Author Archives: admin

Melting permafrost in Arctic will have $70tn climate impact

The release of methane and carbon dioxide from thawing permafrost will accelerate global warming and add up to $70tn (£54tn) to the world’s climate bill, according to the most advanced study yet of the economic consequences of a melting Arctic.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Melting permafrost in Arctic will have $70tn climate impact – study | Environment | The Guardian

30 Days Wild

This June, join hundreds of thousands of people taking part in 30 Days Wild. We’re challenging you to do something a little bit wild every day: that’s 30 Days of fun, exciting and simple Random Acts of Wildness. It’s easy!

We’re giving you a free pack of goodies to help you plan your wild month, plus you’ll get lots of ideas from your local Wildlife Trust to inspire you to stay wild all throughout June (and beyond!) and lots of inspiration, encouragement and support on social media #30DaysWild.

Click here for more information.: 30 Days Wild | Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants

Rare butterfly bounces back from extinction risk in Kent

A butterfly on the brink of extinction in Kent has seen its population more than treble across the county thanks to a decade of conservation work to turn its fortunes around, wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation (BC) can reveal.

The Duke of Burgundy has declined by 40% across the UK since the 1970’s and in 2008 the butterfly was hanging on at just four sites in Kent, a former stronghold.

Click here for more information.: Rare butterfly bounces back from extinction risk in Kent

Not-so-Common Sandpipers

April and May mark the start of the Common Sandpiper breeding season, as males display along rivers and streams and around the banks of lakes and reservoirs. Numbers in the United Kingdom have declined by 26% in just over 20 years, providing an increased focus to research that has been taking place over five decades.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Not-so-Common Sandpipers | wadertales

The Wild Justice legal challenge to the general licences GL04, GL05 and GL06

Wild Justice’s first legal case was a challenge of the General Licences GL04, GL05 and GL06 which ‘authorised’ the lethal control of 16 species of bird. Similar licences have been issued each year, for many years, on 1 January. We initiated a formal legal process where we challenged the decision of a public body, in this case Natural England. The decision we challenged was the issuing of those three general licences. The legal system requires such challenges to be made in a formal way and completed within three months of the decision being challenged. So, in essence the clock started ticking on 1 January for any challenge of these general licences.

Click here for more information.: The Wild Justice legal challenge to the general licences GL04, GL05 and GL06 – Wild Justice

Swift Awareness Week 22 – 30 June 2019

Oxford Swift Tower ©Sue Hetherington

A (long) week of SWIFT AWARENESS events is taking place nationwide from Saturday 22nd June 2019 to Sunday 30th June 2019 and everyone is invited!  It has been organised by the amateur enthusiasts who are known as Action for Swifts with the support of Swift Conservation.

The full list of events listed so far can be found from the swift conservation homepage at     Scroll down that page a little until you see a box labelled “Swift Awareness Week”.  Click on this box to get a map and associated events.  There is a real eclectic mix of events but the main thing is all are welcome, come and join in and celebrate our wonderful swifts and learn what can be done to help them.  I have listed the Cock at Stony Stratford as a DIY visit.

Oxford Swift Tower ©Sue Hetherington

One event that is part of SAW which may or may not get listed on the AfS website is happening at Bucks County Museum in Aylesbury.  It is a small pop up display all about swifts and ways to help them.  It will be on throughout the SAW week during museum open hours (check museum website for times) The museum entry charge is “by donation”.

I will be providing some nice leaflets produced by AfS at both Stony Stratford and Aylesbury as handouts for visitors to take away – they are super little leaflets, absolutely packed with information in a surprisingly small space.

Incidentally, Swift Conservation and Action for Swifts will once again be exhibiting at Birdfair but they will be twice as good as previous years as they are doubling their stand size!  There will be masses of information and advice – it is after all how the seed of the Dinton church project was germinated!

I can confirm that the Dinton breeding swifts have eventually returned but (darn darn darn) have not yet chosen to use my nestbox despite unrelenting use of the caller system!

