and Least Black Arches were new to the site too. Most of the other new ones recorded for May were making early appearances as they have been recorded in June up till now. These records are confirmation of a trend towards earlier emergence by some species due to climate change.

2 new moths to LLNR recorded in May 2020. (L) Shark (R) Least Black Arches

It is well known that the numbers of individual moth species fluctuate over time with peaks and troughs. The May 2020 records have produced the highest May numbers at LLNR for Common Swift (162 – previous recorded high 112 in 2019), Poplar Hawk-moth (87 – previous recorded high 68 in 2017), White Ermine (179 – previous recorded high 92 in 2017), Treble Lines (87 – previous recorded high 52 in 2019) and Common Wainscot (82 – previous recorded high 8 in 2019).

Below: Moths recording their best May numbers this year

(L) Common Swift;  (R) Poplar Hawk-moth

(L) White Ermine;  (R) Common Wainscot

At the other end of the scale, the 2020 May records have produced low numbers for some species such as Small Square-spot (3 – from a high of 216 in 2017) and Green Carpet (59 – from a high of 300 in 2017).

Moths recording significant low numbers this year
(L) Green Carpet; (R)  Small Square-spot

In summary then, May 2020 at LLNR has been good for species recorded despite the numbers of moths attracted to the light being lower than in some previous years. It appears that some species are appearing noticeably earlier than in the past. Some species are clearly enjoying a very good May while some others not so.

Gordon Redford

Male Stonechat ©Harry Appleyard, Otmoor 19 October 2019

Trip Report – Otmoor 19 October 2019 

Nine members of the Society met at Otmoor on a pleasant autumn afternoon which turned out to be a lot warmer than the last Society visit! We were even treated to some late afternoon sunshine which showed off the colours of the Teal and Shoveler that had come out of eclipse, along with at least a dozen snipe snoozing on an island in front of the first screen.

Four Stonechats posed nicely on reeds by the track to the second screen, along with a Reed Bunting. Brown Hares were clearly enjoying the sunshine too. Overhead, flocks of Lapwing and Wigeon sparkled, while Marsh Harriers, Red Kites and Kestrels were seen over the meadows of Greenaways and the reed beds.

Despite reports of sightings of Bearded Tit the previous day, we didn’t manage to see any and had to be satisfied with Marsh Tit. Migrant Hawkers “buzzed” us on the tracks and Cetti’s Warbler provide a soundtrack. Other sightings included Stock Dove and Whinchat along with a strange goose that turned out to be a mix of Canada and Greylag.

Text by Linda Murphy
Photos by Harry Appleyard


Thornborough Bridge by Peter Hassett 6 August 2019

Trip Report – Coombs Quarry and Padbury Brook 6 August 2019

The evening started from the Medieval Thornborough Bridge (pictured above) constructed from the local Blisworth Limestone which we were to see in the quarry. The route took us under the busy A421 upstream along the bank of the Padbury Brook (a few members took advantage of much nearer car parking courtesy of the local farmer so missed the walk but had time to set out the demonstration table above the quarry).


The Padbury Brook was a green corridor of reeds and rushes through the parched meadows. Late flowering summer flowers on its banks were still showing well including Great Willow Herb, Marsh Woundwort, Water Forgetmenot, Water Figwort, Angelica and Teasel. 

Two Brown Hares on an arable field opposite offered early excitement. Unfortunately there were few insects in evidence and birds were few and far between but did include Grey Wagtail, Reed Bunting, Swallows, and a large flock of Rooks feeding on stubble.

Joe gave a brief introduction to the rock exposure in the quarry as observed from the viewing platform above it. Mainly drawing on the excellent Bucks Geological Society website and Interpretation Boards he explained that deposition was about 170 million years ago in the Middle Jurassic Period. The area was then at a latitude of about 40 degrees North. He explained that the Blisworth Limestone was deposited in low energy shallow warm marine conditions (as currently found in the Florida Keys). The Blisworth Clay above the limestone was deposited in lagoonal, mud flat and brackish marsh environments. There are fewer fossils but a dinosaur(Theropod) footprint had been found near-by at Thornborough Mill.

