Mass Seasonal Migrations of Hoverflies Provide Extensive Pollination and Crop Protection Services

Hover Fly, Helophilus pendulus ©Ian Saunders. garden pond, Stoke Goldington 10 june 2018

Hover Fly, Helophilus pendulus ©Ian Saunders. garden pond, Stoke Goldington 10 june 2018

  • Between 1 and 4 billion hoverflies migrate into and out of southern Britain each year
  • These migrants provide important pest control by consuming 3–10 trillion aphids
  • They also provide extensive pollination services and long-range pollen transfer
  • Migrant hoverflies play a vital role due to declines of other beneficial insects

Click here for more information.: Mass Seasonal Migrations of Hoverflies Provide Extensive Pollination and Crop Protection Services: Current Biology