Shenley Wood – Mike LeRoy

Shenley Wood is a 30ha semi-natural ancient woodland with ‘tear-drop’ ponds to its east, all managed by The Parks Trust. Oak, ash, aspen in the canopy, field maple, hazel and goat willow in the understorey. Remnants of coniferisation from the 1950s. Over 160 flowering plant species,18 species of butterfly, 225 of moths, 182 of beetles, around 25 breeding bird species, plus bat roosts. Ponds used by newts. Grasshoppers and bush-crickets in grass by the lakes. Some areas remain muddy throughout the year.

Before we walk there will be a brief introduction to the Wood and its history.

Meet in car-park off west end of Merlewood Drive, opposite Shenley Wood primary school. Grid Reference: SP 82316 35646. Nearest Postcode: MK5 6GG.