Where do you look for help in identifying or finding out about species?
Did you know the MKNHS website has a page listing a range of ID resources? Identification Guides | Milton Keynes Natural History Society (mknhs.org.uk)
Have you used this page over the last year?
Recently, another range of ID resources was added – a list of Apps which can be used as identification aids. You can find this list here: Apps used for ID and Recording by MKNHS members
The website team have been looking at the ID resources page on the website with a view to up-dating/refreshing the content. We would find it very helpful to know what members find useful and can recommend to others.
In order to do this we would appreciate your answers to the following questions:
- Have you looked at the Identification Guides page on the website? (Identification Guides | Milton Keynes Natural History Society (mknhs.org.uk) ) Once? Several times? Regularly?
- Have you used any of the resources listed after seeing them on the website? If so, which ones?
- Have you dowloaded any of the Apps listed on the website? mknhs.org.uk/identification-recording-apps/
- More generally, which resources (not only from the website) do you usually use if you want to find out about or identify a particular species that you are interested in? Please list what you use.
- Books?
- Other printed guides, such as Identification Charts?
- Websites?
- Other online sources, such as YouTube videos?
- Apps? (including any of those listed through the link above)
- Which would you recommend (or definitely not recommend) to others? And why?
Please email your answers to the above questions, to let us know your views/preferences to: webeditor@mknhs.org.uk
Please do so by 15 May 2023.
Thank you!
The MKNHS website team