Fungus Walk – Finemere Wood

Dear member(s),

We are planning a fungi walk this Saturday, August 24th, as the weather recently has been suitably cool and damp and hopefully there should be fungi of interest about. PLEASE NOTE: Derek and I are more than happy to lead but would prefer not to make the journey to Finemere only to find that there’s no-one else attending! So if you’d like to come, please phone or email me in advance. If no-one phones then Derek and I won’t be going! So if you turn up but don’t contact me in advance you may well find you’re on your own!

Details about the site are given below, and we meet as normal at 10.00

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,


01844-351630 (or on the day if delayed or lost 07970-740435)

Finemere Wood (SSSI – BBOWT) This reserve is a mixture of broadleaved woodland with patches of coppice and scrub, and paths and wide rides. In the centre of the wood is a historic meadow with a pond, now restored. In recent years much of the pine planted in the 1960s and 70s has been felled. Access is through a gate at SP 721 215, on the unclassified road between Edgcott and Quainton, 100 m east of pylons crossing the road. Either park judiciously on the road, or if the gate is open go down the drive to a large clearing surfaced for vehicles.