Visit to Summer Leys Nature Reserve  – Joe Clinch

Start: 11.00am
This BCNWT nature reserve of 50 hectares has been created from former gravel workings in the Nene Valley. There is a large lake with several islands and a number of inlets together with some ponds and areas of trees, bushes and meadow. It should offer a good range of birds (with 4 hides), dragonflies, butterflies and other insects. The site is wheelchair friendly. There are no toilets.

Meet in the reserve car park at SP 885 634. CAR SHARING VERY STRONGLY ADVISED

Directions: Leave the A509 at the roundabout on the outskirts of Wollaston then follow the brown signs to ‘Summer Leys Nature Reserve’ (on the minor road to Great Doddington).
If travelling via the A45, leave at the Great Doddington exit (B573) and again follow the brown signs to ‘Summer Leys Nature Reserve’. It is possible that a car parking charge will have been introduced by the planned date. For further information go to: Leys