Wednesday 18th October 2017,
Special Presentation from
Saffron Summerfield.
19:30 hrs doors open @ 19:00hrs.
Seats cost £3.50, no booking required.
Refreshments available.
A digitally illustrated Talk
When Saffron Summerfield – Singer/Musician/Sound Artiste and lifetime Bird Watcher – was Artist in Residence at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve she was intrigued when a Robin sang close to her window when she played the guitar. She recorded the Robin and created a duet with his song and her guitar and so her journey of research and discovery on Bird Songs and Calls began.
Just why does a small bird (Marsh Warbler) ’collect’ up to 250 other bird songs and calls on its migratory path from Africa to Northern Europe thereby creating an astonishing ‘Songline’ of its journey each year?
How many composers have been inspired by listening to bird song?
Bird songs and calls are frequently referenced in Folk Songs from around the World.
Why does the Dawn Chorus have such an emotional and calming effect on some Humans?
The craze for keeping caged Goldfinches for their magical singing voice in the second half of the nineteenth century nearly did for the poor bird.
What is the connection between Pachelbel’s Canon in D and Bird Song…
This fascinating and revealing talk is digitally presented with many of her own field recordings and photos and all levels of interest is catered for.