RSPBNBLG Walk – Back Wood, Little Brickhill

RSPB logoThe RSPB North Bucks Local Group are leading a field trip to:

Please note change of date

Location: Back Wood, Little Brickhill

These steep woods overlooking south Milton Keynes have held Woodcock, Brambling, Siskin, Crossbill, Raven and Goshawk. A short but sometimes steep and muddy walk. No toilets. Meet at gateway SP 913 325. This is at the east end of bridge taking the Little Brickhill to Woburn road over the A5 at the crest of the Greensand Ridge. Skip toads from both directions on A5. Parking very limited so please car share if possible.

Walk Leader Chris Coppock or Pete How

Time: 10am to 1pm

Price: Free event

See the RSPB North Bucks Local Group website for more information

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