Redshanks are a common wader found, year-round, on the marshes of the north Norfolk coast. At any time of year, on a visit to RSPB Titchwell, Snettisham or the NWT Holme Dunes you often see redshanks probing their bills into the mud for insects, worms, and crustaceans. This year has even seen them returning to breed on nearby Roydon Common, the first time in 40 years. Winter sees the numbers grow as more birds arrive from Iceland, spending their winters in the UK.
The Autumn and winter months can also bring a small number of the much rarer Spotted Redshanks. Most of these birds are passing through the UK but with a few overwintering on the marshes in this part of the UK. At this time its not uncommon to hear about local sightings of Greenshanks on their migration to their African wintering grounds. In recent years, a number of these have overwintered on the estuaries of SW England.
Click on the link to read the rest of the article: Help with Identifying Redshanks from Spotted Redshanks