In addition to places described in the Wildlife Sites page, you can watch wildlife anywhere within Milton Keynes to which there is public access. Milton Keynes’ roads, public footpaths and bridleways wind through a patchwork of gardens, parks and farmland, with habitats ranging from old copses to new plantations, spinneys to woodlands, seasonal ponds to lakes, ditches to rivers and canals, plus miles of hedges and roadside verges. Information about Parks and Open spaces in Milton Keynes can be obtained from Milton Keynes Council and The Parks Trust.
If you are new to wildlife watching, the society’s spring and summer excursions are a great way to experience wildlife in the company of experts; and you will see and learn more in a few hours than you would in a day on your own. Many members of the society are actively involved in local wildlife study and conservation and will be happy for you to accompany or help them. This is probably the best way for you to increase your knowledge and skills. And if there is nothing that takes your fancy, the chances are that someone in the group will know someone else who has same interests as you.
Now the schoolmasterly bit…
When wildlife watching, always follow The Countryside Code, and bear in mind that if you leave a public right of way you may be trespassing. Also, you have no right to erect a hide on, or in any other way block, a public path. If you wish to spend a lot of time in an area – especially at night – you should first get the landowner’s permission – you never know, they may also let you explore off the paths onto private land! Many private woods in the area are used for pheasant rearing or deer stalking, so making a phone call beforehand may save you from being mistaken for a poacher. Advice about rights of way can be obtained from the Milton Keynes Council Rights of Way Officer. Finally, be careful about revealing the locations of sensitive sites – such as badger setts, bird nests, rare plants, and anything on private land – to people who may not be as honest and conservation-minded as you are.
We hope you enjoy wildlife watching in and around Milton Keynes. If you have any wildlife sightings you would like to share, we would love to hear about them through our Contact page. Thank you!