Northamptonshire River Mammal Survey Project

Water Vole ©Peter Hassett, WWT Arundel 19 July 2011

Water Vole ©Peter Hassett, WWT Arundel 19 July 2011

If you live in the Nene Valley, how many times have you thought any of the following: “Otters are everywhere” “Water voles have virtually disappeared” “There seems to be loads of mink around”?

There is truth behind these statements, which we know from looking at national trends. However it is important to start gathering data to support these statements and fully understand the extent to which they are true in our local area. We also need to collect this data so we can target our conservation efforts effectively, particularly when it comes to the case of one of our most at risk and enigmatic species: the water vole.

We need your help

To do this, we are launching a Water Vole, Otter, and Mink Survey Project in the Nene Valley and would like you to be involved.

The project aims to understand the distribution of these species across the Nene Valley with the secondary objective of improving the situation for water voles by boosting habitat connectivity.

In its first year, the project will initially focus on Summer Leys, Nene Wetlands, and Barnwell local  wildlife site; once the project is established we can move on to surveying other areas.

Training for volunteers

We will be putting on two survey-training workshops in the first week of April to train volunteers for identifying signs and the recording process.

The workshops will be held:

  • Wednesday 3 April, 3-5pm at The Wildlife Trust BCN office at Lings nature reserve, Northampton
  • Friday 5 April, 6-8pm at Canoe2 meeting room, Rushden Lakes

Get in touch

If you are interested in participating then please contact the Water for Wildlife Officer in Northamptonshire Lewis Dickinson at for further details.

Source: Northamptonshire River Mammal Survey Project – can you help? | Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants