3 Willow Emerald Damselflies in Tattenhoe Park – 2 males and 1 female (Potentially the first of this new arrival from Europe recorded in Bucks) (HA)
Large numbers of Migrant Hawkers and Common Darters around Tattenhoe (HA)
Female Brown Hawker ovipositing in Tattenhoe Park (28th Sept) (HA)
Red Admiral, Speckled Wood and Small Tortoisheshell butterflies still on the wing. (MK)
Holly Blues flying at Woughton-on-the-Green (2nd) (MK)
Small Coppers and Comma at Rammamere Heath (2nd) (MK)
Red Admirals, Speckled Woods and Commas around Tattenhoe (HA)
Small White by Howe Park Wood (2nd) (HA)
Dark and Roesel’s Bush-crickets still at Pineham (29th Sep) (MK)
Red Kite over Mill Lane, Stony Stratford (1st) (MK)
Common and Green Sandpipers at Floodplain Forest. (MK)
Chiffchaffs singing at Linford Lakes & Stony Stratford Nature Reserves (30th Sep) (MK)
Redwings and Siskins passing over Tattenhoe (2nd and 3rd) (HA)
Small groups of Skylarks over Tattenhoe Park (HA)
Tawny Owls calling and hooting in Water Spinney and Tattenhoe Park (HA)
Red Kite circling over Tattenhoe Park (3rd) (HA)
Grass Snakes at Walton Lake (30th Sep) (MK)
2 Adders and several Common Lizards at Rammamere Heath (2nd) (MK)
Good variety of fungi at Rushmere Country Park/Rammamere Heath on 2nd October including Fly Agaric, Common Earth-ball, Brown Birch Bolete, Amethyst Deceiver, Chicken-of-the-Woods. (MK)
(Recorders – HA=Harry Appleyard, MK=Martin Kincaid)
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