Of particular interest was a fault line (subsequent to deposition) which had displaced the younger rubbly Cornbrash seen to the east of the quarry downwards relative to the Blisworth Limestone. This could be clearly seen despite slumping of much later material. 

Jenny then demonstrated how this had happened with a specially baked ‘strata’ cake! (Subsequently the cake was rapidly eroded by participants!)

Most of the group then spent about an hour examining the structural features of the quarry and some Blisworth Limestone samples. We noted that the latter are made up of accumulated fossil shell fragments bound together with a carbonate cement. The fossils that can be found here are of Bivalves, Gastropods, Corals, Ecinoids and Brachiopods. Members identified with some confidence Bivalves and Gastropods including a small number with complete shells. A worm like trace fossil was also found. Others proved more challenging to identify. Calcite crystals (precipitated after deposition) were also in evidence especially with the aid of hand lens.

During the time in the quarry area several members explored the wooded area adjacent to it: a Jay and Tree Creeper were seen and a Green Woodpecker heard. Some also found the ruins of the two 19thcentury lime kilns which operated on the site until 1890 and are now marked by an information board.

This outing was rather different from our normal living wildlife focus but apart from its attractive setting the geology observed was a useful reminder of a past habitat and some of the animals that lived in it.

Text by Jenny Mercer and Joe Clinch

Pictures by Peter Hassett

Chiffchaff CC BY_NC_SA Peter Hassett, Draycote Water 3 April 2019

Trip Report – St.Laud’s Churchyard, Sherington 30 July 2019

Shield bug on Dogwood  ©Julian Lambley, Sherington 30 July 2019

Shield bug on Dogwood ©Julian Lambley, Sherington 30 July 2019

Sherington now has an active and growing Biodiversity Group who are doing all they can to make the village more attractive to wildlife. The churchyard of St.Laud’s Church is managed with a light touch – large areas of the churchyard are left unmown to allow grasses and wildflowers to flourish and some areas have been enhanced with sown and planted wildflowers. ‘Bug hotels’ have been installed on the walls and hedgehogs are encouraged throughout the village.

On the evening that we visited the omens were not good. After a wet day, the skies were leaden and it was drizzling at 6.45pm. Nevertheless, twenty members turned up. Parking at the village hall, we made the short walk along Church End towards the church. As luck would have it, we had just reached the church when there was an almighty downpour. Luckily, we had shelter in the church porch which was quite cosy with 20 people in it! A good place, this, for the Harvestman enthusiast. However, the rain soon passed and we had a very enjoyable hour.

Speckled Bush Cricket by Peter Hassett

Speckled Bush Cricket by Peter Hassett

Martin Kincaid led the group from the church into the adjacent fields. One of these former arable fields has now been turned over to nature by the owner who has planted a nectar rich garden which is full of butterflies, bees and hoverflies. On the previous day Martin and Carol Allen had counted 13 species of butterfly here for the Big Butterfly Count. In the damp conditions, we did not see any butterflies flying about but before long people started to find roosting butterflies on grass stems – at first just Meadow Browns and Ringlets, and later a wider range including Common Blue, Brown Argus and Small Copper. Everywhere, Meadow Grasshoppers were leaping about and we managed to identify six species of Orthoptera. Probably most impressive were a number of adult Speckled Bush-crickets who were settled on the leaves of a Buddleia. Julie Lane found these and before long several of us had them crawling over our hands.

This garden is privately owned but signs dotted around make it clear that anyone is welcome to wander through and enjoy it – provided they clean up after their dogs. In a second clearing there was a large compost heap and around here impressive stands of Purple Loosestrife and Water Figwort.

Returning to the churchyard, we concentrated on plants. Roy Maycock had listed plants here in the 1980s as part of his county-wide churchyard survey. Mary Sarre, assisted by others, amassed quite a list this evening and will be interesting to compare this with Roy’s 30+ year old list.

Among the birds heard and seen were Swifts, Swallows and House Martins – which were foraging over the village – Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Chiffchaff and Green Woodpecker.

A most enjoyable walk despite less than summery conditions and one worth repeating. We will provide Sherington Biodiversity Group with our records and observations.

Text by Martin Kincaid.

