MKNHS Plant Group 2024 Events


Date all 10.30 to 12.30 Location Habitat Leader & Co-leader Car Parking Information about the location
Sunday 28th April Shenley Wood Ancient Woodland Carla Boswell

Jenny Mercer

Merlewood Drive CP, Shenley Wood.  MK5 6GG (off Tattenhoe Street), grid ref: SP823356, what3words: timed.luck.parked MK Parks Trust website



2nd June
Stonepit Field Meadows, limestone scrape, and hedgerows Joe Clinch

Carla Boswell

Stonepit Field Parks Trust CP, MK14 6FT(off Wolverton Road, Oakridge Park), SP844422, what3words: graph.chugging.wicked MK Parks Trust website

MKNHS website

Sunday 11th August Great Ouse, Stony Stratford Riverbank Charles Kessler

Di Parsons

Car Park off Calverton Road, Stony Stratford MK11 1YT
grid ref: SP 788397 what3words: nowadays.mallets.dashes
No documented info available

Please note that Clause 7 of the Society’s constitution reads: ‘The Society will exercise due care when arranging its meetings and activities for the benefit of members. Members taking part in any meeting or activity do so at their own risk.’
