Weekend walk Linford Wood led by Colin Docketty – Sunday 24th October 2021

Autumn Tints, Fungi and woodland birds
Weather sunny. 12 participants

We walked every surfaced path in the wood over 3 hours. Unfortunately the trees were very late changing colour this year, and only one tree in the entire wood had autumn tints – a North American Oak.

Most of the wood carvings have now disintegrated with time. There is still a bear and a monkey on the ground, and an owl in a tree. Rupert Bear has succumbed.

Fungi: We saw a fair number of fungi including some species growing in a circle. One very spectacular mushroom looked like a piece of discarded orange peel – the Orange Peel Fungus Aleuria Aurantia.

Orange Peel fungus (Photo © Derek Taylor)

Insects: When it warmed up after midday we saw a Bee Fly, a male Common Darter dragonfly, and several Speckled Wood butterflies, one of which perched beautifully for us to admire and photograph. We also saw a hornets’ nest on a tree, found by a visitor who joined us on the walk.

Birds: We only heard Jay and Green Woodpecker.

A very pleasant walk enjoyed by all.

Colin Docketty