Article by Sue Hetherington

Header photo: Swift at Willen Lake ©Chris Ward

Text photos: Oxford Swift Tower ©Sue Hetherington

Rise in Hedgehog sightings due to late start to winter

Nesting Hedgehog by Susie Lane, Skelton, Cumbria 20 May 2017

Nesting Hedgehog by Susie Lane, Skelton, Cumbria 20 May 2017

Active Hedgehogs were being seen in gardens well into December, according to reports from the British Trust for Ornithology’s weekly Garden BirdWatch (BTO GBW) scheme. Volunteer Garden BirdWatchers reported more Hedgehogs in November and December than in previous years.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Why are you still awake? Rise in Hedgehog sightings due to late start to winter | BTO – British Trust for Ornithology

Cold-blooded creatures in pictures 

FSC Harvestmen Identikit

There are some 30 different species of harvestmen (Opiliones) in the UK. This interactive guide is a resource for anyone who wants to identify a harvestman and/or learn about the features that can be used to separate the different taxa in the field.

Click here for more information.: FSC Harvestmen Identikit

Experience Untouched Landscapes by Sowing Wildflower Meadows and Leaving Nature in Charge

The beauty of a wildflower meadow is that it is constantly in a state of change. Nature teaches me to be patient: to wait and see what happens each year. It is beyond my control. Nature teaches me to let-go. Observing the wildflowers and the life that thrives there is a form of meditation, as self is forgotten and is immersed amidst endlessly fascinating beauty and a constantly changing scene. The wildflowers and life amongst them have become family and are regarded with loving-kindness. I care deeply about their well-being. Nature is sacred and is observed with awe and wonder. I cannot stress enough how beneficial a wildflower meadow’s beauty, wildlife and perfume is for your health. We need them to become the common, uncommonly beautiful sight that they were in the middle ages once again.

Click here to read the rest of the article.

Moth Id: Scarlet Tiger

This tropical-looking moth is very distinctive.  Rarely, individuals with yellow hindwings or yellow spots on the forewings occur, and in some forms the hindwings may be extensively black.

Click here for more information.: Scarlet Tiger

Petition to halt all HS2 enabling work immediately

UK Government logo

UK Government logo

Because HS2 is an unjustifiable project, with terrible management that has not been subject to enough scrutiny, it will not face ‘notice to proceed’ tests before December. Consequently, HS2 Ltd must be stopped from trying to make it harder to cancel HS2 by maximising expenditure and destruction now.

Click here for more information.: With ‘notice to proceed’ delayed again, halt all HS2 enabling work immediately. – Petitions

What is a biological record?

A biological record is essentially a point on a map showing you that a certain species/organism was found at that location by someone on a certain date. If you see an organism you know how to identify in your garden, whilst out walking, or anywhere, you can create a biological record. Some people are active recorders recording on a weekly or even daily basis, some just send in casual records when they’re out and about. However, before making a record, you must have these four key components covered:

Click here for more information.: What is a biological record? | Biodiversity Projects

Four charts that show how the UK stacks up on climate change

Climate Change

Climate Change

Should the UK declare a “climate emergency” that would inform public policy and the national budget? The question was been debated in parliament on Wednesday, with the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn declaring the government should “embrace hope” through stronger actions on greenhouse gas emissions, and the environment secretary, Michael Gove, calling the problem of climate change “an emergency”.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Four charts that show how the UK stacks up on climate change | Environment | The Guardian

Bumblebee Identification

Tree Bumblebee by Harry Appleyard, Tattenhoe 24 February 2017

Tree Bumblebee by Harry Appleyard, Tattenhoe 24 February 2017

Steven Falk has produced two new bumblebee crib sheets to help you identify those pesky white-tails and male cuckoo bees. The truth is that many can’t be done in the field at all but hope these sheets I clarify the where the limits lie. They can be downloaded here.

Biodiversity crisis is about to put humanity at risk

The world’s leading scientists will warn the planet’s life-support systems are approaching a danger zone for humanity when they release the results of the most comprehensive study of life on Earth ever undertaken.

The world’s leading scientists will warn the planet’s life-support systems are approaching a danger zone for humanity when they release the results of the most comprehensive study of life on Earth ever undertaken.

