Willen Lake species glossary

Willen Lake species glossary

The scientific names of all the species mentioned for Willen Lake can be found in order of appearance in this species glossary.


Common Bird’s-foot-trefoil   Lotus corniculatus
Grass-poly                               Lythrum hyssopifolium


Otter                                        Lutra lutra


Kingfisher                               Alcedo atthis
Sedge Warbler                       Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
Reed Warbler                         Acrocephalus scirpaceus
Water Rail                               Rallus aquaticus
Cetti’s Warbler                       Cettia cetti
Common Tern                        Sterna hirundo
House Martin                         Delichon urbica
Wigeon                                    Anas penelope
Goldeneye                              Bucephala clangula
Goosander                              Mergus merganser
Starling                                    Sturnus vulgaris
Snipe                                       Galinago gallinago
Grey Heron                             Ardea cinerea
Little Egret                              Egretta garzetta
Wood Sandpiper                   Tringa glareola
Hobby                                     Falco subbuteo
Wilson’s Phalarope               Phalaropus tricolor
Avocet                                      Recurvirostra avosetta


Grass Snake                            Natrix natrix


Hairy-footed Flower Bee        Anthophora plumipes