Photo at top of page is a Chiffchaff by Peter Hassett


Scarlet Tiger moth ©Paul Lund, Flitwick Moor 25 June 2019

Trip Report – Flitwick Moor 25 June 2019

Flitwick Moor is an SSSI managed by the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, and Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust. It is a former mire in the valley of the River Flit which rises in the Chiltern foothills (and a tributary of the River Ivel which in turn flows into the Great Ouse). It is an uncommon habitat for southern England with areas of peat fed by iron rich acid springs (chalybeate) from the Greensands. This was extracted up to 1960 (the peat was used in the purification of natural gas and the chalybeate was sold in the 19thcentury as a cure-all tonic!). Alders predominate in the lowest areas of peat extraction: birch and oak (Quercus rober) in the higher. Woodland clearings offer habitats of sphagnum mosses, bracken, sedges, reeds and cotton grass. The slightly higher ground consists of a rough meadow dotted with ant hills.

It rained heavily on the day of the visit and although the rain had stopped by 19.00 it was still damp and murky: not ideal conditions for a wildlife amble. Nevertheless 18 members turned up for the evening which produced a good showing of plants and several invertebrates of interest.

The routetook us first through the wet woodland area of peat extraction. The plant life off the path and in the managed clearings included Rough Chervil, Small Balsam, Foxglove, Honeysuckle, Bracken, Common Polypody (a fern), Broad Buckler-fern, Soft Rush, Remote Sedge, Pendulous Sedge, and Cotton Grass (the latter much less in evidence compared with the Society’s last visit in 2016) all acid tolerant or acid loving. A total of 17 bird species were noted, by far the highlight being an Oyster Catcher which was heard calling as it passed over shortly after the walk started. Most of the other birds were common woodland species including Nuthatch, Treecreeper and Songthrush, given away by their songs and calls from the dense canopy.

Six-spot Burnett ©Paul Lund, Flitwick Moor 25 June 2019

Six-spot Burnett ©Paul Lund, Flitwick Moor 25 June 2019

The meadow area is rough grazed with scattered bushes and the mounds of the Yellow Meadow Ant. Here the plant life included Pendulous Sedge, Wavy Bitter-cress, Yellow Iris, and Horsetail at the soggy edges, and Lesser Stitchwort, Tufted Vetch, Meadow Vetchling, Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Lady’s Bedstraw, Scented Mayweed, Common Mouse-ear and Yarrow in the drier areas. Invertebrates included Marbled White and Six-spot Burnet.

A short diversion along the side of one of the ditches off the meadow yielded dense Russian Comfrey, Marsh Thistle and Hemlock (one specimen at over 3 metres!). The Scarlet Tiger (photo at top of page) was the invertebrate highlight here.

Thanks to Roy Maycock and Harry Appleyard, who were kind enough to accompany me on exploratory visits and for putting together checklists of plants and birds/invertebrates for participants, and to Paul Lund for the photographs.

Joe Clinch, Leader for the evening

Bucks & MK Urban Bird Notes – Edition 1    17 June 2019

Sue Hetherington and Bill Robson ©Sue Hetherington ringing the peregrine chick at Aylesbury in 2012.

Sue Hetherington and Bill Robson ©Sue Hetherington ringing the peregrine chick at Aylesbury in 2012.

I’m Sue Hetherington. I’ve been a member of Bucks Bird Club since 2009 when I decided that it was about time I joined given that I was then living next door to where the club was holding its indoor meetings at the time (we have both moved since then).  I remember my first field trip with Bucks Bird Club (to Wendover Woods) with shame – I didn’t even have a pair of binoculars, let alone a telescope!  Oh yes, I fitted into what Simon Barnes has termed “a bad birdwatcher”.  I’ve always been “into” all natural history but birds seem to have particularly invited themselves in to  my consciousness and have tried to take over.  I like all sorts of birds in all sorts of habitats but I have a particular interest in urban birds.  To see what I mean by the term “urban birds” take a look at David Lindo’s eponymous book.  And yes, David is my friend and hero.

It occurs to me that there may be others who share my interest in urban birds so I thought I’d write some monthly notes to share with like minded groups and organisations. This is edition 1!  I’m sharing this with Bucks Bird Club, Milton Keynes Natural History Society, North Bucks RSPB Local Group and BBOWT.