: Biodiversity crisis is about to put humanity at risk, UN scientists to warn | Environment | The Guardian

Lime Hawk-moth ©Gordon Redford, Linford Lakes NR 1 May 2019

Moth Notes 9 May 2019

It is some 20 days since I last penned some notes and for much of that time it has not really been moth weather, temperatures have been low and there has been rain and sometimes windy too.  I have run the trap in my garden every night over those 20 days but have only been to Linford Lakes Nature Reserve on 5 occasions and had only one visit to Hollington Wood.

That said, there has been a sort of spluttering start to moth season proper with the appearance of the aptly named Herald on the 21stApril at Linford Lakes followed on 30thApril there a Lime Hawk-moth, Pebble Prominent and Spectacle Moth. 

Herald moth ©Gordon Redford, Linford Lakes NR 7 April 2019

The Herald is one of a small number of moths that overwinter as adults in sheltered locations such as sheds, barns and outhouses. The caterpillars feed on Aspens, Willow and Poplars of which there are plenty at Linford Lakes.

Lime Hawk-moth ©Gordon Redford, Linford Lakes NR 1 May 2019

The Lime Hawk-moth is one of nine species of hawk-moth that are resident in the British Isles.  There are nine other species that occur as immigrants but the early stages are unable to survive the winter.  The Lime Hawk-moth does not feed as an adult.  The caterpillars are not confined to Lime trees and will feed on Elms, Birches and Alders.

Pebble Prominent moth ©Gordon Redford, Linford Lakes NR 1 May 2019

Pebble Prominent is so named because of the pebble like blotch on the fore wing.  It is able to produce 2 generations in a year, one on the wing April to June and the other July to August.  The caterpillars feed on Sallow, Willows, Aspen and Poplars. 

Spectacle moth ©Gordon Redford, Linford Lakes NR 1 May 2019

The Spectacle is so named after the grey shape, like a pair of spectacles or goggles visible on the thorax when viewed front on.  Like the Pebble Prominent, the Spectacle has two generations spanning April to September. The food plant of the caterpillars is Common Nettle.

1 Day old Emperor caterpillars. ©Gordon Redford, Newport Pagnell 5 May 2019

On Moth Notes of 29thMarch, I wrote about Emperor Moths and showed a photograph of some eggs that had been laid after moths had mated.  Well, on Saturday, 4thMay there was great joy and excitement in the Redford household because the eggs began to hatch.  The caterpillars are about 2mm long and as the photograph shows have shiny black heads, black bodies with short black hairs. They will just eat and eat now till around August.  

Text and photos kindly supplied by Gordon Redford. Click here to read the previous edition of Moth Notes


  • Herald moth
  • Lime Hawk-moth
  • Pebble Prominent
  • Spectacle
  • 1 day old Emperor caterpillars

Humanity must save insects to save ourselves, leading scientist warns

Humanity must save insects, if not for their sake, then for ourselves, a leading entomologist has warned.

“Insects are the glue in nature and there is no doubt that both the [numbers] and diversity of insects are declining,” said Prof Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. “At some stage the whole fabric unravels and then we will really see the consequences.”

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Humanity must save insects to save ourselves, leading scientist warns | Environment | The Guardian

‘Bee saviour’ sugar cards could save starving insects

If you’ve ever felt a pang of pity for a starving bee struggling on the pavement in front of you, then help may soon be at hand. Or more precisely, in your wallet.

A community development worker has invented a credit card-style reviver for bees containing three sachets of sugar solution, which can be placed beside the insect to feed it.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: ‘Bee saviour’ sugar cards could save starving insects | Environment | The Guardian

Green-winged Orchid and cowslips ©Jenny Mercer, Pilch Field 3 May 2019

Visit to Pilch Field 3 May 2019

A fieldfare sightings has been confirmed by an RSPB Birder whom I met at Pilch on Friday last. They were very late to arrive and then left late from North Bucks this year. There is a great proliferation of Green-winged orchids and many cowslips still in full flower. Great for all you photographers out there, as colour of both is great.
Green-winged Orchid ©Jenny Mercer, Pilch Field 3 May 2019
There are strong purple to pink in the variations on the orchids this year which showed so well in the dullish 4pm onwards light on showery evenings. Marsh marigolds are much more extensive this year with several new clumps in both fields. The impact of BBOWT WORK Parties on clearing bramble in both field is welcome with very extensive areas of Adders Tongue on ridge and furrow clearings just in front of the trees area at far end of larger Pilch Field, uphill on the side of old pond area.
Text and photos kindly provided by Jenny Mercer

Dutch engineers build world’s biggest sun-seeking solar farm

Dutch engineers are building what will be the world’s largest archipelago of islands made up of sun-tracking solar panels.

