Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust

At the last Society AGM, it was suggested that the committee consider taking out membership of BCN Wildlife Trust as a way of supporting the work of the Trust, since this is our neighbouring Trust. A number of members live in that area and we visit some of their reserves at times as part of our summer programme. The Society has been a member of the Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust for many years.

MKNHS has now become a member of BCN Wildlife Trust. This means we receive a copy of their reserves handbook and newsletter, plus some materials suitable for children to encourage their interest. These items for will be available at meetings for anyone to look at. We will also receive news of training courses which we aim to post on the website. Membership does not mean every individual member is entitled to free access and parking at the reserves, but is a way of supporting and raising awareness of the work done by these Wildlife Trusts.

You can read more about the work the BCN WIldlife Trust do here:

Linda Murphy (Treasurer)