BMERC has been asked by the Bucks Geology Group to circulate information about an event which is happening this week at The Museum Resource Centre, Halton. NB this is part of Bucks County Museum but for those wishing to come it is not the main public galleries in Aylesbury; it is in fact near Wendover, in Halton Village, about 5 miles further south.
The speaker rarely gets into Bucks so the group are extremely please to have managed to secure a talk from him on a section of the south coast which many of us may be familiar with. See attached poster for details. For those who can’t open the poster the key details are:-
- The event is from 7:15 – approximately 8:30 in the evening.
- Thursday 9th March
- Bucks County Museum Resource Centre, Rowborough Road, off Tring Road, Halton. HP22 5PL.
- Free event but spaces strictly limited.
Please note booking is essential – and should be done by contacting Mike Palmer either by telephone on 01296 325223 or by email
Julia Carey
Environmental Records Centre Manager
Historic and Natural Environment Team
Transport, Economy and Environment