Dunstable Downs – Colin Docketty

We will first view five species of butterfly not commonly seen in MK – Duke of Burgundy, Grizzled Skipper, Dingy Skipper, Green Hair Streak, Small Heath – which all occur together in one very small area, with Small Copper and day-flying moths also possible some flora. We will then get some exercise doing a circular walk in the downs, where we should see more common butterflies and flora.

Afterwards we could optionally have well-earned refreshments at the café – possibly a Bedfordshire Clanger, a long pastry case which the miners used to have for lunch. It has meat at one end (main course) and apples (dessert) at the other. Toilets and outside seating are available. Walking footwear is recommended.

Parking: at the Chilterns Gateway Centre , on the right of the Whipsnade road B4541. Grid reference TL008195 and post code LU6 2GY. Please note the centre charges £3.50 for parking all day.
Car sharing is encouraged.