Photo above: Green-winged orchid (Photo © Julian Lambley)
An early May Visit on a sunny Sunday afternoon had extensive stands of Green-winged Orchid Anacamptis morio and Cowslip Primula veris.
Green-winged orchid, from above, showing characteristic fine, green, parallel lines (Photo © Jenny Mercer)
The deep purple of the orchids and strong yellow of the Cowslips showed along the ridges of this unimproved grassland with the adjacent damper furrows, in particular – showing sedges and Adders Tongue Ophioglossum vulgatum, with some pink Cuckooflower Cardamine pratensis (also known as Ladies-smock).
For me this year, the Marsh Valerian Valeriana dioica, with its presentation of male and female flowers on separate plants, was a highlight. They seem to be expanding in any damper areas, especially along the damp slopes to the north west of the highest part of the large field.
Marsh Valerian flowers (Photo©Jenny Mercer)
Above: female – pink/ whitish, showing very clearly rounded form of the inflorescence
Below: male – pure white and flattish
Below that slope the large marshy area had glorious stands of King Cup, May flower or Marsh Marigold – alternative names for Calthis palustris – more than I’ve ever seen there.
Marsh Marigold (Photo©Jenny Mercer)
Do visit, as every month has its treasures.
Jenny Mercer
9 May 2022
9 May 2022