What’s About – Week of 22nd June 2016


Pair of Little Grebes in Tattenhoe Park

Red Kite above Howe Park Wood (19th)

Skylarks singing over Tattenhoe Park



Large Skippers in Tattenhoe Park

Ochlodes sylvanus

Large Skipper, Tattenhoe Park (21st June)








Meadow Browns around Howe Park Wood and Tattenhoe Park

Small Heath in Tattenhoe Park (19th)

Coenonympha pamphilus

Small Heath, Tattenhoe Park (19th June)









30+ Emerald Damselflies in Tattenhoe Park (19th)

Lestes sponsa

Emerald Damselfly, Tattenhoe Park (21st June)








Large Red, Azure, Blue-Tailed, Common Blue and Red-Eyed Damselflies in Tattenhoe Park

Mature male Black-Tailed Skimmer in Tattenhoe Park (20th)

Emperors and Common Darters around Howe Park Wood and Tattenhoe Park


3 Pyramidal Orchids by Howe Park Wood

Anacamptis pyramidalis

Pyramidal Orchids, Howe Park Wood (19th June)










All sightings and photos by Harry Appleyard