Get Involved

We hope you enjoy using the Society’s website. Your own articles, thoughts, photos and recordings will be very welcome, as well as your feedback on the website. Just send them in to: We look forward to receiving them so that we have a dynamic and exciting site.

Paul Lund usually sets up the sound system and replaces the microphone batteries on Tuesday evenings.
However, he will soon be going into hospital for spinal surgery and does not expect to be able to do anything for some weeks afterwards. That includes our September and October meetings.
He needs a couple of people he can show the set-up procedure to. It’s not difficult, you do not need to know about audio or electronics and he intends to make it easier by colour coding all plugs and cables.
Please contact him via as soon as possible so he can arrange a short meeting at the Cruck Barn to show you what to do.

If you are interested in helping to keep the MKNHS website up-to-date, lively and interesting we would love to hear from you! There are several ways in which you could get involved.

Julie Lane, formerly a Vice President of the Society, has moved to the Lake District. She was a very active member of the website team and we are hoping to find one or two others to take over the work that she did:

  • encouraging articles for the website for example by approaching members with suggestions for what they might contribute;
  • helping with the writing if members needed support;
  • producing a ‘digest’ of website articles twice a year and sending it to members without internet access;

At the same time our Webeditor, Martin Ferns, is looking for someone who would like to take on the work of updating the Sightings page. This would help a lot when members of the team are away (it wasn’t a problem over the last couple of years, but now travel is back on the agenda….). We also need more cover in case of illness or other issues. You would be given access and trained how to edit this website page

Finally, for similar reasons, we would like to find another member of the team to act as back up for our web-master Rebeca Hiorns. Ideally we’d like to find someone with experience of working with WordPress, but again, this is something that you can learn (as we have!).

If you’d like to help in any of these roles or want to know more, please get in touch with Martin Ferns, Rebecca Hiorns or Linda Murphy at a meeting or email

Applications are invited from members who need grants to carry out research, surveys etc. in the field of natural history.

This Fund has been set up, with the original bequest of the late Gordon Osborn (President of the Society from 1975-1991), to offer financial support to Society members in order that they may carry out a research project in the field of natural history, a survey of a particular local area or species, an educational programme or any other cause considered worthy by the administrators of the fund.

Any member of the society may apply in writing to the administrators of the fund for a grant. Applications should include a description of the activity requiring support and an estimate of the costs involved.

Full information about the fund is available in the MKNHS Guidance Handbook, Appendix 2

If you have a query or wish to apply for a grant, please email MKNHS Secretary: