We did the garden last year and we installed a pond, so I have been staking it out, looking carefully and pond dipping. At first I thought it was devoid of life, but after being told to be patient things started to appear.
First up were pond skaters, so had a play taking their photo while they were skating on the pond.
Above: (l) Pond Skater; (r) Young Pond Skater
While pond dipping found back swimmers, water boatman, Mayfly nymphs, damselfly larva possibly common blue. Later confirmed when a green form emerged from the pond. Darter larva, plus 2 different diving beetles.
Above: (l) Back Swimmer; (r) Mayfly Nymph
Above: (l) Lesser Water Boatman; (r) Diving Beetle
Also we saw our first frog last week, but no frog spawn, hopefully next year.
While watching the pond I found the exuvia of the dragonfly and damselfly which I have collected and put onto microscope slides.
Above: (l) Common Blue damselfly larva; (r) Darter larva, poss. Common
Above: (l and r) Common Blue damselfly – green form
In between pond watching and working I also have been taking pictures of Myriapods and Isopods. Plus anything else that stayed still long enough!
Above: (l) Millipede; (r) Millipede – Polydesmus species
Above: (l and r) Woodlice-Philoscia-muscorum
Simon Bunker
(who took all the photos)