Alderflies (Megaloptera), Antlions & Lacewings (Neuroptera), Biting Lice & Bird Lice (Mallophaga), Booklice & Barklice (Psocoptera), Bristletails, Two-Pronged (Diplura), Cockroaches (Dictyoptera), Earwigs (Dermaptera), Fleas (Siphonaptera), Mayflies (Ephemeroptera), Protura (Protura), Scorpionflies & Snowfleas (Mecoptera), Silverfish & Firebrats (Zygentoma) , Snakeflies (Raphidoptera), Springtails (Collembola), Stoneflies (Plecoptera), Stick Insects (Phasmida), Stylopids (Strepsiptera), Sucking & Biting Lice (Phthiraptera), Thrips (Thysanoptera)
If you want to develop your identification skills for any of the smaller orders of British insects, please contact the MKNHS Web Editors and ask them who you could discuss this with.
- Printed
- Websites
- Apps
Native Earwigs Grasshoppers & Related Insects Recording Scheme, Biological Records Centre
Pocket Guide to the Grasshoppers, Crickets & Allied Insects of Britain & Ireland by Bryan Pinchen (Forficula Books, 2006) Includes earwigs, cockroaches
A Pictorial Guide to British Ephemeroptera by Craig Macadam & Cyril Bennett (FSC Aidgap, 2010)
Quick Ant Guide – An ID chart for the most common species.
Google Lens: Go to and there is a camera icon at the right of the search bar. Click on this, and you can drag and drop any image and it will do its best to identify it – so can be used for any flora and fauna, vertebrates and invertebrates etc. (as well as buildings, landscapes – anything, in fact.) Worth a look, but treat identifications with caution!