Bucks Fungus Group walk Finemere Woods 8 October 2018 a.m. & Whitchurch pm

Bucks Fungus Group
Dear member(s),
Herewith my first event notification of the Autumn fungus season! We visit Finemere Woods on Sat, Sept 8th and then follow it up with an identification session back at Derek’s house in Whitchurch. If you’d like to come to either part of the day please check the details on the website at www.bucksfungusgroup.org.uk/events.htmlwhere arrangements for this event – somewhat different from our norm – are fully explained.

You might be interested to take a look at our recently overhauled  ‘Find a fungus image’ page at www.bucksfungusgroup.org.uk/image_list.html . Peter Davis, our webmaster, together with Joanna Dodsworth and myself have been working hard to update this handy search facility which now contains over 500 different species, all of which we’ve found in Buckinghamshire. The vast majority of the photos were taken within the county, all by BFG members over the last 20 years. When identifying fungi one can never have too many images of a species, and this page is so convenient to use. Furthermore, when you click to view one of the images there’s often useful information in the text alongside which gives added insight into the species. Why not give it a try?

We look forward to seeing you very soon.
Best wishes,