The much delayed 51st AGM is now scheduled for 7.30 pm on Tuesday 6th October via Zoom. The Agenda and papers for it will be circulated by the Secretary in due course.
This is to give advance notice about one important item of business for that meeting – the appointment of the Chair of the Society.
The Committee has agreed that the process for appointing the Chair should be coordinated by the Officers of the Society led by Martin Kincaid so that a nomination can then be put to the AGM. This email seeks expressions of interest from members in filling this role or in suggesting someone else that you think might be interested. If you are interested or if you are able suggest someone please communicate your thoughts to me in confidence either by telephone (01908 562475), email ( or by post to my home address: 39 Tudor Gardens, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes MK11 1HX. I will share responses with fellow Officers but not beyond.
Information about the role of the Chair can be found in the MKNHS Guidance Handbook( In brief it is to lead the work of the Committee. Two of the current Officers and previous holders of the position, Linda Murphy ( and Martin Kincaid ( have indicated their willingness to discuss the role informally on the telephone if you would find that helpful – again in confidence. Please email them to fix a time for doing this.
Thank you
Joe Clinch, Acting Chair