I love seeing birds in unexpected urban settings, I admire their enterprise in finding homes with us especially when we seem to be constantly shrinking their natural environment. It also makes it easy to birdwatch if it can be combined with a trip to town.  I’ve loved seeing waxwings in Aylesbury in those special winters they grace us with their presence.  I’ve also some seen some amazing starling murmerations there.  Come the summer, what could be better than to see (and hear) those most urban of birds, swifts.  My absolute favourites though are urban peregrines and particularly those from my home county.

I know many others share my Bucks and MK interest in our urban peregrines and would like to know the results from this year.  But first to summarise past years’ outcomes

– peregrines first bred on County Hall Tower Block in Aylesbury in 2011 using a provided nesting platform

Peregrine Platform at Stadium MK ©Sue Hetherington 28 April 219

Peregrine Platform at Stadium MK ©Sue Hetherington 28 April 219

– peregrines first bred in the MK Dons Stadium MK in 2015.  At first they used an old crows’ nest but a nesting platform was provided which they eventually used for the first time in 2018

There is no central news outlet for these peregrines so it was not until Mike Wallen, the County Bird Recorder, placed some notes on the Yahoo discussion board called bucksbirders that this years picture emerged.  This is the news that Mike gave on bucksbirders on 7/6/19

Bucks Peregrines- update

Aylesbury County Hall Tower Block.

Bad news complete breeding failure, no eggs, no chicks and it looks like the female has been lost, either before any eggs, or at some stage after. Whatever was there has been predated. There is a male present.  A webcam which has been available in past years was unfortunately unavailable this year.


Much better news.  The birds went straight to the platform this spring and laid 4 eggs, 3 of which hatched and have done extremely well.

The first one fledged on June 3rd, but something wasn’t quite right and it had to be rescued, fortunately a member of staff there has a partner who is a vet, it was found to be dehydrated. It spent a couple of days with the vet where she (it was sexed) recovered well. This fortunately coincided with Rod Stewart performing so we didn’t have any trouble with Peregrine chicks causing havoc in the crowd. [although several birders who attended the concert reported how much they had enjoyed seeing the peregrines as an added bonus – Sue]

Yesterday (6th) the other two chicks were still on the platform, but exercising vigorously, one nearly came off, but hung on, fledging imminent.

At lunchtime the rescued bird was released at a high point in the stadium and after sitting still for a few minutes it then took off extremely strongly and went straight out of the stadium ! It was expected to return as peregrine fledglings do.  There has never been a webcam on this platform.

I for one have missed being able to follow the fortunes of the Aylesbury project on webcams, as have many others I am sure.  If anyone feels similarly deprived, I recommend the Derby Peregrine Project which has the entry point to almost everything you could wish to know about urban peregrines here Ordinarily, they too would have a webcam but this too has been jinxed this year (building developments have got in the way of line of sight wireless transmission from the camera on the cathedral to a wireless base station – work is in progress to find a fix)  The Derby website has a list of some of the other peregrine projects that exist around the county (there are lots)

That’s all the Bucks and MK Urban Peregrine news I have.

Turning to another iconic urban bird, swifts, they are back in our towns and villages but many people think they were very late and have arrived in lower numbers than normal. When they made their 6000 mile journey to us from their winter airspace in Africa, it is thought that they hit severe storms in Italy, France and Spain.  It is believed they were badly hit, with many dying through starvation or hypothermia.  We’ve just had a prolonged bad weather spell here which can’t have helped breeding swifts. We hope for the best for these fantastic little birds.  Hopefully we won’t get a problem with grounded swifts (eg fledglings jumping before they are ready) but if you do, there is advice here

I would add Tiggywinkes Wildlife Hospital, Haddenham to the list of carers, it’s where I would take a swift casualty.  If anyone needs a swift “ambulance driver” I am happy to be contacted on 07972 833 408

I have no news yet on various swift projects around the county, but I can confirm that my swift box (in its second season) has no occupants.  This would seem to bear out the “low numbers” theory as my village normally has a good population of swifts and interest was shown in my box last year.