Growing resistance to the construction of wind turbines or fields of solar panels on land has led the renewable energy industry to look for alternative options. Large islands of solar panels are under construction or already in place in reservoirs and lakes across the Netherlands, China, the UK and Japan.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Dutch engineers build world’s biggest sun-seeking solar farm | World news | The Guardian

Why you should turn your lawn into a meadow

Most lawns have been silenced by the regime of a lawnmower, leaving just a few species of grass. They are biodiversity deserts, barren of beetle and bee, contributing to a vanishing insect population – and worse still, we pursue this. There are aisles in garden centres promising ever-greener sward, with no moss and weeds. Let there be no misunderstanding: these are chemicals that silence the soil.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Why you should turn your lawn into a meadow | Life and style | The Guardian

‘Beast of Beddau’ is new millipede find

The Beast of Beddau has joined the Maerdy Monster as a new bug species found at old coal mine sites in the UK.

The small, white millipede is one of more than 900 different species found during a three-year study which highlights the importance of colliery spoil sites in south Wales to wildlife.

It was found at the old Cwm Colliery near Beddau, described as one of the most biodiverse in the region.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Biodiversity: ‘Beast of Beddau’ is new millipede find – BBC News

Road verges can be key for pollinator survival

A new report launched by Buglife has looked in detail at the role road verges play for pollinators across the UK. It concludes that road verges are important habitats for pollinators, providing food and shelter and connecting many habitats though they also present the threat of collisions and pollutants.

Click here for more information.: Road verges can be key for pollinator survival | Buglife

Nature crisis: Humans ‘threaten 1m species with extinction’

On land, in the seas, in the sky, the devastating impact of humans on nature is laid bare in a compelling UN report.

One million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction.

Nature everywhere is declining at a speed never previously seen and our need for ever more food and energy are the main drivers.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Nature crisis: Humans ‘threaten 1m species with extinction’ – BBC News

General licences and BTO

Andy Clements, BTO Chief Executive, sets out BTO’s position regarding the current debate about wildlife licensing

In the UK, certain wild bird species can be lethally controlled (killed) when the conditions of a licence from Natural England have been met. General Licences – the subject of current public debate – are licences for people to use without applying for a licence to undertake a particular activity. The principles embedded in the legislation to protect wild birds are that lethal control is used only as a last resort and in circumstances where the target birds can have a significant negative impact, for example on health and safety (birds and aircraft), livelihoods (Woodpigeons and food crops) or on the conservation of other wildlife.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: General licences and BTO | BTO – British Trust for Ornithology

Government debate on Hedge & Tree netting

UK Government logo

UK Government logo

We are being asked to leave opinions on an official government Facebook page about Hedge & Tree netting. 350k+ people signed the petition, now it’s time to let them know how much it means to you to put a stop to it. Please respond to the request. Thank you

Click here for more information.

What zero emissions means for UK

“Make no mistake, this report will change your life,” says Prof David Reay at the University of Edinburgh. “If the meticulous and robust expert advice here is heeded it will deliver a revolution in every facet of our lives, from how we power our homes and travel to work to the food we buy.”

Click here to read the rest of the article.: ‘This report will change your life’: what zero emissions means for UK | Environment | The Guardian

Curlew breeding site at Waterstock gets protected status

A nature reserve found to be a breeding site for an endangered species of bird has been designated as a protected Local Wildlife Site.

Waterstock, near Oxford, is home to a population of curlews but is also an important site for otters, other mammals and some endangered plants.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Curlew breeding site at Waterstock gets protected status – BBC News

Quick Ant Guide

Ant identification

Ant identification

Ants are 1 of the most successful families on 🌏 with 12,000+ species. Luckily, there’s only 50 species in the UK & Richard Becker has made a quick ID chart  for the most common species

Click here to read the view the chart.

