Every year BMERC (Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Environmental Records Centre) organises a workshop for recorders and volunteers, which addresses some of the interests and issues related to recoding in the county.
For this autumn we have organized an exciting learning day on plant galls with Lawrence Bee.
Details for the event, with programme and map are included in the attached document (if you who would like a paper version we can send you a copy).
The workshop will take place on the October 11th 2015 from 10.00am to 4.30pm at Howe Park Wood, Milton Keynes (see the map and directions how to get there in attachment).
We still have few places left and we are happy for you to circulate the invitation if you think that might be of interest.
Please, for more details do not hesitate to contact me (cbernardini@buckscc.gov.uk) or BMERC (erc@buckscc.gov.uk). For those who are interested there are no booking forms, an email to the above addresses or a call at 01296 382431 will be enough.