RSPBNBLG Walk – Floodplain Forest NR – CANCELLED

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This walk has been cancelled as the Floodplain is …. Flooded

Location: Floodplain Forest, Old Wolverton
Meet in Parks Trust car park, off Haversham Road (near the railway viaduct)

Good for wildfowl, gulls and other wintering birds. An easy circular walk with three hides but no toilets.

Meet in Parks Trust car park (free) off Haversham Road near the railway viaduct.

Pete how will be leading this walk for us. He and other experienced birders will help you to see the best that the reserve has to offer on the day – so why not come and join us – no experience required.

Time: 10 am to 12.30pm

Price: Free event

See the RSPB North Bucks Local Group website for more information

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