“What’s About” is now “Recent Sightings”

Recent Sightings graphicSince the website was launched, we have posted details of recent sightings of wildlife in the Milton Keynes area. These sightings have been published as weekly news items called “What’s About”.

Our members have said that they would prefer a single page with all sightings, rather than the individual weekly news items.

From January 2017, we have introduced a new page on the website called “Recent Sightings”. You can access the page from the menu at the top – choose “News”,  then “Recent Sightings”. There is also a quick link in the right hand sidebar under the Magpie logo called “Click Here For Recent Sightings”.

Sightings are listed in date order with the most recent at the top of the list.

We hope you like this change. Please send your sightings and photos to sightings@mknhs.org.uk so that we can share them with everyone interested in wildlife in the Milton Keynes area.

The new sightings mailbox has been added to the contact form on the contact us page.