BMERC has been asked by the River Thame Conservation Trust (RTCT) to send round an invite to a local training event on the 21st October for Bird ID and survey work; flyer attached. For those who can’t open PDF the key details are as follows :-
- Its free!
- Its designed to help with the identification of our common winter wetland birds and those who want to improve their ID and survey skills.
- Targeted at both existing and new volunteers of both the RTCT and/or other local organisations.
- 21st October
- Based at the RSPB’s Otmoor Reserve
- 9:30 – 1pm
- You MUST book in advance
- Book via the Project Officer –
Please note this is not a BMERC event, any bookings or queries will need to go to the RTCT direct.
Julia Carey
Environmental Records Centre Manager
Historic and Natural Environment Team
Transport, Economy and Environment
Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Environmental Records Centre
Buckinghamshire County Council, 6th Floor, New County Offices, Walton Street, Aylesbury HP20 1UY
Tel 01296 382431E-mail