- Marsh Tits – Howe Park Wood and Oakhill Wood
- Large groups of Siskins in Howe Park Wood and on the North Bucks Way
- Chiffchaffs singing in Oakhill Wood (Mon 21st)
- Red Kites over Tattenhoe Park (Thurs 17th)
- Woodcocks (x1 Tattenhoe Linear Park, x1 North Bucks Way)
- Tawny Owls hooting in the early afternoon, North Bucks Way (Sat 26th)
All sightings by Harry Appleyard
- Common Toads, Howe Park Wood (Harry Appleyard)
- Frog Spawn in Secretary’s pond for last 3 weeks
- Fallow deer tracks and Roe buck, the North Bucks Way (Thurs 11th) (Harry Appleyard)
- Small Tortoiseshell butterflies, North Bucks Way and Tattenhoe Linear Park (Thurs 11th)
- Red-tailed bumblebee, North Bucks Way (Thurs 11th)
- Male Brimstone in Ellis’s garden in Blue Bridge, 21st