Good Urban Birding until next month



Peregrine Platform at Stadium MK ©Sue Hetherington 28 April 219

StadiumMK Peregrines update June 2019

The birds went straight to the platform this spring and laid 4 eggs, 3 of which hatched and have done extremely well.

The first one fledged on June 3rd, but something wasn’t quite right and it had to be rescued, fortunately a member of staff there has a partner who is a VET, it was found to be dehydrated. It spent a couple of days with the VET where she (it was sexed) recovered well. This fortunately coincided with Rod Stewart performing so we didn’t have any trouble with Peregrine chicks causing havoc in the crowd.

Yesterday (6th) the other two chicks were still on the platform, but exercising vigorously, one nearly came off, but hung on, fledging imminent. At lunchtime the rescued bird was released at a high point in the stadium and after sitting still for a few minutes it then took off extremely strongly and went straight out of the stadium ! I expect it will return.

Text: Mike Wallen, Buckinghamshire Bird Recorder

Reproduced by kind permission of Buckinghamshire Bird Club

Sawfly ©Julian Lambley, Stonepit Field 4 June 2019

Trip Report Stonepit Field 4 June 2019

A grey damp afternoon and threatening dark clouds set the scene leading up to our visit to Stonepit Field (SP 84489 42160) on Tuesday 4th June 2019, but by the time we gathered the clouds had just begun to clear so the evening ended with bright sun and clear blue skies. Surprisingly, with such unappealing weather in the lead up, around 20 members had assembled to enjoy the visit.

Mike LeRoy gave a brief explanation of the site’s geology and its history since the 1960s. The woodland flanking the Railway Walk dates from the end of the 1970s, part of the New Town ‘advance tree planting’ by Milton Keynes Development Corporation (MKDC). In the early 1990s a MKDC project was implemented to convert a former barley field into flower-rich limestone grassland. A ‘scrape’ of exposed limestone was formed at the same time. More recently, around 2007, two flood-management ponds were inserted into the lower slopes for the nearby housing at Oakridge Park.

Brown Chinese Character moth ©Julian Lambley, Stonepit Field 4 June 2019

Brown Chinese Character moth ©Julian Lambley, Stonepit Field 4 June 2019

Our walkabout started by the ‘scrape’ with Gordon Redford demonstrating use of a pheromone lure to attract Six-belted Clearwing moths Bembecia ichneumoniformis; a demonstration because these day-fliers are known to be present at the site but don’t turn out readily on a cool evening. The next centre of attention was Bee Orchids, which had come into flower on the scrape over the previous couple of days.

We then formed several smaller groups. One led by Harry Appleyard circled the more wooded parts of the site and the ponds in search of birds, and found a surprisingly wide range as this is not known as a bird site. 30 species were seen or heard, including Grey Heron and Little Egret on the east pond, at least two Bullfinch and over 16 Wood Pigeon, as well as two Song Thrush, with one singing beautifully.

Slender Ground hopper ©Julian Lambley, Stonepit Field 4 June 2019

Slender Ground hopper ©Julian Lambley, Stonepit Field 4 June 2019

An invertebrate search group was led by Gordon Redford. The wide range of plants and dense grassland at the site attract many insects and other invertebrates, but far more of them on a sunny daytime than on a cool evening after rain. Over 20 butterfly species are seen in the grassland and on hedges and trees, but not on this evening. Day-flying moths are also seen here and the Burnet-companion moth Euclidia glyphicais seen widely at present. The search group found five other moth species including the micro-moth Agapeta hamana. Several other insects were found including a whole group of Bishop’s mitre shieldbugs Aelia acuminata. A Common malachite beetle Malachius bipustulatuswas found as well as a Swollen-thighed beetle Oedemera nobilis.Several of the common Bumblebees were still flying low in the vegetation.

A tree and shrubs group was led by Alan Birkett. 15 tree species were found and nine shrubs. These included Alder Buckthorn Frangula alnus, which is a foodplant of the Brimstone butterfly. A few exotic tree species were not identified, but these were not generally thriving.

