The RSPB North Bucks Local Group are hosting a talk:
Location: Cruck Barn, City Discovery Centre, Alston Drive, Bradwell Abbey, Milton Keynes
Postcode: MK13 9AP (Google map)Upper Ray Meadows and Calvert Jubilee are two fabulous reserves, managed by our local Wildlife Trust, BBOWT, to benefit wildlife – birds, butterflies, bees – and lots more too. Andy has worked on them for some time and will give us an insight into the main habitats found there, the species that they support and how BBOWT manages these sites to create the perfect conditions for wildlife to thrive.
Time: Doors open 7.15pm for a prompt 7.45pm start, ends at 10pm
Price: Group members £3, Non-group members £4, Children £1
See the RSPB North Bucks Local Group website for more information