Discover bluebells

Bluebells by Harry Appleyard, Howe Park Wood 10 April 2016

Bluebells by Harry Appleyard, Howe Park Wood 10 April 2016

Carpets of native English bluebells in ancient woodlands are a very special and very British wildlife spectacle. While they grow in other parts of Western Europe bluebells reach their highest densities in Britain and Ireland. It is estimated that 25% – 50% of all common bluebells can be found in the British Isles. Bluebells are a key indicator species for ancient woodlands, which means bluebell woods are likely to date back to at least 1600 and may be much much older.

Click here to see Bluebell Wood recommended by the Bedfordshire Cambridgeshire Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust: Discover bluebells | Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants

 Defra Launches Systems Research Programme

Today, [3rd May, 2019] my team officially launches a new Defra Science project – the Systems Research Programme.

This programme breaks new ground by taking a “systems-thinking” approach to understanding the key policy questions across the Defra group. Defra manages different systems such as the food, water, waste, land use or marine. These systems involve many components which interact in defined ways at various scales. By mapping these systems – identifying the interdependencies between different components and relating these two areas of the Defra Portfolio – we have the opportunity to consider how Defra works and whether this needs to change.

Click here for more information:
Defra press release
Professor Ian Boyd’s blog

Dawn Chorus Day 5 May 2019

International Dawn Chorus Day is held on the first Sunday in May each year, which falls on May 5th in 2019. The event is promoted by the Wildlife Trust and this is the perfect opportunity for nature lovers to gather at dawn in one of the scenic spots in the United Kingdom to listen to the sounds of birds as they sing to great the rising sun.

Click here for more information:
History and background
RSPB events
RSPB Local Group Dawn Chorus walk at Linford Lakes

The beauty of flies

Stalk-eyed fly

Stalk-eyed fly

Dr Erica McAlister, of London’s Natural History Museum, talks to Jim Al-Khalili about the beautiful world of flies and the 2.5 million specimens for which she is jointly responsible.

According to Erica, a world without flies would be full of faeces and dead bodies. Unlike, for example, butterflies and moths, whose caterpillars spend their time devouring our crops and plants, fly larvae tend to help rid the world of waste materials and then, as adults, perform essential work as pollinators. Yet they are rather unloved by humans who tend to regard them as pests at best and disease vectors at worst.

2019 is international Year of the Fly, and dipterists and entomologists around the world are working to raise the profile of the many thousands of species so far known to science.

Erica tells Jim about her work in the museum, cataloguing and identifying new species either sent in from other researchers or discovered by her and her colleagues on swashbuckling trips around the world. Modern gene sequencing techniques are revealing new chapters in the life histories of species, and her collection of 300 year old dead flies continues to expand our knowledge of how the world works.

Perhaps in the future, she argues, we will all be eating pasta and bread made from fly-larvae protein, or using small tea-bag like packets of maggots in our wounds to clean out gangrenous infection.

Click here to listen to the 30 minute interview: The Life Scientific – Erica McAlister on the beauty of flies – BBC Sounds

Petition to restore nature on a massive scale to help stop climate breakdown

UK Government logo

UK Government logo

To avoid a climate emergency we need to act fast. Rewilding and other natural climate solutions can draw millions of tonnes of CO2 out of the air through restoring and protecting our living systems. We call on the UK government to make a bold financial and political commitment to nature’s recovery.

Click here for more information.: Restore nature on a massive scale to help stop climate breakdown – Petitions

Moth Id – Early Thorn

The resting position of the Early Thorn distinguishes it from all other British thorns, with wings held back and close together, similar to a butterfly. The summer generation is smaller and paler, typically with larger tawny orange patches on the underside. Darker forms are encountered in the north.