Most opted to identify flora, led by Roy Maycock and by searches with Mary Sarre and Jenny Mercer. Although this is largely a created grassland from seeds sown over 25 years ago, other plants have found their way there. Only a few meadow grass species had been sown: these had been selected as ‘low competition’ species, together with a semi-parasitic plant, Yellow Rattle Rhinanthus minor. This has enabled other flowering plants to flourish. The group found another semi-parasitic plant in small numbers: Common Broomrape Orobanche minor. The remnants of plenteous Cowslip were widely across the grassland and the Buttercups were past their best, but the group found a wide range of meadow flowers including: vetches & trefoils, bedstraws, three plantain species, cranesbills, scabious, white and red campion, and numerous other plants. One of particular interest was the small bright crimson flower on a grass-like stem of the Grass Vetchling Linifolius nissolia. Other plants such as Yarrow Achillea millefoliumwere just emerging.

We had a surprisingly productive evening and found much more than might have been expected so soon after rain. The delight was a site full of flowering plants and alive with small creatures in a fine evening sunlight.

Mike LeRoy

Photo at top of page Sawfly ©Julian Lambley, Stonepit Field 4 June 2019

Bird List

  1. 3 Blackbird – with 1 singing.
  2. 2 Magpie
  3. 4 Starlings – Passing over, heading east.
  4. 1 Goldfinch (Likely more)
  5. 2 Feral Pigeon – Passing over towards new housing
  6. 7 Jackdaw 
  7. 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull – Passing over, heading east.
  8. 3 Swift – Hawking over the woodland.
  9. 1 Chiffchaff – Singing at the edge of the woodland.
  10. 4 Mallard – At least 4 seen, initially passing overhead and pair at one of the ponds later.
  11. 2 Wren – At least 2 heard singing and making alarm calls at perched Buzzard.
  12. 2 Song Thrush – At least 2 present, with 1 singing.
  13. 1 Blue Tit – Heard calling.
  14. 1 Blackcap – Heard singing.
  15. 16 Wood Pigeon – At least 16 seen, mostly passing over.
  16. 1 Collared Dove – Passing over, heading towards new housing.
  17. 1 Great Tit – Heard calling.
  18. 1 Dunnock – Heard singing.
  19. 2 Bullfinch – At least 2 present, with a male seen singing over one of the meadows and a pair in flight.
  20. 1 Buzzard – Perched in woodland.
  21. 1 Robin – Heard singing.
  22. 1 Mistle Thrush – Perched near the canal.
  23. 1 Chaffinch – Heard singing.
  24. 1 Kingfisher – Male, perched at one of the ponds.
  25. 1 Grey Heron – At one of the ponds.
  26. 1 Moorhen – At one of the ponds.
  27. 1 House Sparrow – Male, foraging in reeds at one of the ponds.
  28. 1 Stock Dove – Passing over, heading east.
  29. 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker – Heading towards Linford Lakes
  30. 1 Little Egret – on the Eastern pond

Click here to see the Stonepit Field Park Cumulative Site List of Species

Green-winged Orchid and cowslips ©Jenny Mercer, Pilch Field 3 May 2019

Visit to Pilch Field 3 May 2019

A fieldfare sightings has been confirmed by an RSPB Birder whom I met at Pilch on Friday last. They were very late to arrive and then left late from North Bucks this year. There is a great proliferation of Green-winged orchids and many cowslips still in full flower. Great for all you photographers out there, as colour of both is great.
Green-winged Orchid ©Jenny Mercer, Pilch Field 3 May 2019
There are strong purple to pink in the variations on the orchids this year which showed so well in the dullish 4pm onwards light on showery evenings. Marsh marigolds are much more extensive this year with several new clumps in both fields. The impact of BBOWT WORK Parties on clearing bramble in both field is welcome with very extensive areas of Adders Tongue on ridge and furrow clearings just in front of the trees area at far end of larger Pilch Field, uphill on the side of old pond area.
Text and photos kindly provided by Jenny Mercer
RSPB Ouse Washes with Ely cathedral in the background ©Julian Lambley 12 January 2019

Trip Report – RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Eleven go bird watching

A small group of hardy souls set off for the Ouse Washes near Ely in Cambridgeshire this Saturday. We left the rain behind in Milton Keynes and after an hour and a half’s drive which culminated in negotiating the long and somewhat hilarious switch back of an access road we arrived on site.

