Tattenhoe Park  –  Harry Appleyard

6.45 for 7.00pm start

Park by St.Giles Church, which is the turning off Portishead Drive, Tattenhoe, more or less opposite the Prince George Pub.  Postcode for the church is MK4 3BE. Grid ref: SP829339.

With a variety of habitats including small areas of deciduous woodland, balancing ponds, rough grassland, and a floodplain meadow, this increasingly urbanised site in the south-west corner of MK has reaped many rewards from regular visits in recent years, particularly for passage migrants, some of which in late summer have included Tree Pipits, Wheatears, Redstarts and Hawfinch.

The current plan for the walk route encompasses the soon-to-be residential roads which run between the rough grassland owned by Homes England and onto gravel paths within the southern section of the site, the Tattenhoe Valley Park, owned by The Parks Trust. There are some uneven surfaces along the unmaintained roads and the footpaths within the Tattenhoe Valley Park, with some overhanging vegetation in places. Check website for any last-minute changes.