Click here for more information.: Early Thorn

RSPBNBLG Walk –  Dawn chorus at Linford Lakes 12 May 2019

RSPB logoThe RSPB North Bucks Local Group are leading a field trip to:

Location: Linford Lakes Nature Reserve. Meet in car park. Leave Newport Rd on north side opposite entrance to Black Horse pub. After 50m fork left and follow track, reaching car park after 1/3 mile. SP 843 429, MK14 5AH.
Postcode: MK14 5AH (Google map)

Linford is a great place to hear birdsong at its best, being away from roads. The scrub and woodland attracts a huge variety of songsters. Early morning is also good to see mammals. A joint event with the Friends group, who may (no promises!) lay on breakfast at the end. Paths accessible with care to wheelchairs/buggies.

Time: 6am to 8.30am PLEASE NOTE EARLY START!

Price: Free event


See the RSPB North Bucks Local Group website for more information

MKNHS is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. You should check details of any events listed on external sites with the organisers.

Russia moves to free nearly 100 captive whales

Russian authorities have decided to free nearly 100 whales held in cages in the country’s far east, according to reports.

Images of the whales, kept in cramped enclosures in a bay near the Sea of Japan port city of Nakhodka, first appeared last year, triggering a storm of criticism…

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Russia moves to free nearly 100 captive whales after outcry | World news | The Guardian

Two-thirds of glacier ice in the Alps ‘will melt by 2100’

Two-thirds of the ice in the glaciers of the Alps is doomed to melt by the end of the century as climate change forces up temperatures, a study has found.

Half of the ice in the mountain chain’s 4,000 glaciers will be gone by 2050 due to global warming already baked in by past emissions, the research shows. After that, even if carbon emissions have plummeted to zero, two-thirds of the ice will still have melted by 2100.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Two-thirds of glacier ice in the Alps ‘will melt by 2100’ | Environment | The Guardian

Moth Id – Hebrew Character

The typical form of this common species has a distinct black mark on the forewing that is unique among spring-flying moths, but in northern parts, this mark may be the same as the ground colour, or paler.

This moth spends the winter as a pupa in an underground cocoon, with the adult fully formed inside. The caterpillars can be found between April and July, feeding mainly at night on the buds and then the leaves of their foodplant.

Click here for more information.: Hebrew Character

RSPBNBLG Talk – What’s happening now in conservation 9 May 2019

RSPB logoThe RSPB North Bucks Local Group are hosting a talk:

Location: The Cruck Barn, City Discovery Centre, Alston Drive, Bradwell Abbey, Milton Keynes
Postcode: MK13 9AP (Google map)

As RSPB’s Conservation Director, Martin is perfectly placed to update us on key conservation issues – he and his team are often at the very heart of some of the key issues for the RSPB. Martin will talk about the species, locations and habitats that are RSPB’s current priorities and what the Conservation team at RSPB are hoping to achieve over the coming years. Sure to be a topical, informative and entertaining evening.

*** This illustrated talk will be preceded by our short Annual General Meeting ***

Time: Doors open 7.15pm for a prompt 7.45pm start, ends at 10pm

Price: Group members £3, Non-group members £4, Children £1

See the RSPB North Bucks Local Group website for more information

MKNHS is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. You should check details of any events listed on external sites with the organisers.

Wild Justice wins its first legal challenge

Yesterday afternoon (23 April), nearly 10 weeks after Wild Justice launched a challenge to the legality of the 2019 General Licences (on 13 February), Natural England announced that it was revoking  2019 General Licences 04/05/06 on Thursday (25 April) after deciding to do so at its Board meeting of 15 April.

After nearly four decades of unlawful casual killing of millions, tens of millions, of birds, sanctioned by a succession of government statutory conservation agencies over the years, the current system has been shown to be unlawful by the tiny and fledgling wildlife organisation, Wild Justice.

Click here for more information.:
Statement by Wild Justice

Mass killing of geese on Islay must cease

The shooting of thousands of geese on the island of Islay leaves many to suffer a slow death, contaminates the environment and is founded on “poor science”, according to a new scientific study.

Independent bird experts have concluded that the mass culling of geese that fly in every October from Greenland is unnecessary, unsustainable and does not deliver value for money. They have called for the killing to end.

Click here to read the rest of the article.: Mass killing of geese on Islay must cease, say scientists | The Ferret