The Ouse washes is a vast area of flooded fenland bordered by high banks and ditches which form part of the flood control system for this area of the fenland. In the winter the area is flooded and is home to large flocks of duck, geese, swans and waders whereas in the summer the water drains away and the resulting wet fen is great for breeding waders.

Our first port of call was the spacious visitor centre where we could have a coffee and watch the busy bird feeders which thronged with tits, greenfinches, goldfinches, reed buntings, house sparrows and most exciting of all handsome rusty coloured tree sparrows.

We then set off eastwards along the track stopping at five hides en route. The water was fairly busy with rafts of coot and ducks such as mallard, wigeon, shovelors, tufties, gadwall, pochard, teal and the occasional goldeneye. There were a few whoopers and mute swans out there and lapwing flocks and every so often a marsh harrier floated by spooking the ducks into the air, testing their fitness. Sadly we didn’t see the hoped for short eared owl on the fields behind the dam but there were kestrels, a sparrowhawk, buzzard and a pair of stonechats on the track just ahead of us.

After a packed lunch back at the visitors centre we set off in the opposite direction and visited three more hides. There were more lapwing and quite large flocks of golden plover in this direction which made a particularly impressive sight as they wheeled and shimmered in the light with a backdrop of Ely cathedral. There must have been a peregrine around at one point as the whole lot went up in an amazing spectacle but sadly none of us spotted it. We also saw a small group of pintails – such a smart duck!

One of the fields behind the dam had a large flock of whooper swans feeding which was good to see as when I was there two weeks earlier the wash was full of them (see photo).

As the skies darkened we made our way back to the centre a tired but happy bunch.

Many thanks to Julie Lane for leading the walk and writing the trip report.

Click on any of the pictures for a larger image.

Species List:


  1. Tree Sparrow
  2. House Sparrow
  3. Chaffinch
  4. Stock Dove
  5. Collared Dove
  6. Wood Pigeon
  7. Great Tit
  8. Goldfinch
  9. Greenfinch
  10. Chaffinch
  11. Sparrowhawk
  12. Reed Bunting
  13. Treecreeper
  14. Magpie
  15. Little Grebe
  16. Goldeneye
  17. Whooper Swan
  18. Stonechat
  19. Meadow Pipit
  20. Marsh Harrier
  21. Fieldfare
  22. Buzzard
  23. Pintail
  24. Skylark
  25. Jackdaw
  26. Carrion Crow
  27. Lapwing
  28. Kestrel
  29. Starling
  30. Golden Plover
  31. Wren
  32. Pheasant
  33. Grey Heron
  34. Linnet
  35. Black-headed Gull
  36. Common Gull
  37. Greater black-backed Gull
  38. Mallard
  39. Gadwall
  40. Shoveler
  41. Tufted Duck
  42. Teal
  43. Shelduck
  44. Canada Goose
  45. Greylag Goose
  46. Mute Swan
  47. Coot
  48. Wigeon
  49. Pochard
  50. Robin
  51. Barnacle Goose



  1. Roe Deer
  2. Muntjac Deer

RSPB Ouse Washes with Ely cathedral in the background ©Julian Lambley 12 January 2019

RSPB Ouse Washes with Ely cathedral in the background ©Julian Lambley 12 January 2019

Cathedral View ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Cathedral View ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Whooper swan ©Julie Lane, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Whooper swan ©Julie Lane, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Female Reed Bunting ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Female Reed Bunting ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Goldfinch ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Goldfinch ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Hide view ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Hide view ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

House sparrows ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

House sparrows ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Lapwings and Golden Plover

Lapwing and Golden Plover put to flight by a Marsh Harrier. Ely cathedral in the background © Julian Lambley 12 January 2019

Male Tree sparrow ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Male Tree sparrow ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Tree and female House sparrows ©Janice Robertson, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Tree and female House sparrows ©Janice Robertson, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Whooper swan ©Janice Robertson, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Whooper swan ©Janice Robertson, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Whooper swan ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019

Whooper swan ©Harry Appleyard, RSPB Ouse Washes 12 January 2019