Howe Park Wildlife Fun Day 1 July 2017

Howe Park Wood Education and Visitor Centre

On the 1st July 2017 the Society took part in the third Family Fun Day at Howe Park Wood as part of the MK50 celebrations.

Our first event at Howe Park, in conjunction with The Parks Trust and The Wildlife Trust, was held in memory of one of our founder members Bernard Frewin.

Milton Keynes Natural History Society display boards at Howe Park Wood

MKNHS display boards at Howe Park Wood. Photo courtesy of The Parks Trust

It was such a success that it was repeated the following year. However this year the event also marked the start of the ‘Milton Keynes Festival of Nature’ a week of events to promote and celebrate our local wildlife and beautiful landscape around the city.

The day was a great success with many attractions to draw in the crowds such as pond dipping, wildlife walks, bird ringing and our very own Gordon the Moth Man and many more. We also had a table in the woods with activities based around feathers and a scavenge hunt.

Howe Park Family Wildlife Day held in memory of Bernard Frewin

Howe Park Family Wildlife Fun Day held in memory of Bernard Frewin by Julie Lane

Our new display boards were on show for the first time on the MKNHS stand and looked very smart alongside a table of different tree leaves that Roy had brought along for people to identify.

Thank you very much for all of you who came out to help manned the display and activities and lead walks etc. We are lucky to have so many active members.

Julie Lane