There are strong purple to pink in the variations on the orchids this year which showed so well in the dullish 4pm onwards light on showery evenings.
Marsh marigolds are much more extensive this year with several new clumps in both fields.
The impact of BBOWT WORK Parties on clearing bramble in both field is welcome with very extensive areas of Adders Tongue on ridge and furrow clearings just in front of the trees area at far end of larger Pilch Field, uphill on the side of old pond area.
Visit to Pilch Field 3 May 2019
A fieldfare sightings has been confirmed by an RSPB Birder whom I met at Pilch on Friday last. They were very late to arrive and then left late from North Bucks this year. There is a great proliferation of Green-winged orchids and many cowslips still in full flower. Great for all you photographers out there, as colour of both is great.
Text and photos kindly provided by Jenny Mercer